WikiJournal User Group/Meetings/2019年03月08日
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WikiJournal User Group
Open access • Publication charge free • Public peer review • Wikipedia-integrated
WikiJournal User Group is a publishing group of open-access, free-to-publish, Wikipedia-integrated academic journals. <seo title=" WJM, WikiJMed, Wiki.J.Med., WikiJMed, Wikiversity Journal User Group, WikiJournal WikiMed, Free to publish, Open access, Open-access, Non-profit, online journal, Public peer review "/>
- Minutes originally drafted in Google doc and copied here after 48 hours
[edit ]March 8 @ 10 pm UTC
- Thomas Shafee
- Kelee Pacion
- Jack Nunn
- Sarah Vital
- Gwinyai Masukume
- Andrew Leung
[edit ]- Update on Action items from Jan 2019 meeting
- Rapid Grant submitted 1st Feb (Mikael Haggstrom)
- CoC working group update
- Prepare social media for Women and girls in science day (none assigned)
- Social media suggestions populate form
- Explore links with Cochrane to have systematic reviews added to Wiki (none assigned)
- I (Mark Worthen) would appreciate an update from any knowledgeable Board members regarding the controversy discussed in this Nature article five months ago - Mass resignation guts board of prestigious Cochrane Collaboration.
- Editorial boards
- Composition: rebalancing gender, ethnicity, location bias?
- Process: fixes for low engagement in application voting?
- Volunteers for specialised tasks? (treasurer, meeting organiser, soc media, outreach, etc)
- Indexing goals? (examples)
- WikiJMed now eligible to re-apply for SCOPUS indexing
- WikiJSci similarly eligible for SCOPUS
- WikiJMed eligible for PMC
- Recruit a research methodology & statistics expert for WikiJSci & WikiJMed. See this comment I (Mark Worthen) made regarding accurate computation and interpretation of inter-rater reliability for an article submitted as a preprint.
- Add articles to Wikidata and link them via the Template:Article info
- Push development of the Template:Article infobox to replace Template:Article info X
Ran out of time before full agenda finished (marked ‘X’)
[edit ]- Code of conduct report
- CoC working group meet on 14 March with WMF community safety group
- Aims and goals being defined with help of WMF community safety group
- Initial preference for concise, 3-part structure (inspired by friendly space policy)
- Positives to strive for
- Negatives not tolerated (red lines)
- Reporting structure and action process
- Draft being written as google doc
- Preliminary, tentative timeline:
- March 31 - have internal first draft
- April 15 - Invite WikiJournal Editorial boards feedback to generate second draft
- April 31 - Invite WikiJournal public feedback to generate third draft
- May 07 - Put CoC to vote for initial implementation
- Later date - Feedback/'advertising' from broader Wikimedia community?
- Social media for Women and Girls in Science day was not actioned (none assigned in time)
- Rapid grant 2019 application delayed (2018 report not yet accepted)
- WikiJournal User Group hopes to become "Thematic organisation"
- Will give access to larger subsequent grants
- Not budget inflation for inflation’s sake, but greater flexibility
- Hire someone to write a bot to assist technical editor?
- Add budget for graphic design / formatting papers?
- Editorial board diversity important
- Contact our own networks
- Advertise via soc media
- Centralise editorial board and associate editor applications to single page to make easier to watch?
- Cross-editorial board communication ideas:
- How to create regular internal updates newsletter (Kelee may be willing to do this, research options for organization)
- Create a ‘rhythm’ of communication expectation - for example, every week spend at least 1 hour reading/writing
- Tools to consider - Trello, Loomio - Facebook/whatsapp
- Internal cross-board initially, then maybe expanded to also public version if successful
- Jack has contacted Cochrane about ways of integrating new systematic reviews into peer the work of the WikiJournals (for example, the Task Exchange)
- Cochrane controversy is complex - main internal criticism was that Cochrane was becoming too business-linked and not independent enough (lead to protest resignations)
- May have been amplified by media reports
- Contribution report system ‘STARDIT’ (draft)
- If anyone wants to be involved, contact Jack - we’ll need co-authors for preparing a pre-print
- Looking for research methodology & statistics expert
- Role/responsibility: Systematic peer review and original research statistics, (once every 3-4 months), act as extra checking layer as well as peer reviewers
- Contact our own professional networks
- Public tweet that can be re-tweeted
- WikiData could be useful way of centralising data for use across multiple templates, but could be harder to edit initially?
Action items
[edit ]- Share these minutes to metawiki with any confidential info redacted
- This Google Doc will be emailed to the boards immediately (Thomas Shafee)
- Its contents will be posted to a public wiki page after 48 hours to give time for any additional notes to be added, and any private info redacted (Thomas Shafee)
- Organise next meeting - doodle poll share do 4th/5th Poll to decide times for mid-late April (kelee)
- Monthly Newsletter (Kelee & Gwinyai & Sarah)
- Post criteria for PMC and SCOPUS to talk page to collaboratively draft (Thomas Shafee)
- Tweet about research methodology & statistics expert (Kelee to ask Mark Worthen)