WikiWomenCamp 2012
Béria Lima: beria.lima(_AT_)
Beatriz Busaniche: bea(_AT_)
WikiWomenCamp 2012 is being organized in Buenos Aires for women in the Wikimedia movement. The conference is a three day women, by sex or gender, only wiki conference, facilitated using open-space in English and Spanish by AnneGoldenberg with Wikimedia Argentina being the formal hosts.
WikiWomenCamp initiated as an event to open up opportunity for women (by gender or sex) to get together, learn from each other's experience, network with other women who can assist them in meeting their goals and share passions as part of the Wiki Ohana, and discuss issues related to being women involved in the wider wiki community with similar like minded women.
The conference is held to explore challenges facing women contributing to free knowledge movement and discuss opportunities to actively support the spread of free knowledge by communicating how successful strategies can be applied to outreach in different countries and cultures. Female participants have the opportunity to network with their peers in other countries, and develop lasting relationships that allows international partnerships that might not be possible otherwise because of cultural communication problems involving communicating solely online.
Around seventeen women will participate in WikiWomenCamp. Organizers believe that collaboration thrives on diversity. All open minded individuals are welcome to participate, whether by teaching, taking an active role in discussions, helping people to connect to those who can assist them, or sharing their stories.
WikiWomenCamp is what the participants make it, and we’ll work to make it enlightening, productive and fun!
The event will be open to all women involved with the Wikimedia movement, and involved with wikis in general including commercial, non-profit and educational wikis. The conference will be on 23, 24, and 25 May 2012 in Buenos Aires.