User talk:Reswik
Add topicHi :)
Hi Doug. I'm currently trying to read and synthesise all the emails I've been getting about Wikiversity (for which thanks) and putting up something on the wiki. Might be on Meta at first, but afterwards we need to start putting this on Wikiversity itself. I haven't found out when this is going to happen exactly (ie, Wikiversity being set up), but it's imminent at least. Great to have met you at Wikimania. :-) Cormaggio @ 14:55, 10 August 2006 (UTC) Reply
- Hey Cormac, I look forword to reading your thoughts and will reply at your page or wherever. :) Reswik 18:27, 10 August 2006 (UTC) Reply
- Thanks for your comment on my talk page - I've re-posted it on Talk:Wikiversity/Modified project proposal - will try to post something soon, but it'll be pretty hectic here for a few days to come still - don't expect heaps of content for now.. Also, need to actually get this thing up and running - will bug people now :-) Cormaggio @ 19:04, 10 August 2006 (UTC) Reply
Hi doug. I'm trying to drum up a bit of support for the Communitas meta-community-building project and its proposed Prioritas, consensus-driven priority assessment program (mentioned on the talk page). I hope you'll take a look. Your views would be valuable. Thanks in advance. Quinobi 19:33, 11 August 2006 (UTC) Reply
- Hi Charley, thanks for the note. I replied on your talk page. Reswik 23:56, 11 August 2006 (UTC) Reply
Tu as exprimé ton intérêt pour le projet Wikiversity, en voici quelques nouvelles. Les versions anglophone et germanophone sont d'ores et déjà ouvertes. Wikiversity Beta est une plate-forme centrale servant à coordonner les différents projets Wikiversity dans différentes langues. Cette coordination multilingue concerne les missions et les directives générales du cadre des projets Wikiversity (par exemple à propos des travaux de recherche originaux). Wikiversity beta sert également d'incubateur pour des projets Wikiversity dans différentes langues. Si tu as l'intention de commencer ou de rejoindr un futur projet Wikiversity, tu es invité à participer aux discussions se déroulant sur Beta, car ces discussions vont concerner tous les projets Wikiversity.
Tu trouveras davantage d'informations dans la foire aux questions de Wikiversity Beta. Tu peux aussi jeter un coup d'œil aux rapports provenant des projets Wikiversity dans les langues disposant d'un projet séparé. N'hésite pas à poser tes questions à Wikiversity:Babel, ou à me demander directement.
J'aimerais également savoir si tu comptes t'impliquer directement dans le projet Wikiversity francophone, ceci afin d'évaluer le nombre de participants et, le cas échéant, demander l'ouverture du sous-domaine (la Wikiversité francophone est pour le moment hébergée sur Wikibooks.)
J'espère que tu apprécieras l'aventure Wikiversity !
- Thank you. I think French is an important language for a Wikiversity. My ability in French is introductory (mostly for reading purposes). Reswik 21:18, 24 October 2006 (UTC) Reply
Well, I think that the use of {{pro}} characterizes a vote, and the user voted as IP. That's the reason. Greetings, --Slade ♠ 01:36, 26 November 2006 (UTC) Reply