User talk:Stryn/Archive 4
Add topicThanks for the clean up of spam at the swedish Wikiversity! Please check out Användardiskussion:XavierBowens. It ́s suspicious :) Cheers! Hockew (diskussion) 16 december 2014 kl. 23.06 (CET)
- I answered there :) --Stryn (talk) 22:12, 16 December 2014 (UTC) Reply
help pls
[edit ]Hi; I am a student in Başkent University. ip is used by Başkent Üniversitesi in Turkey. But it was blocked in Turkish wikipedia for unlimited time. block begins: 23:15, 6 Feb. 2011. Since that time whole university can not make any edits in Turkish wikipedia. We university students want to edit turkish wikipedia. Local adminstrators say they are very angry with an old time user and they dont unblock th i.p. and they punish a whole university. It has been a long time and probably the person that makes them angry is graduate by now. Thank you for help.
--Syum90 (talk) 13:33, 21 December 2014 (UTC) Reply
- Thank you very much! :) I wish you Happy holidays as well :) --Stryn (talk) 14:17, 21 December 2014 (UTC) Reply
Ilmoitus käännöksestä: Admin activity review/2014/Notice to communities
[edit ]Saat tämän ilmoituksen, koska olet ilmoittautunut kielen suomi kääntäjäksi sivustolla Meta. Sivu Admin activity review/2014/Notice to communities on saatavilla käännettäväksi. Voit kääntää sen täällä:
Apuasi arvostetaan. Sinuntapaisesi kääntäjät pitävät sivuston Meta toiminnassa monikielisenä yhteisönä.
Sivuston Meta käännösvastaavat, 23:11, 21 December 2014 (UTC)Hi! This is an invitation to join translators working on the December's issue of the VisualEditor monthly newsletter , which will be widely delivered later this week. The amazing translators' community has already found out about it prior to this announcement... But how is your language doing this time? Find out now and contribute! Thanks a lot for your help! Elitre (WMF) 07:35, 22 December 2014 (UTC) Reply
PS: Here are some instructions. Please go to the translation page: your language should be available from the drop-down menu on the right. Once you've selected it, you'll see the document in English side by side with any translation work already done in your language. You can add new translations or modify existing ones. If you need further help or would like to receive a talk page message to be notified of future translations, please contact me directly.
Ilmoitus käännöksestä: Admin activity review/2014/Notice to inactive right holders
[edit ]Saat tämän ilmoituksen, koska olet ilmoittautunut kielen suomi kääntäjäksi sivustolla Meta. Sivu Admin activity review/2014/Notice to inactive right holders on saatavilla käännettäväksi. Voit kääntää sen täällä:
Apuasi arvostetaan. Sinuntapaisesi kääntäjät pitävät sivuston Meta toiminnassa monikielisenä yhteisönä.
Sivuston Meta käännösvastaavat, 03:36, 24 December 2014 (UTC)Ilmoitus käännöksestä: Stewards/Elections 2015
[edit ]Saat tämän ilmoituksen, koska olet ilmoittautunut kielen suomi kääntäjäksi sivustolla Meta. Sivu Stewards/Elections 2015 on saatavilla käännettäväksi. Voit kääntää sen täällä:
Tämän sivun tärkeysaste on korkea.
- Banner displayed to sysops regarding nominations (direct translation link )
- Banner displayed to users regarding voting (direct translation link )
Apuasi arvostetaan. Sinuntapaisesi kääntäjät pitävät sivuston Meta toiminnassa monikielisenä yhteisönä.
Sivuston Meta käännösvastaavat, 04:36, 11 January 2015 (UTC)Hi Stryn,
I'm trying to create a wiki but I'm quite unexperienced : "Huiles et savons" (soapwiki). I've the feeling that I missed something in the creation phase. Can you help ? Thanks by advance, Jacques
- Where are you trying to create a Wiki? Stryn (talk) 09:27, 13 January 2015 (UTC) Reply
Korjailen joskus noita kiännöksiäsi, joten onko sinulla valta ja voima laittaa niihin uusi "publish" -homma niin, että ne tulevat korjattuna fi-wikiin mahdollisimman pian? --Pxos (talk) 02:18, 15 January 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Joo, kiitos siitä. Huomaan vasta silloin kun korjaat noita töherryksiäni, että kuinka huonoja käännökseni alkujaan ovat. Pitäisi kai enemmän pohtia niitä, eikä vain kääntää sen mukaan mitä ensimmäisenä tulee mieleen. Laitoin publish, ja näyttävät olevan jo fi-wikissä. --Stryn (talk) 08:43, 15 January 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Se on vähän kaksipiimäinen juttu. Metasta tulee kamala määrä kaikkea informaatiota vaaleista, erilaisista uusista globaalikäytännöistä ja muista kotkotuksista, jotka melko varmasti eivät kiinnosta juuri ketään fi-wikissä. Siinä mielessä on yksi hailea, mitä käännöksissä lukee. Olin aikanaan mukana kääntämässä käyttöehtoja suomeksi parin muun ahkeran kanssa, koska olin nuori ja naiivi. Sitten tuli tuo Privacy Policy, josta käänsin itse ns. johdantotekstin ja hieman muuta, mutta sitten näin valoa ja tajusin, että on ihan pskn-hailee, onko sitä käännetty suomeksi vai ei. Ke-tään ei kiin-nos-ta kuitenkaan. Ja englanninkielinen käytäntö on kuitenkin se, joka ratkaisee ja jonka perusteella ompas-miehet tai jopas-jotakin-komissiot ratkaisevat asiat. Kun tulin kuitenkin pitkästä aikaa Metaan viettämään laatuaikaa, niin tulin sitten huomanneeksi noita käännösvirheitäkin. Onhan tarkka kääntäminen tärkeää, mutta jos asioita priorisoi, se ei ole lainkaan tärkeää. Vuoden 2014 stendareitten vaaleissa oli sinun kielikukkiasi eikä kukaan varmaan huomannut mitään. --Pxos (talk) 09:05, 15 January 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Privacy Policystä muuten huomaa, että joku saunakuuppa (en ole katsonut kuka, joten älä vielä loukkaannu) on kääntänyt vain otsikot. Otsikoiden kääntäminen ilman tekstin kääntämistä ei auta mitään, se vain haittaa asian ymmärtämistä ja kääntämistä. Sitä ei pitäisi tehdä lainkaan. Jos ei jaksa kääntää koko osiota, ei otsikkoakaan pidä sorkkia sitten. --Pxos (talk) 15:13, 16 January 2015 (UTC) Reply
Hello. I didn't know whom to write, so I wrote to administrator. As you can know few years ago Croatian Wikipedia wrote false information about World War II in Yugoslavia. People from Meta saw that and made sanctions to Croatian Wikipedia. Some administrators were excluded, false information were deleted. So I want administration of Meta to check Ukrainian Wikipedia for lie. There some themes like War in Donbass (uk-wiki users name DPR and LPR terrorists, but it isn't clear and neutral name. I propose name pro-Russian separatists), Great Patriotic War (it's war between Soviet Union and Nazi Germany 1941-1945. I tried to rename this article from German-Soviet War to Great Patriotic War, but all my renames were canceled), Ukrainian Insurgent Army (articles about UIA are full of lie) and others. I'm Ukrainian and I don't want read in Ukrainian wiki such lie and rave.
Can you answer me here? Thanks. --Artificial123 (talk) 15:17, 31 January 2015 (UTC) Reply
Ilmoitus käännöksestä: Wikimedia Highlights, December 2014
[edit ]Saat tämän ilmoituksen, koska olet ilmoittautunut kielen suomi kääntäjäksi sivustolla Meta. Sivu Wikimedia Highlights, December 2014 on saatavilla käännettäväksi. Voit kääntää sen täällä:
Apuasi arvostetaan. Sinuntapaisesi kääntäjät pitävät sivuston Meta toiminnassa monikielisenä yhteisönä.
Sivuston Meta käännösvastaavat, 23:58, 31 January 2015 (UTC)Greetings. A while back you helped with translation for single-user login finalization. Could you take some time to review the two messages that will be sent of affected community members soon? The pages are here and here. Thank you for your time, happy editing to you. Keegan (WMF) (talk) 21:52, 2 February 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Done. Stryn (talk) 09:01, 3 February 2015 (UTC) Reply
Hi! Apologies if you're reading this message more than once. This is an invitation to join translators working on the February's issue of the VisualEditor multilingual newsletter . This time it features an important announcement about a series of meetings where VE tasks on Phabricator will be triaged live and publicly, starting next week. Since we want many people to be aware of this ASAP (especially volunteer developers!), we have a time constraint which means we'll deliver to the wikis on Thursday morning PST this week. Thanks a lot in advance, we know you'll do whatever it takes to keep your community up-to-date, and appreciate it a lot. m:User:Elitre (WMF), 22:08, 2 February 2015 (UTC) Reply
PS: Here are some instructions. Please go to the translation page: your language should be available from the drop-down menu on the right. Once you've selected it, you'll see the document in English side by side with any translation work already done in your language. You can add new translations or modify existing ones. If you need further help or would like to receive a talk page message to be notified of future translations, please contact me directly.
- @Elitre (WMF): I tried to translate in Finnish as much as I had time to do, but had not time to complete it. I think that there should be more days to complete the translation than just 3 days. Even 2 more days would be better. Also, the newsletters include IMO too much complex words (especially for non-Native English speaker like I am). +Would be so much better if I could translate those pages directly on the page (like VisualEditor/Newsletter/2015/February/fi), not by going to a different translation page (like this). --Stryn (talk) 21:23, 4 February 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Hi, thanks for your note and for your efforts. It's totally ok since you translated the important part of it, which is the announcement about the meeting next week. In case you haven't read my email to translators-l, we acknowledge that this newsletter was particular since we had a message to convey as soon as possible, and don't plan to give such strict deadlines in the future; you actually can, as always, complete the translation when you want, and if the newsletter has been already delivered, I can overwrite it locally and manually when you're done (I did so in the past). We do try to keep the language as easy as possible and even use tools which help us do that, but again, this issue is quite exceptional. As for the translation system, I have no power on it - this is the system Meta uses. I'll try to find more information before the next issue is available for translation, though. Thank you for your hard work, --Elitre (WMF) (talk) 13:34, 5 February 2015 (UTC) Reply
Will you look, please, at That seems to be a destructive bot. What do you think about it? How to deal with it? Domitori (talk) 04:20, 17 February 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Not necessarily a bot. At least some of it's edits seems valid (didn't check them all), though I understand that it's not a nice feeling when someone is going through your uploads (even more when anonymously). If you feel like it's a bot that is harming the project you should contact Commons administrators. For example commons:Commons:Deletion requests/File:Orlov photo.jpg: Even though the file has information about permissions they should go through OTRS. --Stryn (talk) 07:32, 17 February 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Do you think, that without a bot one can set to deletion several images per minute?
- Well, there is another example at the Russian version of wikisource; The bot is handled by the registered user Lozman, who removes the text of the following authors:
- The texts are moved to some strange site
- There, the user with the same nick Lozman removes them with pretext of violation of the copyright
- (the licenses from Wikisource are not transferred to that site).
- You may look for the example at
- What do you think about this? Domitori (talk) 13:41, 21 February 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Well, at least I know how to mark so many pages for deletion as fast.
- It looks like User:Lozman imported pages from to and then deleted those pages from Wikisource. Do I understand this correctly? Anyway, those pages (all of them? didn't check) were marked for deletion by User:Hausratte using a reason "Нарушение авторских прав" (copyvio?). From where did they were copyvios exactly? At least not from --Stryn (talk) 21:06, 21 February 2015 (UTC) Reply
Hello Stryn, please can you help me at Poznań in Íslenska-WP. I did some mistakes by == Heimildir ==. Sorry it's always wrong what I did. Thanks and best regards -- 07:32, 18 February 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Hey, sure :) Fixed now I guess. --Stryn (talk) 08:27, 18 February 2015 (UTC) Reply
Hello, can shoot my block, I accidentally put [1]--6AND5 (talk) 18:19, 18 February 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Hey, you can unblock yourself, go to --Stryn (talk) 18:21, 18 February 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Thank you very much--6AND5 (talk) 18:25, 18 February 2015 (UTC) Reply
After a delay in updates to the Structured data on Commons project, I wanted to catch you up with what has been going on over the past three months. In short: The project is on hold, but that doesn't mean nothing is happening.
The meeting in Berlin in October provided the engineering teams with a lot to start on. Unfortunately the Structured Data on Commons project was put on hold not too long after this meeting. Development of the actual Structured data system for Commons will not begin until more resources can be allocated to it.
The Wikimedia Foundation and Wikimedia Germany have been working to improve the Wikidata query process on the back-end. This is designed to be a production-grade replacement of WikidataQuery integrated with search. The full project is described at will benefit the structured data project greatly since developing a high-level search for Commons is a desired goal of this project.
The Wikidata development team is working on the arbitrary access feature. Currently it's only possible to access items that are connected to the current page. So for example on Vincent van Gogh you can access the statements on Q5582, but you can't access these statements on Category:Vincent van Gogh or Creator:Vincent van Gogh. With arbitrary access enabled on Commons we no longer have this limitation. This opens up the possibility to use Wikidata data on Creator, Institution, Authority control and other templates instead of duplicating the data (what we do now). This will greatly enhance the usefulness of Wikidata for Commons.
To use the full potential of arbitrary access the Commons community needs to reimplement several templates in LUA. In LUA it's possible to use the local fields and fallback to Wikidata if it's not locally available. Help with this conversion is greatly appreciated. The different tasks are tracked in phabricator, see .
Volunteers are continuing to add data about artworks to Wikidata. Sometimes an institution website is used and sometimes data is being transfered from Commons to Wikidata. Wikidata now has almost 35.000 items about paintings. This is done as part of the WikiProject sum of all paintings. This helps us to learn how to d:Wikidata:WikiProject Visual arts/Item structuremodel and refine metadata about artworks. Experience that will of course be very useful for Commons too.
Additionally, the metadata cleanup drive continues to produce results. The drive, which is intended to identify files missing {{information}} or the like structured data fields and to add such fields when absent, has reduced the number of files missing information by almost 100,000 on Commons. You can help by looking for files with similarly-formatted description pages, and listing them at Commons:Bots/Work requests so that a bot can add the {{information}} template on them.
At the Amsterdam Hackathon in November 2014, a couple of different models were developed about how artwork can be viewed on the web using structured data from Wikidata. You can browse two examples here and here. These examples can give you an idea of the kind of data that file pages have the potential to display on-wiki in the future.
The Structured Data project is a long-term one, and the volunteers and staff will continue working together to provide the structure and support in the back-end toward front-end development. There are still many things to do to help advance the project, and I hope to have more news for you in the near future. Contact me any time with questions, comments, concerns.
-- User:Keegan (WMF) (talk) 19:46, 19 February 2015 (UTC) Reply
Hello Stryn. Synchbot deleted your local user pages on all wikis as requested. You can see the full log on your archive page. :) —Pathoschild 03:36, 22 February 2015 (UTC)
- Thanks! --Stryn (talk) 06:15, 23 February 2015 (UTC) Reply
Hello Stryn,
On behalf of the stewards' election committee, congratulations on your election as a steward! Your permissions have now been set and you are able to start working.
You have been added to the list of stewards and the stewards' chart. Please take a moment to check that your details are accurate and update them if necessary.
You have been given access to the mailing lists related to your steward duties, which include: checkuser-l, the private mailing list for Wikimedia checkusers, stewards-l, the private list for stewards. In addition, you have been or will be given access to the related private wikis, one for checkusers and the other solely for stewards, details of which will be provided.
If you use IRC, you will be given access to several channels, including #wikimedia-checkuser connect and #wikimedia-privacy connect . Please also idle in #wikimedia-stewards connect when you are available for duty.
Best of luck with your new tools; I am sure you will do a fantastic job. Please remember that your fellow stewards are always available if you need a second opinion, either via the mailing list or on IRC.
Useful links:
On behalf of the election committee,
Snowolf How can I help? 21:29, 28 February 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Thank you so much Snowolf and all the users who supported me. I'll take my time to read those pages carefully. --Stryn (talk) 21:35, 28 February 2015 (UTC) Reply
Onnittelut. Mukavaa, kun on taas suomenkielinen stendari, vaikkakin sen vuoksi tosin jäävi useimmissa suomenkielisissä hankkeissa. Aika hieno ottelutuloskin, vain 7 päästettyä maalia. Noin muuten tuli mieleen, kun olet nyt saavuttanut eräänlaisen uran huipun siinä, mihin asemaan vapaaehtoismuokkaaja voi ylläpitouralla päästä, että voisit joskus joutessasi kirjoittaa pienen koosteen siitä, mitä kaikkea olet tehnyt, jotta pääsit näin pitkälle. Olet pyörinyt eri wikeissä, IRCissä ja keskusteluissa, joten mitä kaikkea pitää tehdä, jotta pääsee huipulle. --Pxos (talk) 22:49, 28 February 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Kiitoksia. Joo, olen monta kertaa miettinyt, että kirjoittaisin siitä, mitä "wikiurani" aikana on tapahtunut. Ehkä joskus jaksan väsätäkin jotakin tämänkaltaista, ainakin ennen kuin unohtuu vanhimmat tapahtumat. Sanotaan näin lyhyesti, että IRC:n käyttö on varsin suuressa roolissa. --Stryn (talk) 22:56, 28 February 2015 (UTC) Reply
- CONGRATULATIONS!!! Alan (talk) 09:31, 1 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Thank you Alan :) --Stryn (talk) 09:31, 1 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
- CONGRATULATIONS!!! Alan (talk) 09:31, 1 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
I congratulate you! I wish you success in your work! Best regards, --►Cekli 829 13:36, 1 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Thank you :-) --Stryn (talk) 13:43, 1 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Congratulations, I'm sure you will be an excellent steward. Regards.--Syum90 (talk) 17:37, 1 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Gracias Syum90 :) --Stryn (talk) 17:50, 1 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Congratulations, I'm sure you will be an excellent steward. Regards.--Syum90 (talk) 17:37, 1 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
Ilmoitus käännöksestä: Wikimedia Highlights, January 2015
[edit ]Saat tämän ilmoituksen, koska olet ilmoittautunut kielen suomi kääntäjäksi sivustolla Meta. Sivu Wikimedia Highlights, January 2015 on saatavilla käännettäväksi. Voit kääntää sen täällä:
Apuasi arvostetaan. Sinuntapaisesi kääntäjät pitävät sivuston Meta toiminnassa monikielisenä yhteisönä.
Sivuston Meta käännösvastaavat, 21:32, 28 February 2015 (UTC)The special character inserter has been re-designed in VisualEditor. Because you previously shared your opinions on the old "floating box" version, I would like your feedback on the new, full-width design. Click here to open the Sandbox at As of this morning, this sandbox only shows a small, basic set of special characters. However, the list of characters can be customized at each wiki. Please test it out, and leave your feedback at the VisualEditor/Feedback page on Thank you! Whatamidoing (WMF) (talk) 19:00, 5 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Thank you, replied there. --Stryn (talk) 19:20, 5 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
Ilmoitus käännöksestä: Oversight policy
[edit ]Saat tämän ilmoituksen, koska olet ilmoittautunut kielen suomi kääntäjäksi sivustolla Meta. Sivu Oversight policy on saatavilla käännettäväksi. Voit kääntää sen täällä:
Apuasi arvostetaan. Sinuntapaisesi kääntäjät pitävät sivuston Meta toiminnassa monikielisenä yhteisönä.
Sivuston Meta käännösvastaavat, 16:30, 7 March 2015 (UTC)Hi Dear Stryn, There is no administrator in Armenian Wikiquote so please remove categories, pages and Medias in this category--Աշոտ1997 (talk) 07:26, 10 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
- @Աշոտ1997: Deleted all except q:hy:Գի դե Մոպասան as there are still incoming links (see "What links here") and q:hy:Կատեգորիա:Պարույր Սեւակի ստեղծագործություններ as it's not a empty category. --Stryn (talk) 17:56, 10 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Thank a lot for your help dear Stryn but now you can remove this two pages--Աշոտ1997 (talk) 07:54, 11 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
- P.S. Thanks--Աշոտ1997 (talk) 07:54, 11 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Done, no problem, thanks for reporting. --Stryn (talk) 08:06, 11 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
Onko teknisesti mahdollista laittaa fiwikiin näkymään mainosbanneria vain seulojille? Tuo lehdistövastaavan paikka on avoinna ja mielestäni ei ole järkeä hakea ehdokkaita kaikkien käyttäjien joukosta (jotka teoriassa ovat saaneet tiedon jo sekalaista-kahvihuoneessa), joten olisi hyvä saada aikaan mainos tietylle kohderyhmälle. Seulojat ovat luotettavia aktiivikäyttäjiä, jollainen varmaan halutaan uudeksi lehdistövastaavaksi. --Pxos (talk) 18:03, 10 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
- En nyt aivan varmaksi mene sanomaan, mutta ainakin stewnoms-banneri näkyi ainoastaan ylläpitäjille eri projekteissa. Siinä on javascriptillä pistetty se näkymään vain ylläpitäjille. Pyynnöt tulisi jättää sivulle Meta:Requests for help from a sysop or bureaucrat. Itse en mielelläni noihin koske, koska vaikuttavat varsin monimutkaisilta ilman mitään kokemusta. --Stryn (talk) 18:28, 10 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Vaikuttaa toimivalta mutta liian monimutkaiselta. Yleensä kun olen jotain ehdottanut tai pyytänyt, saan vastauksia, että onpas mitätön juttu, voisit käyttää aikasi muuhun. Metassa ei ole kivaa, joten en jaksa ottaa yhteyttä mihinkään Metan johtohahmoihin tämän vuoksi. Suutari pitäköön lestinsä ja ihmiset tunkkinsa. Asia on nyt ajankohtaista-sivulla fiwikissä ja se saa riittää. --Pxos (talk) 17:49, 11 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
Kävisitkö poistamassa sivun w:te:User:Geohakkeri? --Geohakkeri (talk) 14:36, 13 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Hei, siellä on useita aktiivisia ylläpitäjiä (katso, joten en voi tehdä poistoa. Täytyy odottaa, että joku ylläpitäjistä huomaa, tai vaihtoehtoisesti voit ottaa yhteyttä paikalliseen ylläpitäjään. --Stryn (talk) 14:38, 13 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Jaa, ei sitten. Kiitos kuitenkin. --Geohakkeri (talk) 14:45, 13 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
What I need to do temporary sysop to turn indefinitely. --Uğurkent talk 15:40, 17 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
- You may not be able to influence. It mostly depends of the size of active community members and also you should be active (and long-time member) on the project. --Stryn (talk) 16:26, 17 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
- I already did not mention for now. Thanks for the reply. --Uğurkent talk 19:54, 17 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
Ilmoitus käännöksestä: User:Keegan (WMF)/Quicktranslate
[edit ]Saat tämän ilmoituksen, koska olet ilmoittautunut kielen suomi kääntäjäksi sivustolla Meta. Sivu User:Keegan (WMF)/Quicktranslate on saatavilla käännettäväksi. Voit kääntää sen täällä:
Tämän sivun tärkeysaste on korkea. Tämä sivu tulisi kääntää viimeistään 2015年03月19日.
Apuasi arvostetaan. Sinuntapaisesi kääntäjät pitävät sivuston Meta toiminnassa monikielisenä yhteisönä.
Sivuston Meta käännösvastaavat, 02:21, 19 March 2015 (UTC)Hi Stryn. I edited your global.js
to update you to the latest version of force ltr, which is compatible with the latest MediaWiki changes and resides on the Wikimedia Tool Labs for easier updates. I also updated a deprecated function. Let me know if anything breaks. :) —Pathoschild 00:50, 20 March 2015 (UTC)
- Thank you! Stryn (talk) 09:41, 20 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
Hi. With those renames that you are putting on hold, would you mind moving those to the bottom section and append them to the other section. We tried to streamline the top to be quick in and out. — billinghurst sDrewth 12:50, 24 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
- I will try, but it's such a mess. Stryn (talk) 12:54, 24 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
Ilmoitus käännöksestä: User:Keegan (WMF)/Rename confusion message
[edit ]Saat tämän ilmoituksen, koska olet ilmoittautunut kielen suomi kääntäjäksi sivustolla Meta. Sivu User:Keegan (WMF)/Rename confusion message on saatavilla käännettäväksi. Voit kääntää sen täällä:
Tämän sivun tärkeysaste on korkea. Tämä sivu tulisi kääntää viimeistään 2015年03月31日.
Apuasi arvostetaan. Sinuntapaisesi kääntäjät pitävät sivuston Meta toiminnassa monikielisenä yhteisönä.
Sivuston Meta käännösvastaavat, 22:16, 27 March 2015 (UTC)Ilmoitus käännöksestä: Wikimedia Highlights, February 2015
[edit ]Saat tämän ilmoituksen, koska olet ilmoittautunut kielen suomi kääntäjäksi sivustolla Meta. Sivu Wikimedia Highlights, February 2015 on saatavilla käännettäväksi. Voit kääntää sen täällä:
Apuasi arvostetaan. Sinuntapaisesi kääntäjät pitävät sivuston Meta toiminnassa monikielisenä yhteisönä.
Sivuston Meta käännösvastaavat, 19:08, 28 March 2015 (UTC)Hi dear Stryn, I am ԱշոտՏՆՂ (or Աշոտ 1997). Yestrday You renamed me Steward requests/Username changes#Աշոտ1997@global but till now i can not Log in becouse of this error. Please help me-- 08:04, 30 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
- It should be finished. It sometimes take some hours. Ping @Legoktm: @Hoo man: can you look at this? --Stryn (talk) 08:10, 30 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Should be all good, please try logging in again. Just to be extra sure, I manually purged the cache for your global account. - Hoo man (talk) 14:17, 30 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
Thanks a lot. everything is OK--ԱշոտՏՆՂ (talk) 14:35, 30 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
Hallo, dear Stryn, I am kusurija on cs.wictionary (and on other project active, too). Please, help in some way pacify the situation on cs.wictionary. There is war: local sysops against some users, who wants wictionary make more understandable and comfortable for readers (i.e. using pictures (sysop [[:wikt:cs:Uživatel:Tchoř|Tchoř]] contrary to becaming consensus deleted part of rule in entry format: == Pictures == Meaning of entries can be also by help of suitable [[Nápověda:Jak editovat stránku#Odkazy a obrázky|obrázků]] (Page editing if it is necessary to understand correctly the meaning of entry. ... (somebody helps translate better, if needed). As admins blocked the process of geting consensus (again; there were consensus before, but it was denied without other clear consensus) to let use pictures in necessary cases. E.g. I placed a picture to my created new entry as remembered situation some time ago (entry 火鉢), but it was reverted. I, as well as other users too, thought, that in this case a picture is usefull. After Dan Polansky's some ractions in several places, Tchoř mobbed/bossed him, using warning (not only this and not only he and not only against him (DP)). Some details about I tried ask by User:Vogone. (Excuse me for my poor english). Thak You in advance. --Kusurija (talk) 16:34, 4 April 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Please note I already asked JAn Dudík for a comment regarding the block on Dan Polansky. Vogone (talk) 16:56, 4 April 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Thank You very much. Ačiū labai. Danke schön. --Kusurija (talk) 17:03, 4 April 2015 (UTC) Reply
Hi! This is an invitation to join translators working on the April's issue of the VisualEditor monthly newsletter , which will be widely delivered towards the end of next week. The previous bulletin was published in 26 languages—the translation was completed only for ten of them. Will we do better this month? We'd like to reach many more communities in their own language this time, as VE recently became the main editor at other 50+ Wikipedias, and we're announcing interesting developments (auto-fill features for citations, improved special character inserter, drag and drop for categories, invisible templates now marked by a puzzle piece icon, and more). Thanks a lot for your help! Elitre (WMF) 22:38, 4 April 2015 (UTC) Reply
PS: Here are some instructions. Please go to the translation page: your language should be available from the drop-down menu on the right. Once you've selected it, you'll see the document in English side by side with any translation work already done in your language. You can add new translations or modify existing ones. If you need further help or would like to change the page where you're notified of future translations, please contact me directly.
Ilmoitus käännöksestä: Single User Login finalisation announcement/Post-rename notice
[edit ]Saat tämän ilmoituksen, koska olet ilmoittautunut kielen suomi kääntäjäksi sivustolla Meta. Sivu Single User Login finalisation announcement/Post-rename notice on saatavilla käännettäväksi. Voit kääntää sen täällä:
Tämän sivun tärkeysaste on korkea. Tämä sivu tulisi kääntää viimeistään 2015年04月12日.
Apuasi arvostetaan. Sinuntapaisesi kääntäjät pitävät sivuston Meta toiminnassa monikielisenä yhteisönä.
Sivuston Meta käännösvastaavat, 22:36, 7 April 2015 (UTC)Ilmoitus käännöksestä: Single User Login finalisation announcement
[edit ]Saat tämän ilmoituksen, koska olet ilmoittautunut kielen suomi kääntäjäksi sivustolla Meta. Sivu Single User Login finalisation announcement on saatavilla käännettäväksi. Voit kääntää sen täällä:
Tämän sivun tärkeysaste on korkea. Tämä sivu tulisi kääntää viimeistään 2015年04月16日.
Apuasi arvostetaan. Sinuntapaisesi kääntäjät pitävät sivuston Meta toiminnassa monikielisenä yhteisönä.
Sivuston Meta käännösvastaavat, 19:27, 15 April 2015 (UTC)Ilmoitus käännöksestä: Wikimedia Foundation elections/Board elections/2015
[edit ]Saat tämän ilmoituksen, koska olet ilmoittautunut kielen suomi kääntäjäksi sivustolla Meta. Sivu Wikimedia Foundation elections/Board elections/2015 on saatavilla käännettäväksi. Voit kääntää sen täällä:
Tämän sivun tärkeysaste on korkea. Tämä sivu tulisi kääntää viimeistään 2015年04月20日.
Apuasi arvostetaan. Sinuntapaisesi kääntäjät pitävät sivuston Meta toiminnassa monikielisenä yhteisönä.
Sivuston Meta käännösvastaavat, 11:21, 17 April 2015 (UTC)can you confirm some of the bot requests? I asked with others but they are inactive.Mr wikilover (talk) 11:16, 18 April 2015 (UTC) Reply
I made fresh start since I had bad start on enwiki. However, could you swap settings (user rights) between my old and this account on shwiki? And when it will be possible to usurp global account? Thanks. --Ispocetka (talk) 18:00, 21 April 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Hey, no I can't swap those user rights. Btw, would you like to merge Munjanes with Ispocetka in the future (when the merge tool is available)? Or do you just want fresh start without those old edits? If you would like to get "Munja" account, you should notify the global account holder on srwiki. After it we need to wait at least one month if the user replies. --Stryn (talk) 18:05, 21 April 2015 (UTC) Reply
- May I get all edits from Munjanes and Ispocetka and turn it all to Munja, so I can end up using only the last account? I will now write the message on the talk page on srwiki. How should the message be, written on Serbo-Croatian and English, so everyone understand it? --Ispocetka (talk) 18:16, 21 April 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Yep, all your accounts can be merged in future. Write in English and in Serbo-Croatian if you can, thanks :) --Stryn (talk) 18:22, 21 April 2015 (UTC) Reply
- I really don't see the reason for waiting a month. The "person" is not responding :) --Ispocetka (talk) 16:48, 23 April 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Yep, all your accounts can be merged in future. Write in English and in Serbo-Croatian if you can, thanks :) --Stryn (talk) 18:22, 21 April 2015 (UTC) Reply
Ilmoitus käännöksestä: Wikimedia Highlights, March 2015
[edit ]Saat tämän ilmoituksen, koska olet ilmoittautunut kielen suomi kääntäjäksi sivustolla Meta. Sivu Wikimedia Highlights, March 2015 on saatavilla käännettäväksi. Voit kääntää sen täällä:
Apuasi arvostetaan. Sinuntapaisesi kääntäjät pitävät sivuston Meta toiminnassa monikielisenä yhteisönä.
Sivuston Meta käännösvastaavat, 03:06, 4 May 2015 (UTC)See:User talk:Billinghurst#Personal insults--6AND5 (talk) 07:56, 13 May 2015 (UTC) Reply
Ilmoitus käännöksestä: Wikimedia Highlights, April 2015
[edit ]Saat tämän ilmoituksen, koska olet ilmoittautunut kielen suomi kääntäjäksi sivustolla Meta. Sivu Wikimedia Highlights, April 2015 on saatavilla käännettäväksi. Voit kääntää sen täällä:
Apuasi arvostetaan. Sinuntapaisesi kääntäjät pitävät sivuston Meta toiminnassa monikielisenä yhteisönä.
Sivuston Meta käännösvastaavat, 22:26, 13 May 2015 (UTC)Hi, Last year I asked Hoo man for some configuration changes on bhwiki. He did a lot of work for us but for special pages he suggested to translate these things on translatewiki. We did these translations also on translatewiki. But few things like, shortcuts for namespaces and creating new namespaces are the things which we were not aware of it and couldn't do. Now, we have made consensus on some namespaces and shorcuts. Can you please configure those things for us. Or please let me know where and how can we proceed. Full list can be found at Village Pump of bhwiki.☆★Sanjeev Kumar (talk) 17:12, 29 May 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Hi, unfortunately I can't help much, I'm not worked much with this kind of technical requests. I have no idea of how to create shortcuts, maybe request it on Phabricator, like done for example here. Earlier it was possible to translate namespaces on Translatewiki through translatewiki:Special:AdvancedTranslate but it's now disabled. See also Translating_namespace_names. --Stryn (talk) 17:47, 29 May 2015 (UTC) Reply