As of version 1.93, Mayflower's search interface can be translated into languages other than English. If you are interested in translating the interface, please read the instructions below.
[edit ]"Version" is the version of the localization (shown at the beginning of the localization file), and is not the same as the Mayflower version.
Language | Code | Translator(s) | Version |
Arabic | ar | alnokta | 2.02 |
Belarusian (Tarašk.) | be-tarask | User:Wizardist | 2.02 |
Catalan | ca | Joanjoc | 2.02 |
Czech | cz | Wikimol | 1.00 |
Danish | da | Hemmingsen | 2.02 |
German | de | cosicosa | 2.02 |
Greek | el | Geraki | 2.02 |
English | en | Tangotango | 2.02 |
Spanish | es | Tony Rotondas | 1.00 |
French | fr | Korrigan | 2.02 |
Galician | gl | Xosé | 2.02 |
Italian | it | Rollopack | 2.02 |
Japanese | ja | Tangotango | 2.02 |
Korean | ko | Sjhan81 | 2.02 |
Maltese | mt | Chrisportelli | 2.02 |
Dutch | nl | SPQRobin | 2.02 |
Polish | pl | FxJ (+corrections: EMeczKa) | 2.02 |
Portuguese | pt | Mosca | 2.02 |
Russian | ru | Kalan | 2.02 |
Serbian | sr | Милан Јелисавчић | 2.02 |
Swedish | sv | Bromskloss | 1.00 |
Turkish | tr | denisutku | 2.00 |
Vietnamese | vi | Vinhtantran | 2.02 |
Traditional Chinese | zh-hant | 華德禹 | 1.00 |
Simplified Chinese | zh-cn | 蔡冠豪 | 2.02 |
[edit ]- See if anybody has already made a translation by referring to the table above (see #Status). If not, add a line with your username on meta. If you are making a new translation, the "version" should be the same as the current version number of the English localization.
- Get a copy of the English localization file here.
- Go through each of the strings, and replace the English strings with the equivalent in your language.
- Create a subpage of this page with the two-letter code of your language (for example, to post a Korean translation, make User:Tangotango/Mayflower/Translation/ko) and paste your translation there.
- Please notify me when you have pasted your translation.
Please release your translation under the GNU General Public License. Thank you!
Search button translations
[edit ]Translations for the caption of the Mayflower search button can be proposed here. They will be integrated periodically (notify an administratior, preferably me). The format should be self explanatory, the lines between the curly braces contain a language code and the proposed caption separated by a colon. All translation lines except the last must be terminated with a comma.
i18n : { 'af' : 'Vind media met Mayflower', 'ar' : 'بحث عن الوسائط بواسطة مايفلاور', 'be-tarask' : 'Шукаць зьвесткі ў Mayflower', 'bg' : 'Търсете мултимедийно съдържание с Mayflower', 'ca' : 'Cerca continguts multimèdia amb Mayflower', 'cs' : 'Najdi média s Mayflower', 'de' : 'Suche Multimedia-Dateien mit Mayflower', 'da' : 'Find media med Mayflower', 'el' : 'Αναζήτηση πολυμέσων με το Mayflower', 'en' : 'Find media with Mayflower', 'es' : 'Busca contenidos multimedia con Mayflower', 'fi' : 'Etsi mediaa Mayflowerin avulla', 'fr' : 'Cherchez des fichiers média avec Mayflower', 'gl' : 'Procura contidos multimedia coa Mayflower', 'he' : 'חפשו קבצי מדיה עם מייפלאור', 'hu' : 'Keress médiafájlokat a Mayflowerrel', 'ht' : 'Chache fichye medya yo epi Mayflower', 'id' : 'Cari media dengan Mayflower', 'is' : 'Finndu miðla með Mayflower', 'it' : 'Cerca file multimediali con Mayflower', 'ja' : 'Mayflower を使ってマルチメディアを探す', 'lt' : 'Ieškoti media su Mayflower', 'nl' : 'Media zoeken met Mayflower', 'nn' : 'Finn media med Mayflower', 'no' : 'Finn media med Mayflower', 'sv' : 'Sök media med Mayflower', 'sl' : 'Poišči večpredstavnostne datoteke z Mayflower', 'sk' : 'Nájdi médiá s Mayflower', 'sr' : 'Pronađi medij koristeći Mayflower', 'pl' : 'Wyszukaj media poprzez Mayflower', 'pt' : 'Procure conteúdos multimídia com Mayflower', 'ru' : 'Найти информацию с помощью системы Mayflower', 'vi' : 'Tìm tập tin phương tiện bằng Mayflower', 'zh' : '使用Mayflower搜索媒体文件', 'zh-hans' : '使用Mayflower搜索媒体文件', 'zh-hant' : '使用Mayflower搜尋媒體檔案', 'zh-cn' : '使用Mayflower搜索媒体文件', 'zh-sg' : '使用Mayflower搜索媒体文件', 'zh-tw' : '使用Mayflower搜尋媒體檔案', 'zh-hk' : '使用Mayflower搜尋媒體檔案' }