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User talk:Moumou82

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Latest comment: 2 years ago by Wikimedia France in topic WikiConvention Francophone 2022

News from Wikimedia TN User Group

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Bonjour Moumou82,

Le comité des affiliations a officiellement reconnu notre groupe en tant que WUG (Wikimedia User Group). Nous sommes très heureux de vous annoncer cette nouvelle en espérant vous impliquer dans nos projets futurs.
Une question, un problème ? N'hésite pas à laisser un message sur la page de discussion du groupe.
À bientôt, Dyolf77 (d · c)

La page du groupe | Message | contact(_AT_)wikimedia.tn | #wikimedia-tn connect

Superprotect letter update

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Latest comment: 10 years ago 1 comment1 person in discussion

Hi Moumou82,

Along with more hundreds of others, you recently signed Letter to Wikimedia Foundation: Superprotect and Media Viewer , which I wrote.

Today, we have 562 signatures here on Meta, and another 61 on change.org, for a total of 623 signatures. Volunteers have fully translated it into 16 languages, and begun other translations. This far exceeds my most optimistic hopes about how many might sign the letter -- I would have been pleased to gain 200 siguatures -- but new signatures continue to come.

I believe this is a significant moment for Wikimedia and Wikipedia. Very rarely have I seen large numbers of people from multiple language and project communities speak with a unified voice. As I understand it, we are unified in a desire for the Wikimedia Foundation to respect -- in actions, in addition to words -- the will of the community who has built the Wikimedia projects for the benefit of all humanity. I strongly believe it is possible to innovate and improve our software tools, together with the Wikimedia Foundation. But substantial changes are necessary in order for us to work together smoothly and productively. I believe this letter identifies important actions that will strongly support those changes.

Have you been discussing these issues in your local community? If so, I think we would all appreciate an update (on the letter's talk page) about how those discussions have gone, and what people are saying. If not, please be bold and start a discussoin on your Village Pump, or in any other venue your project uses -- and then leave a summary of what kind of response you get on the letter's talk page.

Finally, what do you think is the right time, and the right way, to deliver this letter? We could set a date, or establish a threshold of signatures. I have some ideas, but am open to suggestions.

Thank you for your engagement on this issue, and please stay in touch. -Pete F (talk) 18:51, 26 August 2014 (UTC) Reply


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Latest comment: 9 years ago 4 comments2 people in discussion
Bonjour Moumou82,

Est-ce que tu serais disponible pour la conférence WikiArabia qui sera tenue en Tunisie (fin mars/début avril) ? Ta présence est vivement souhaitée. Laisse-moi un message si tu es disponible.
Une question, un problème ? N'hésite pas à laisser un message sur la page de discussion du groupe.
À bientôt, Dyolf77 (d · c)

La page du groupe | Message | contact(_AT_)wikimedia.tn | #wikimedia-tn connect
Salut, je n'ai pas de vacances à cette période si ce n'est le week-end étendu de Pâques (3-6 avril). Moumou82 (talk) 18:35, 10 December 2014 (UTC) Reply
Bonjour @Moumou82: peux-tu commencer un résumé de ton intervention sur les Wikiprojects au Maghreb sur cette page afin d'entamer les discussions dans la communauté ? Bien Cordialement ! --Dyolf77 (talk) 13:14, 8 February 2015 (UTC) Reply
@Dyolf77: C'est fait :-). Moumou82 (talk) 19:15, 8 February 2015 (UTC) Reply
Toujours le plus réactif ! Merci beaucoup. --Dyolf77 (talk) 19:37, 8 February 2015 (UTC) Reply

Global user page migration

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Hello Moumou82. I deleted your local user pages on all wikis as you requested via Synchbot. You can see the full log on your archive page. :) —Pathoschild 04:56, 28 February 2015 (UTC)

Appel à projets

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Bonjour Moumou82,

Pour l'année 2017, une page de proposition des projets du Wikimedia TN User Group est en cours de discussion sur cette page « Projets 2017 ». Si vous êtes intéressé-e, veuillez proposer votre action, pour que la communauté puisse en discuter..
Une question, un problème ? N'hésite pas à laisser un message sur la page de discussion du groupe.
À bientôt, Dyolf77 (d · c)

La page du groupe | Message | contact(_AT_)wikimedia.tn | #wikimedia-tn connect


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Latest comment: 6 years ago 5 comments2 people in discussion

Bonjour Mourad, Avec Amélie Tsaag Valren nous souhaitons organiser une session lors de la wikiconv sur la problématique de la contribution sur la durée aux projets (ça se passe ici). Accepterais tu de participer, comme contributeur expérimenté et animateur émérite du beau projet Tunisie ? Amicalement, Pradigue (talk) 09:21, 20 August 2018 (UTC) Reply

@Pradigue: Salut Pascal,
Je participerais avec plaisir à cette session. Y-a-t-il quelque chose qu'il faut que je fasse ? Moumou82 (talk) 19:48, 20 August 2018 (UTC) Reply
PS : Sympa l'article dans L'Obs et merci pour la citation . Moumou82 (talk) 19:48, 20 August 2018 (UTC) Reply
@Moumou82: Salut Mourad,
On va t'envoyer le ppt (il me faudrait ton mail je ne l'ai pas ici à Josselin) on a bossé avec Amélie et tout apport ou remarque est bienvenu. Pradigue (talk) 09:43, 21 August 2018 (UTC) Reply
@Pradigue: Tu peux l'envoyer à mourad.babdallah at gmail.com. Moumou82 (talk) 16:56, 21 August 2018 (UTC) Reply

Join us on The AfroCine Project

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Latest comment: 6 years ago 1 comment1 person in discussion


This is to introduce you to a new Wikimedia project called The AfroCine Project . This new project is dedicated to improving the coverage of the history, works, people, places, events, etc, that are associated with the cinema, theatre and arts of Africa, African countries, the Caribbean, and the diaspora. If you would love to be part of this (or you're already active in this area), by coordinating local programmes around African cinema (independently or otherwise) in your community or local Wikipedia, kindly list your username or organization as a participant on the meta project page here.

Furthermore, In the months of October and November, we are organizing a global contest and edit-a-thon tagged: The Months of African Cinema . If you would love to join this exciting event, also list your username as a participant on the English Wikipedia page. If you would love to lead this contest (or any other relevant program) for a non-English Wikipedia community, please feel free to translate the English Wikiproject page to your local language Wikipedia, or you can create one from scratch!

If you have any questions, complaints, suggestions, etc., please reach out to me personally on my talkpage or the project talkpage! Cheers!--Jamie Tubers (talk) 20:50, 5 September 2018 (UTC) Reply

Welcome to the Months of African Cinema!

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Latest comment: 5 years ago 1 comment1 person in discussion


The AfroCine Project welcomes you to October, the first out of the two months which has been dedicated to improving contents that centre around the cinema of Africa, the Caribbean, and the diaspora.

This is a global online edit-a-thon, which is happening in at least 5 language editions of Wikipedia (en, he, es, it, bn) and Wikidata. Join us in this exciting venture, by helping to create or expand articles which are connected to this scope.

On English Wikipedia, we would be recognizing Users who are able to achieve the following:

  • Overall winner (1st, 2nd, 3rd places)
  • Country Winners
  • Diversity winner
  • High quality contributors
  • Gender-gap fillers
  • Page improvers
  • Wikidata Translators

For further information about the contest, the recognition categories and how to participate, please visit the contest page here.

If you'd love to organize this contest for your local wiki or organize in-person events centred around this project, or you need further information about the AfroCine Project, please leave a message on the project talkpage. See you around :).--Jamie Tubers (talk) 22:50, 03 October 2018 (UTC) Reply

AfroCine: Join the Months of African Cinema this October!

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Latest comment: 4 years ago 1 comment1 person in discussion


After a successful first iteration of the Months of African Cinema last year, we are happy to announce that it will be happening again this year, starting from October 1! In the 2018 edition of the contest, about 600 Wikipedia articles were created in at least 8 languages. There were also contributions to Wikidata and Wikimedia commons, which brought the total number of wikimedia pages created during the contest to over 1,000. About 9 in-person events were also organised for the edit-a-thon in different parts of the world.

The contest is organized by a Wikimedia project called The AfroCine Project, which is dedicated to improving the coverage of the history, works, people, places, and events, that are associated with the cinema, theatre and arts of Africa, African countries, the Caribbean, and the diaspora.

If you would love to join this exciting event, please list your username as a participant on the English Wikipedia contest page. If you would love to lead this contest for your country or community, please list your name in the coordinators' page here. The rapid grants team would be accepting proposals throughout October and November, in case you'd need funds to run local edit-a-thons or some other activities related to this event. Upon listing your name on the coordinators' page, you'd be contacted to talk about the resources you'd need to run the event in your community. You can also contact me directly for any clarifications.

Finally, We also need volunteers to handle some aspects of the AfroCine project. These aspects include:

  1. Community Liaison: This role essentially involves closely engaging with local communities to support their activities within the scope of Afrocine.
  2. Communications: This involves the communications aspects of the project. Sharing relevant information on mailing lists and social media would be the responsibility of this person.
  3. MAC Jury: This role involves joining the jury of Months of African Cinema contest. We need as many people as we can get 🙂.
  4. Tools: Going forward, we would need relevant tools to better track the metrics and also analyse the general impact of these events. We are calling for Wikimedia volunteers who can navigate wikimedia tools that can be useful for the project.

If you would love to help with any of these roles, or some other roles that have not been mentioned, please contact me directly or on: samoye_(_AT_)hotmail.com

If you have further questions, complaints, suggestions, etc., please reach out to me personally or right here or the project talkpages.

Thank you!--Jamie Tubers (talk) 17:10, 30 September 2019 (UTC) Reply

Wiki World Heritage User Group

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Latest comment: 3 years ago 1 comment1 person in discussion

Dear World Heritage enthusiast,
We are thrilled to announce that Wiki World Heritage User Group has been finally recognized ! This wouldn't have been possible without your support !
Please join us on:

Wishing you an excellent week ahead !

Nassima Chahboun (talk) 15:55, 3 November 2020 (UTC) Reply
On behalf of the founding members.

Wiki World Heritage UG preparatory meeting

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Latest comment: 3 years ago 1 comment1 person in discussion

Hello Moumou82,
The first preparatory meeting of Wiki World Heritage User Group will be held on 26 December 2020 at 16:00 UTC, and are looking forward to having you with us!

  • Meeting link : Here
  • Meeting ID : 763 8364 4697
  • Password: WWH

You are also invited to join us on WWH mailing list and WWH Telegram group.
Thank you !

Yamen (talk) 19:13, 17 December 2020 (UTC) Reply
On behalf of the founding members.

Wiki World Heritage UG board election

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Latest comment: 3 years ago 1 comment1 person in discussion

Hello Moumou82,

Following the meeting of 26.12.2020, Wiki World Heritage User Group is choosing its first board !
You can find the elections page here.

Nassima Chahboun (talk) 21:08, 27 December 2020 (UTC) Reply
On behalf of the founding members.

Wiki World Heritage UG board election Reminder

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Latest comment: 3 years ago 1 comment1 person in discussion

Hello Moumou82,

We would like to inform you that after the self nomination period, we are now voting for the board members and we count on your participation to take part of this first important election.

According to the agreed agenda the voting period deadline is the 29th of January 2021 (Midnight UTC).

You can vote for one or more candidate on this meta page.

Thanks --
Nassima Chahboun (talk) 23:25, 22 January 2021 (UTC) Reply
On behalf of the founding members

Wiki World Heritage UG Minutes of the Meeting 02-13-2021

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Hello Moumou82!

The first meeting of the Board of Wiki World Heritage User Group (WWH UG) was held last February 13, 2021. Board members discussed several topics including the dispatching of roles inside the board. You can find the minutes of the meeting via the following link [1].

Also, the board discussed the importance of capacity building for the group members and we would like to invite all the members to fill the following form [2] in order to help define the learning priorities.

Furthermore, the board discussed some ideas for the 2021 annual program but we would like to hear also from the members in case they would like to propose some activities. We would like to invite you to update this page and add any potential activities[3].

A meeting will be held in the first week of March in order to finalize the program and you can find below [4] a doodle link to choose the date and time that suits you.

You are also invited to join us on WWH mailing list and WWH Telegram group.
Thank you !

[1] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wiki_World_Heritage_User_Group/Meeting_minutes_20210213
[2] https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSde6BsB8v9WwbLtE0_n5kT0TmZoYXsaFQN2ijP-XZFsJcWmcw/viewform
[3] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wiki_World_Heritage_User_Group/Calendar2021
[4] https://doodle.com/poll/4qmstzpwaxu45pwr

Imelda Brazal (Talk)
Members Liaison, Wiki World Heritage User Group
On behalf of the Board Members


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Latest comment: 3 years ago 1 comment1 person in discussion

Mes sincères félicitations pour ce certificat
Eihel (talk) 14:34, 15 June 2021 (UTC) Reply

Wiki World Heritage Membership Request

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Latest comment: 3 years ago 1 comment1 person in discussion


Wiki World Heritage UG Membership is open to anyone who supports the group's mission and objectives. To formally become a member, it is mandatory that members fill the Membership Request Form. Requests are automatically approved, except for the case of the global ban as mentioned in the by-laws.

This will also help us facilitate this year's activities and established a communication channel. You may access the form here:



Imelda (Talk) 02:17, 19 July 2021 (UTC) Reply
Members Liaison, Wiki World Heritage User Group

Invitation Groupe de travail

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Latest comment: 2 years ago 1 comment1 person in discussion

Bonjour Moumou82, Merci pour la séance de travail validée. Au nom du groupe de travail, nous t'invitons à nous rejoindre sur Telegram. Ici, le lien de connexion... --Bile rene (talk) 14:02, 16 October 2021 (UTC) Reply

Call For Volunteer Facilitators Across Africa

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Latest comment: 2 years ago 1 comment1 person in discussion
The African Narrative
The African Narrative

Dear Wikimedian,

The Africa Narrative is seeking volunteer facilitators in Egypt (two volunteers) and Senegal (two volunteers) for the AfroCreatives Wikiproject.

The AfroCreatives Wikiproject aims to support and mobilize creatives and professionals from the African creative sector, as well as enthusiasts more broadly, to contribute and enhance knowledge on Wikipedia about Africa’s creative economy. Its inaugural effort will target the film sectors of Egypt, Nigeria, Rwanda, and Senegal.

The Africa Narrative (TAN) is a non-profit that develops singular, high-impact initiatives in support of African creatives and the African cultural and creative industries with the aim to strengthen capacity in the continent’s creative economy and the global visibility of African cultural soft power.

All volunteers must have full professional proficiency in English. In Senegal, they must have native or full professional proficiency in French; in Egypt, they must have native or full professional proficiency in Arabic. Volunteer facilitators should have a vast knowledge about Wikimedia projects and experience with teaching new editors. All volunteers will be compensated.

Interested participants may sign up on the project's Meta page. You may also indicate your country and email if your Wikipedia account is not associated with any email address.

The Africa Narrative/Volunteers

We will be glad if you can share with or recommend an Egyptian or Senegalese Wikipedian as well.

Thank you.

Danidamiobi (talk) 23:03, 24 February 2022 (UTC) Reply

WikiConvention Francophone 2022

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Latest comment: 2 years ago 1 comment1 person in discussion


La WikiConvention approche à grands pas ! Afin que l’on puisse anticiper son organisation, pourriez-vous svp ajouter votre pseudo sous les conférences qui vous intéressent au lien qui suit :


Merci de votre compréhension et n’hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous avez des questions ! Wikimedia France (talk) 09:48, 13 September 2022 (UTC) Reply

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