WikiJournal User Group/Meetings/2022年03月20日
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WikiJournal User Group
Open access • Publication charge free • Public peer review • Wikipedia-integrated
WikiJournal User Group is a publishing group of open-access, free-to-publish, Wikipedia-integrated academic journals. <seo title=" WJM, WikiJMed, Wiki.J.Med., WikiJMed, Wikiversity Journal User Group, WikiJournal WikiMed, Free to publish, Open access, Open-access, Non-profit, online journal, Public peer review "/>
Date: 2022年3月15日 and 2022年3月20日
[edit ]Date: 3/20/2022
[edit ]- Eric Youngstrom
- Thomas Shafee
- Kelee Pacion
- Gwinyai Masukume
- Andrew Leung
- Iris Yang
Date: 3/15/2022
[edit ]Agenda
[edit ]- Action Items from February meeting update
- Technical editors - team leads Andrew, Jack, Eric
- Option to contract for "back office" platform
- 2700ドル per journal for the Enterprise level solution
- Suggestion: Start with one (WJ Science? An active journal with a lot of technical expertise attached), have a brief report at next meeting about progress and hot takes
- Vote passed unanimously (5/5)
- Next action: Thomas to secure service; Gwinyai to attend meetings for startup ====
- Developer contractor - Thomas
- WJM and WJS "whips" updates - Roger and Kelee
- Outreach to current editors, what has been learned so far- Kelee
- Universal Code of Conduct vote
- Rejection workflow
- Slack channel for journals?
- Next steps
- How can we train on other jobs for those of us who are less Wikiconfident?-Kelee question
- Social media
Bonus stuff:
[edit ]- How to move article from draft to mainspace (case in point) ← Success!
Notes 1
[edit ]- Andrew sharing what they have done so far from the technical editors-
- Need to work on rejection process
- Outstanding submissions (those submitted before Dec 2021 - WikiJMed: 17; WikiJSci: 9; WikiJHum: 11)
- From 2019 - WikiJMed: 3; WikiJSci: 1; WikiJHum: 3
- Need to follow up with these submissions first if the authors would like to continue with the publishing process
- Eric to discuss next steps with tech editor Josh
- Update from Eric- distributed team- will be setting up a video call and still working out a few things. Questions: Who is the PI on the grant? Might be Mikael. Some delay in timing because we are waiting for new people to start and the timing of onboarding is a concern. Still looking organizationally and contacting authors. Some issues with pay and emails. Still working out who needs to be onboard to help develop the plan. Who are the decision makers? Andrew, Jack, or Eric. Then take the idea to Mikael or Thomas. Then we have the workflow/second layer of decision making
- Andrew wasn't sure who has the authority to approve hiring. Need to decide if we should stagger the training for existing staff and new staff separately or onboard everyone at the same time
- Agreed during the meeting that either Andrew, Jack or Eric can proceed with the hiring process
- Eric said about 4-5 existing tech editors remain on board, 3 of them have payment process set up and ready
- This leaves Andrew to hire 1 or 2.
- Developer update from Thomas- found someone that uses the languages PHP and Lua. Has been successful in next stages of developer projects. Improving connection between wikiversity and wikidata-automating table of items in processing. Will help streamline automatically updating articles being added
- Module:WikiJournal Pulls metadata from wikidata
- Implementation of full author list based on wikidata entries.
- Implementation of "getAuthorCount"
- Implementation of "by online form"
- Updated "affiliation string" handling
- More informative error messages
- Template:WikiJournalBotList Listeriabot alternative
- Article retrieval (bot)
- Article display (through templates)
- Automatic extraction of volume and issue
- Module:WikiJournal Pulls metadata from wikidata
- Update from outreach to editors
- People are overloaded at work
- Unsure of how to engage
- We need more people to contribute across the journals
- Everyone is struggling to get reviewers-even well known/traditional journals (comment from Eric) the economic model of the review system is not sustainable, why review for free for a publisher to make a profit. Our model should be exciting! (Diamond open access, baby!!!!)
- Discussion of social media, summer intern, and how we can stack some tweets/insta posts using HootSuite
- Onboarding may be part of the issue, how to onboard effectively and help people remember everything
- Discussion of WJHumanities and activity level from editors. Showing up to meetings is absolutely not required, but still curious about other ways of engaging and what level of engagement we have at that journal. Discussion of active outreach to authors from perspective of WJM and WJS
- Need to move current WJH submissions through
- Figure out process to decline articles
- Documentation:
- YouTube shorts or video walking through steps (like videogamers sharing how to beat a level)
- Infographic and QR code to FAQs?
- Incentives:
- Altruism – Knowledge wants to be free! Diamond open access!
- Metrics – reach!
- Service – documenting it
- Sample CV entries
- Publons
- Thank you pages with links to reviewers and articles
- Rewards
- Prizes for most reviews, most articles shepherded to publication as Action Editor
- Types of prize?
- Gift card?
- Travel award?
- NFT? :-) oh god no!
- If any of these are done, then we need to think about a way to not have this be an additional layer of work
- Discussion about people scooping submissions during the review process, as our submissions are openly available
- Datestamp on the wiki’s history page serves as definitive proof
- CRediT author statement
- Needs to be modified to account for crowdsourced writing
Notes part 2
[edit ]- CREDIT continued
- In submission form - give options of "done" or "will do during review"
- Timing: before submission, during review, after acceptance
- Give information/links to resources (same as non-tech summary, etc)
- Idea of purchasing: and testing with one Journal. WJS most likely- use the resource for 6 weeks, report back, and decide if we want to purchase for the other journals.
- Called a vote, passed unanimously
- Report back on progress at the next meeting (in late April)
Action items
[edit ]- Eric will work with Josh on a plan to send to Andrew and Jack- technical editor hiring
- Andrew to develop job poster outlining requirements for tech editor. Andrew may hire candidates from Canada or internationally
- Sarah Vital will be the WjHumanities Whip for 3 months
- Initial call to purchase PKP Services, initial testing,
- Next call set up to be at 6pm Eastern. Two meetings, one focus on Open journal, the other focus on general reporting and technical editors update. Next meeting tentatively scheduled for end of April or beginning of May. Public meeting delayed until June. Email normal lists and
- Plan for next Wikimania