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< User:SHB2000 | LTAs
- Based in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (very likely in Hornsby, too), but IPs can range from various different locations.
- Has used NSW Department of Education (DoE) IP addresses – likely indicates that they are school-aged.
- Socks primarily target enwiki, enwikivoyage and simplewiki.
- Uses bad-hand socks to vandalise articles; good-hand socks to revert the band-hand socks.
- Sock names typically resemble either a:
- name of a small railway station in regional New South Wales;
- generic Australian name, followed by a place name on Sydney's rail network;
- something to do with AaronGolem;
- something to do with "Tsets".
- On the English Wikivoyage, this user has a tendency to change "Trainlink" into "TrainLink".
- Many socks are globally locked for cross-wiki abuse.
- EXIF data from files uploaded to Commons indicate that their pictures were taken with an iPhone 13 Mini.
- Posts gibberish on their talk page to game autoconfirmed.
- May request for account vanishing after making edits.
Areas of interest
- Centres around New South Wales-related transport and small towns.
- Has a particular interest with regional New South Wales railway stations.
- Small towns of interest are usually in the Hunter, such as Dungog, Mindaribba , Paterson or Clarence Town.