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BOT generated Meta report. The bot reports here when:

  • More than 66% of the placing and addition of this link has been performed by one editor.
  • The user is adding more than 2 domains, but they all reside on the same server.
  • The links are exclusively added by IPs.
  • Several IPs are adding the link, but the IPs are in a close (/24) range.
[edit ]


    (LinkSearch: meta | en | es | de | fr | ru | zh | simple | c | d | Wikipedias: top 25 · 50 · major wikis · sc · gs)(Search: Google | en (G) | fr (G) | de (G) | meta (G) | backlinks | → links ←)paleokazakhstan.info
    (Reports: Report ← track | XWiki | Local | en | find entry)(DomainTools: whois | AboutUs | Malware?)

    (LinkSearch: meta | en | es | de | fr | ru | zh | simple | c | d | Wikipedias: top 25 · 50 · major wikis · sc · gs)(Search: Google | en (G) | fr (G) | de (G) | meta (G) | backlinks | → links ←)
    (Reports: Report ← track | XWiki | Local | en | find entry)(DomainTools: whois | AboutUs | Malware?)


    [edit ]


      (commons: userpage | talk (←links) || Edits: +/- | logs ← Adarshjchandran ← logs || search)(Reports: COIBot)
      (Tools: GUC | stalktoy | CA) (Search: Google | → links ← User talk  )
      (enwiki: userpage | talk (←links) || Edits: +/- | logs ← Adarshjchandran ← logs || search)

        User:Aizhan Mussina

        (commons: userpage | talk (←links) || Edits: +/- | logs ← Aizhan Mussina ← logs || search)(Reports: COIBot)
        (Tools: GUC | stalktoy | CA) (Search: Google | → links ← User talk  )
        (enwiki: userpage | talk (←links) || Edits: +/- | logs ← Aizhan Mussina ← logs || search)

        • Batsv
          User is whitelisted: User is in a trusted group rollbacker on some wikis


        (commons: userpage | talk (←links) || Edits: +/- | logs ← BlackPanther2013 ← logs || search)(Reports: COIBot)
        (Tools: GUC | stalktoy | CA) (Search: Google | → links ← User talk  )
        (enwiki: userpage | talk (←links) || Edits: +/- | logs ← BlackPanther2013 ← logs || search)

        • David1010
          User is whitelisted: User is in trusted groups sysop, bureaucrat, rollbacker on some wikis
        • Dim Grits
          User is whitelisted: User is in a trusted group rollbacker on some wikis


        (commons: userpage | talk (←links) || Edits: +/- | logs ← Frantishak ← logs || search)(Reports: COIBot)
        (Tools: GUC | stalktoy | CA) (Search: Google | → links ← User talk  )
        (enwiki: userpage | talk (←links) || Edits: +/- | logs ← Frantishak ← logs || search)


          (commons: userpage | talk (←links) || Edits: +/- | logs ← FullLifePhoto ← logs || search)(Reports: COIBot)
          (Tools: GUC | stalktoy | CA) (Search: Google | → links ← User talk  )
          (enwiki: userpage | talk (←links) || Edits: +/- | logs ← FullLifePhoto ← logs || search)


            (commons: userpage | talk (←links) || Edits: +/- | logs ← Hnetubud ← logs || search)(Reports: COIBot)
            (Tools: GUC | stalktoy | CA) (Search: Google | → links ← User talk  )
            (enwiki: userpage | talk (←links) || Edits: +/- | logs ← Hnetubud ← logs || search)


              (commons: userpage | talk (←links) || Edits: +/- | logs ← Idashyn ← logs || search)(Reports: COIBot)
              (Tools: GUC | stalktoy | CA) (Search: Google | → links ← User talk  )
              (enwiki: userpage | talk (←links) || Edits: +/- | logs ← Idashyn ← logs || search)


                (commons: userpage | talk (←links) || Edits: +/- | logs ← Juliusz14 ← logs || search)(Reports: COIBot)
                (Tools: GUC | stalktoy | CA) (Search: Google | → links ← User talk  )
                (enwiki: userpage | talk (←links) || Edits: +/- | logs ← Juliusz14 ← logs || search)


                  (commons: userpage | talk (←links) || Edits: +/- | logs ← Paleokazakhstan ← logs || search)(Reports: COIBot)
                  (Tools: GUC | stalktoy | CA) (Search: Google | → links ← User talk  )
                  (enwiki: userpage | talk (←links) || Edits: +/- | logs ← Paleokazakhstan ← logs || search)

                  • Qolcomaq
                    User is whitelisted: User is in a trusted group sysop on some wikis


                  (commons: userpage | talk (←links) || Edits: +/- | logs ← Slimguy ← logs || search)(Reports: COIBot)
                  (Tools: GUC | stalktoy | CA) (Search: Google | → links ← User talk  )
                  (enwiki: userpage | talk (←links) || Edits: +/- | logs ← Slimguy ← logs || search)


                    (commons: userpage | talk (←links) || Edits: +/- | logs ← Thecatcherintherye ← logs || search)(Reports: COIBot)
                    (Tools: GUC | stalktoy | CA) (Search: Google | → links ← User talk  )
                    (enwiki: userpage | talk (←links) || Edits: +/- | logs ← Thecatcherintherye ← logs || search)

                    • Vodnokon4e
                      User is whitelisted: User is in a trusted group sysop on some wikis


                    (commons: userpage | talk (←links) || Edits: +/- | logs ← Zeit23 ← logs || search)(Reports: COIBot)
                    (Tools: GUC | stalktoy | CA) (Search: Google | → links ← User talk  )
                    (enwiki: userpage | talk (←links) || Edits: +/- | logs ← Zeit23 ← logs || search)


                      (commons: userpage | talk (←links) || Edits: +/- | logs ← Аль-Гимравий ← logs || search)(Reports: COIBot)
                      (Tools: GUC | stalktoy | CA) (Search: Google | → links ← User talk  )
                      (enwiki: userpage | talk (←links) || Edits: +/- | logs ← Аль-Гимравий ← logs || search)


                        (commons: userpage | talk (←links) || Edits: +/- | logs ← Ләйсән ← logs || search)(Reports: COIBot)
                        (Tools: GUC | stalktoy | CA) (Search: Google | → links ← User talk  )
                        (enwiki: userpage | talk (←links) || Edits: +/- | logs ← Ләйсән ← logs || search)

                        • Мастер теней
                          User is whitelisted: User is in a trusted group sysop on some wikis

                        Selected additions

                        [edit ]
                        1. 2014年10月08日 10:02:51 w:ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to w:ru:Алтайские горы (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/altai.php (R X L,Search)
                        2. 2014年10月08日 10:08:08 w:ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to w:ru:Баянаул (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/bayan.php (R X L,Search)
                        3. 2014年10月08日 10:20:55 w:ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to w:ru:Алаколь (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/bal_al.php (R X L,Search)
                        4. 2014年10月08日 10:23:14 w:ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to w:ru:Джунгарский Алатау (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/jalatau.php (R X L,Search)
                        5. 2014年10月08日 10:26:22 w:ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to w:ru:Заилийский Алатау (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/zailalatau.php (R X L,Search)
                        6. 2014年10月08日 10:28:02 w:ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to w:ru:Заилийский Алатау (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/forest_of_transili_alatau/main.php (R X L,Search)
                        7. 2014年10月08日 10:34:20 w:ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to w:ru:Зайсан (озеро) (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/zaisan.php (R X L,Search)
                        8. 2014年10月08日 10:39:36 w:ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to w:ru:Алтын-Эмель (национальный парк) (diff, top?, link removed), link paleokazakhstan.info/iliaktau.php (R X L,Search)
                        9. 2014年10月08日 10:41:51 w:ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to w:ru:Калбинский хребет (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/kalba.php (R X L,Search)
                        10. 2014年10月08日 10:43:40 w:ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to w:ru:Каратау (хребет, Тянь-Шань) (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/karatau.php (R X L,Search)
                        11. 2014年10月08日 10:51:45 w:ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to w:ru:Каркаралинский национальный парк (diff, top?, link removed), link www.paleokazakhstan.info/karkar.php (R X L,Search)
                        12. 2014年10月08日 10:58:47 w:ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to w:ru:Бурабай (национальный парк) (diff, top?, link removed), link www.paleokazakhstan.info/kok.php (R X L,Search)
                        13. 2014年10月08日 11:04:22 w:ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to w:ru:Мангышлак (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/mang.php (R X L,Search)
                        14. 2014年10月08日 11:06:26 w:ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to w:ru:Прикаспийская низменность (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/sev_casp.php (R X L,Search)
                        15. 2014年10月08日 11:08:12 w:ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to w:ru:Устюрт (diff, top?, link removed), link paleokazakhstan.info/usturt.php (R X L,Search)
                        16. 2014年10月08日 11:11:25 w:ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to w:ru:Тянь-Шань (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/cts.php (R X L,Search)
                        17. 2014年10月08日 11:14:56 w:ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to w:ru:Чарынский каньон (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/charin.php (R X L,Search)
                        18. 2014年10月08日 11:16:23 w:ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to w:ru:Чу-Илийские горы (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/chu_ili.php (R X L,Search)
                        19. 2014年10月08日 11:17:56 w:ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to w:ru:Чилик (река) (diff, top?, link removed), link paleokazakhstan.info/shelek_jan.php (R X L,Search)
                        20. 2014年10月08日 11:22:18 w:ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to w:ru:Геология Казахстана (diff, top?, link removed), link www.paleokazakhstan.info/home.php (R X L,Search)
                        21. (削除) 2014年10月08日 17:37:55 w:ru:User:Мастер теней (talk, contribs, 20915) to w:ru:Чарынский каньон (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/charin.php (R X L,Search) (削除ここまで)
                          User is in a trusted group sysop on some wikis
                        22. (削除) 2014年10月08日 17:37:56 w:ru:User:Мастер теней (talk, contribs, 20915) to w:ru:Зайсан (озеро) (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/zaisan.php (R X L,Search) (削除ここまで)
                          User is in a trusted group sysop on some wikis
                        23. (削除) 2014年10月08日 17:37:57 w:ru:User:Мастер теней (talk, contribs, 20915) to w:ru:Алаколь (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/bal_al.php (R X L,Search) (削除ここまで)
                          User is in a trusted group sysop on some wikis
                        24. (削除) 2014年10月08日 17:37:57 w:ru:User:Мастер теней (talk, contribs, 20915) to w:ru:Алаколь (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/bal_al.php (R X L,Search) (削除ここまで)
                          User is in a trusted group sysop on some wikis
                        25. (削除) 2014年10月08日 17:40:25 w:ru:User:Мастер теней (talk, contribs, 20915) to w:ru:Баянаул (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/bayan.php (R X L,Search) (削除ここまで)
                          User is in a trusted group sysop on some wikis
                        26. (削除) 2014年10月08日 17:40:27 w:ru:User:Мастер теней (talk, contribs, 20915) to w:ru:Заилийский Алатау (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/zailalatau.php (R X L,Search) (削除ここまで)
                          User is in a trusted group sysop on some wikis
                        27. (削除) 2014年10月08日 17:40:30 w:ru:User:Мастер теней (talk, contribs, 20915) to w:ru:Джунгарский Алатау (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/jalatau.php (R X L,Search) (削除ここまで)
                          User is in a trusted group sysop on some wikis
                        28. (削除) 2014年10月08日 17:40:32 w:ru:User:Мастер теней (talk, contribs, 20915) to w:ru:Калбинский хребет (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/kalba.php (R X L,Search) (削除ここまで)
                          User is in a trusted group sysop on some wikis
                        29. (削除) 2014年10月08日 17:40:34 w:ru:User:Мастер теней (talk, contribs, 20915) to w:ru:Каратау (хребет, Тянь-Шань) (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/karatau.php (R X L,Search) (削除ここまで)
                          User is in a trusted group sysop on some wikis
                        30. (削除) 2014年10月08日 17:40:35 w:ru:User:Мастер теней (talk, contribs, 20915) to w:ru:Мангышлак (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/mang.php (R X L,Search) (削除ここまで)
                          User is in a trusted group sysop on some wikis
                        31. (削除) 2014年10月08日 17:40:39 w:ru:User:Мастер теней (talk, contribs, 20915) to w:ru:Прикаспийская низменность (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/sev_casp.php (R X L,Search) (削除ここまで)
                          User is in a trusted group sysop on some wikis
                        32. (削除) 2014年10月08日 17:40:40 w:ru:User:Мастер теней (talk, contribs, 20915) to w:ru:Устюрт (diff, top?, link removed), link paleokazakhstan.info/usturt.php (R X L,Search) (削除ここまで)
                          User is in a trusted group sysop on some wikis
                        33. (削除) 2014年10月08日 17:40:41 w:ru:User:Мастер теней (talk, contribs, 20915) to w:ru:Чу-Илийские горы (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/chu_ili.php (R X L,Search) (削除ここまで)
                          User is in a trusted group sysop on some wikis
                        34. (削除) 2014年10月08日 17:45:00 w:ru:User:Мастер теней (talk, contribs, 20915) to w:ru:Тянь-Шань (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/cts.php (R X L,Search) (削除ここまで)
                          User is in a trusted group sysop on some wikis
                        35. (削除) 2014年10月08日 17:45:55 w:ru:User:Мастер теней (talk, contribs, 20915) to w:ru:Алтын-Эмель (национальный парк) (diff, top?, link removed), link paleokazakhstan.info/iliaktau.php (R X L,Search) (削除ここまで)
                          User is in a trusted group sysop on some wikis
                        36. 2014年10月13日 13:37:41 w:ru:User:Zeit23 (talk, contribs, 323) to w:ru:Алтайские горы (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/altai.php (R X L,Search)
                        37. 2014年10月21日 19:55:39 w:de:User:Slimguy (talk, contribs, 28424) to w:de:Schu-Ili-Gebirge (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/chu_ili.php (R X L,Search)
                        38. 2014年12月06日 15:01:43 w:be:User:Frantishak (talk, contribs, 8373) to w:be:Мангышлак (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/mang.php (R X L,Search)
                        39. 2014年12月06日 18:20:47 w:be:User:Frantishak (talk, contribs, 8373) to w:be:Усцюрт (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/usturt.php (R X L,Search)
                        40. (削除) 2014年12月07日 17:50:40 w:uk:User:Dim Grits (talk, contribs, 20894) to w:uk:Чаринський каньйон (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/charin.php (R X L,Search) (削除ここまで)
                          User is in a trusted group rollbacker on some wikis
                        41. 2015年01月09日 23:58:24 w:ru:User:Juliusz14 (talk, contribs, 104) to w:ru:Тянь-Шань (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/cts.php (R X L,Search)
                        42. (削除) 2015年04月28日 14:04:50 w:ka:User:David1010 (talk, contribs, 9913) to w:ka:ჩარინის კანიონი (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/charin.php (R X L,Search) (削除ここまで)
                          User is in trusted groups sysop, bureaucrat, rollbacker on some wikis
                        43. (削除) 2015年11月10日 16:49:37 w:az:User:Qolcomaq (talk, contribs, 46243) to w:az:Üstyurd (diff, not top edit, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/usturt.php (R X L,Search) (削除ここまで)
                          User is in a trusted group sysop on some wikis
                        44. 2015年11月25日 02:02:36 w:en:User:FullLifePhoto (talk, contribs, 2) to w:en:Altyn-Emel National Park (diff, not top edit, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/katu.php (R X L,Search)
                        45. (削除) 2015年12月20日 10:44:05 w:bg:User:Vodnokon4e (talk, contribs, 16387) to w:bg:Прикаспийска низина (diff, not top edit, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/sev_casp.php (R X L,Search) (削除ここまで)
                          User is in a trusted group sysop on some wikis
                        46. 2016年02月06日 19:26:40 w:av:User:Аль-Гимравий (talk, contribs, 3503) to w:av:Каспиялъухъ гІодоблъи (diff, top edit, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/sev_casp.php (R X L,Search)
                        47. 2016年04月11日 19:01:40 w:ba:User:Ләйсән (talk, contribs, 1819) to w:ba:Тянь-Шань (diff, not top edit, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/cts.php (R X L,Search)
                        48. (削除) 2016年11月12日 16:53:20 w:az:User:Qolcomaq (talk, contribs, 46243) to w:az:Zaysan gölü (diff, not top edit, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/zaisan.php (R X L,Search) (削除ここまで)
                          User is in a trusted group sysop on some wikis
                        49. (削除) 2017年03月08日 20:40:04 w:uk:User:Batsv (talk, contribs, 5231) to w:uk:Тянь-Шань (diff, not top edit, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/cts.php (R X L,Search) (削除ここまで)
                          User is in a trusted group rollbacker on some wikis
                        50. 2017年06月10日 15:55:19 w:ml:User:Adarshjchandran (talk, contribs, 1900) to w:ml:അൽടൈൻ-എമെൽ ദേശീയോദ്യാനം (diff, not top edit, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/katu.php (R X L,Search)
                        51. (削除) 2017年07月10日 14:09:30 w:az:User:Qolcomaq (talk, contribs, 46243) to w:az:Mangistau yarımadası (diff, top edit, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/mang.php (R X L,Search) (削除ここまで)
                          User is in a trusted group sysop on some wikis
                        52. 2017年07月31日 17:24:58 w:cs:User:Hnetubud (talk, contribs, 12297) to w:cs:Kaspická nížina (diff, not top edit, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/sev_casp.php (R X L,Search)
                        53. 2017年12月04日 22:47:10 w:it:User:BlackPanther2013 (talk, contribs, 12852) to w:it:Monti Chu-Ili (diff, not top edit, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/chu_ili.php (R X L,Search)
                        54. 2019年06月12日 17:06:53 w:en:User:Idashyn (talk, contribs, 37) to w:en:User:Idashyn/Altyn-Emel (National Park) (diff, not top edit, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/iliaktau.php (R X L,Search)
                        55. 2019年07月24日 10:03:44 w:ru:User:Aizhan Mussina (talk, contribs, 948) to w:ru:Участник:Aizhan Mussina/Черновик (diff, not top edit, link removed), link paleokazakhstan.info/charin.php (R X L,Search)
                        56. 2019年07月24日 10:03:59 w:ru:User:Aizhan Mussina (talk, contribs, 948) to w:ru:Урочище Куртогай (diff, not top edit, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/charin.php (R X L,Search)
                        57. (削除) 2019年10月24日 20:18:11 w:az:User:Qolcomaq (talk, contribs, 46243) to w:az:Xəzər ovalığı (diff, not top edit, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/sev_casp.php (R X L,Search) (削除ここまで)
                          User is in a trusted group sysop on some wikis
                        58. 2020年05月08日 17:50:36 w:kk:User:Aizhan Mussina (talk, contribs, 948) to w:kk:Борохоро жотасы (diff, not top edit, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/tok.php (R X L,Search)
                        59. 2020年06月01日 15:47:50 w:tr:User:Thecatcherintherye (talk, contribs, 26369) to w:tr:Altın-Emel Millî Parkı (diff, not top edit, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info/katu.php (R X L,Search)
                        60. ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to ru:Чилик (река) (diff, top?, link removed), link paleokazakhstan.info (R X L,Search)
                          Flagged for COI: (overlap) Username overlaps with domain: 'paleokazakhstan'-'paleokazakhstan.info' = 78.94% (100/78.94)
                        61. ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to ru:Чу-Илийские горы (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info (R X L,Search)
                          Flagged for COI: (overlap) Username overlaps with domain: 'paleokazakhstan'-'paleokazakhstan.info' = 78.94% (100/78.94)
                        62. ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to ru:Геология Казахстана (diff, top?, link removed), link paleokazakhstan.info (R X L,Search)
                          Flagged for COI: (overlap) Username overlaps with domain: 'paleokazakhstan'-'paleokazakhstan.info' = 78.94% (100/78.94)
                        63. ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to ru:Тянь-Шань (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info (R X L,Search)
                          Flagged for COI: (overlap) Username overlaps with domain: 'paleokazakhstan'-'paleokazakhstan.info' = 78.94% (100/78.94)
                        64. ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to ru:Прикаспийская низменность (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info (R X L,Search)
                          Flagged for COI: (overlap) Username overlaps with domain: 'paleokazakhstan'-'paleokazakhstan.info' = 78.94% (100/78.94)
                        65. ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to ru:Бурабай (национальный парк) (diff, top?, link removed), link paleokazakhstan.info (R X L,Search)
                          Flagged for COI: (overlap) Username overlaps with domain: 'paleokazakhstan'-'paleokazakhstan.info' = 78.94% (100/78.94)
                        66. ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to ru:Мангышлак (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info (R X L,Search)
                          Flagged for COI: (overlap) Username overlaps with domain: 'paleokazakhstan'-'paleokazakhstan.info' = 78.94% (100/78.94)
                        67. ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to ru:Устюрт (diff, top?, link removed), link paleokazakhstan.info (R X L,Search)
                          Flagged for COI: (overlap) Username overlaps with domain: 'paleokazakhstan'-'paleokazakhstan.info' = 78.94% (100/78.94)
                        68. ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to ru:Каркаралинский национальный парк (diff, top?, link removed), link paleokazakhstan.info (R X L,Search)
                          Flagged for COI: (overlap) Username overlaps with domain: 'paleokazakhstan'-'paleokazakhstan.info' = 78.94% (100/78.94)
                        69. ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to ru:Каратау (хребет, Тянь-Шань) (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info (R X L,Search)
                          Flagged for COI: (overlap) Username overlaps with domain: 'paleokazakhstan'-'paleokazakhstan.info' = 78.94% (100/78.94)
                        70. ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to ru:Калбинский хребет (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info (R X L,Search)
                          Flagged for COI: (overlap) Username overlaps with domain: 'paleokazakhstan'-'paleokazakhstan.info' = 78.94% (100/78.94)
                        71. ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to ru:Алтын-Эмель (национальный парк) (diff, top?, link removed), link paleokazakhstan.info (R X L,Search)
                          Flagged for COI: (overlap) Username overlaps with domain: 'paleokazakhstan'-'paleokazakhstan.info' = 78.94% (100/78.94)
                        72. ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to ru:Зайсан (озеро) (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info (R X L,Search)
                          Flagged for COI: (overlap) Username overlaps with domain: 'paleokazakhstan'-'paleokazakhstan.info' = 78.94% (100/78.94)
                        73. ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to ru:Заилийский Алатау (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info (R X L,Search)
                          Flagged for COI: (overlap) Username overlaps with domain: 'paleokazakhstan'-'paleokazakhstan.info' = 78.94% (100/78.94)
                        74. ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to ru:Заилийский Алатау (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info (R X L,Search)
                          Flagged for COI: (overlap) Username overlaps with domain: 'paleokazakhstan'-'paleokazakhstan.info' = 78.94% (100/78.94)
                        75. ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to ru:Алаколь (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info (R X L,Search)
                          Flagged for COI: (overlap) Username overlaps with domain: 'paleokazakhstan'-'paleokazakhstan.info' = 78.94% (100/78.94)
                        76. ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to ru:Баянаул (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info (R X L,Search)
                          Flagged for COI: (overlap) Username overlaps with domain: 'paleokazakhstan'-'paleokazakhstan.info' = 78.94% (100/78.94)
                        77. ru:User:Paleokazakhstan (talk, contribs, 21) to ru:Алтайские горы (diff, top?, still there), link paleokazakhstan.info (R X L,Search)
                          Flagged for COI: (overlap) Username overlaps with domain: 'paleokazakhstan'-'paleokazakhstan.info' = 78.94% (100/78.94)


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                        Log entry for the Spam blacklist:

                        \bpaleokazakhstan\.info\b    # ADMINNAME # {{sbl-diff|#}}; see [[User:COIBot/XWiki/paleokazakhstan.info]]


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                        Request Status - Stale

                        See COIBot report for more details.

                        New data reported. Autostale: very old xwiki report (>2 weeks). --COIBot (talk) 23:06, 1 November 2020 (UTC)

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