[edit ]This is the page for the WikiTimeLine project, I hope you'll be interested... What I want to create is a relational timeline database for history facts of any kind.
Please note:
- Everything's a DRAFT here
- Feel free to modify anything that you think is incorrect (leave a comment in the bottom section)
- I'm from Argentina, so my english is not very good, please correct anything that looks bad.
The Idea
[edit ]A timeline database with history facts for global history, people, corporations, products, etc., a global database of timelines that could be used to show graphic interactive timelines specified by the user, e.g.:
- Select U.S. History
- Select Presidencies of the U.S.
- Select Academy Awards (Oscars) winners
That should show a server-built timeline with all the facts from each one of the selections in a graphic way that helps the user understand the facts in relation to a context.
Similar work
[edit ]Please note: As I started doing some research, I noted a lot of other similar projects exist. Refer to the time category and check them out.
One of them is EasyTimeline. Basically, it's a server side application that uses formatting commands to make graphic timelines. Check out the syntax, it can get really complex. Also, there is a list of examples of galleries made with EasyTimeline.
It's really good at what it does, but let me state some differences with my idea.
- I intend to create a unification of timeline formats.
- I want to specify semantic content only.
- Formatting should be done by the user, special software, or...
- Could be rendered with EasyTimeline (using a file format converter).
[edit ]Got in touch with Wikicalendar, we're in the progress of merging both, because the goals are the same, and frankly, I don't care about implementation details (wikisyntax, xml, etc), I just want this done and working!
The File Format(s)
[edit ]I don't know if this is possible, but it would be really interesting for the sake of compatibility and extensibility, that these timelines were created in XML format.
- Please note that these files may not validate at all, I'm not very good at XML yet. Make the changes you feel necessary.
What it means
[edit ]I decided to add this section for people that don't understand XML or DTD file formats (and also for those who can help out, since I'm not much of a coder).
- The main timeline tag should be unique.
- It should hold a unique summary tag and one or more event tags.
- The summary tag should contain a brief explanation of the timeline.
- The event tag should contain a unique title and date tag.
- It can contain link and image tags, that are not mandatory.
- The title tag should contain a brief explanation of the event.
- The date tag should contain at least one year tag. Tags month and day are optional.
- The link tag should contain a well formed URI for more information on specified event.
- The image tag should contain a well formed URI that references to a valid image about the event.
The Document Type Definition (DTD or DOCTYPE)
[edit ]The proposed timeline.dtd file:
<!DOCTYPE timeline [ <!ELEMENT timeline (summary,event*)> <!ELEMENT summary (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT event (title,date,link*,image*)> <!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT date (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT link (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT image (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST event rating (1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10) #DEFAULT 10> ]>
The XML File Format
[edit ]An example timeline XML file (facts are fabricated):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE timeline SYSTEM "timeline.dtd"> <timeline> <summary>About Robert Calfer's life</summary> <event rating="10"> <title>Robert Calfer is born</title> <date> <year>1950</year> <month>03</month> <day>15</day> </date> <image></image> </event> <event rating="8"> <title>Robert publishes his first book "Laura"</title> <date> <year>1972</year> <month>10</month> </date> <link></link> <image></image> </event> <event rating="1"> <title>Robert gets angina, it gives him the idea to write his short story "He died but no one told him"</title> <date> <year>1986</year> </date> <link></link> </event> <event rating="6"> <title>Robert publishes his second book "Carooned"</title> <date> <year>1989</year> <month>10</month> <day>25</day> </date> <link></link> <image></image> </event> <event rating="10"> <title>Robert gets the Pulitzer</title> <date> <year>1992</year> <month>08</month> <day>12</day> </date> <link></link> <image></image> </event> <event rating="5"> <title>Robert dates Lucy McIntire for three years</title> <daterange> <begin> <year>1995</year> <month>02</month> <day>20</day> </begin> <end> <year>1998</year> <month>01</month> <day>05</day> </end> </daterange> <link></link> <image></image> </event> </timeline>
I need help with
[edit ]- Making a correct DTD, or
- Convert this to a wikisyntax format.
First published: --Julianrod 19:04, 11 April 2006 (UTC) [reply ]