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BOT generated Meta report. The bot reports here when:

  • More than 66% of the placing and addition of this link has been performed by one editor.
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    Older revids of this page may contain data pertaining other additions.
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    (LinkSearch: meta | en | es | de | fr | ru | zh | simple | c | d | Wikipedias: top 25 · 50 · major wikis · sc · gs)(Search: Google | en (G) | fr (G) | de (G) | meta (G) | backlinks | → links ←)nyingmatrust.org
    (Reports: Report ← track | XWiki | Local | en | find entry)(DomainTools: whois | AboutUs | Malware?)

    (LinkSearch: meta | en | es | de | fr | ru | zh | simple | c | d | Wikipedias: top 25 · 50 · major wikis · sc · gs)(Search: Google | en (G) | fr (G) | de (G) | meta (G) | backlinks | → links ←)
    (Reports: Report ← track | XWiki | Local | en | find entry)(DomainTools: whois | AboutUs | Malware?)


    [edit ]

      User: tools: Google | WHOIS | domaintools | RBL | tools)
      (spamhaus | projecthoneypot | malwareurl)

      (commons: talk (←links) || Edits: +/- || search)
      (enwiki: talk (←links) || Edits: +/- || search)(Tools: GUC | gblock | log | → links ← User talk ) | (Reports: COIBot)

        User: tools: Google | WHOIS | domaintools | RBL | tools)
        (spamhaus | projecthoneypot | malwareurl)

        (commons: talk (←links) || Edits: +/- || search)
        (enwiki: talk (←links) || Edits: +/- || search)(Tools: GUC | gblock | log | → links ← User talk ) | (Reports: COIBot)

          User: tools: Google | WHOIS | domaintools | RBL | tools)
          (spamhaus | projecthoneypot | malwareurl)

          (commons: talk (←links) || Edits: +/- || search)
          (enwiki: talk (←links) || Edits: +/- || search)(Tools: GUC | gblock | log | → links ← User talk ) | (Reports: COIBot)

            User: tools: Google | WHOIS | domaintools | RBL | tools)
            (spamhaus | projecthoneypot | malwareurl)

            (commons: talk (←links) || Edits: +/- || search)
            (enwiki: talk (←links) || Edits: +/- || search)(Tools: GUC | gblock | log | → links ← User talk ) | (Reports: COIBot)

              User: tools: Google | WHOIS | domaintools | RBL | tools)
              (spamhaus | projecthoneypot | malwareurl)

              (commons: talk (←links) || Edits: +/- || search)
              (enwiki: talk (←links) || Edits: +/- || search)(Tools: GUC | gblock | log | → links ← User talk ) | (Reports: COIBot)

              Selected additions

              [edit ]
              1. 2009年08月01日 23:10:04 w:en:User: (talk, contribs, 5) to w:en:Tarthang Tulku (diff, not top edit, still there), link www.nyingmatrust.org (R X L,Search)
                Other links: www.nyingmatrust.org (5,15,4,1,,R X L)
              2. 2009年08月01日 23:54:30 w:en:User: (talk, contribs, 5) to w:en:Tibetan Aid Project (diff, page deleted), link www.nyingmatrust.org/ (R X L,Search)
                Other links: www.nyingmatrust.org/ (5,15,4,1,,R X L)
              3. 2009年08月01日 23:56:43 w:en:User: (talk, contribs, 5) to w:en:Prayer flag (diff, not top edit, link removed), link www.nyingmatrust.org (R X L,Search)
                Other links: www.nyingmatrust.org (5,15,4,1,,R X L) www.tibetanaidproject.org (5,10,1,1,,R X L)
              4. 2009年08月01日 23:58:55 w:en:User: (talk, contribs, 5) to w:en:Prayer wheel (diff, not top edit, link removed), link www.nyingmatrust.org/Prayer-Wheel-Blessings.php (R X L,Search)
                Other links: www.nyingmatrust.org/Prayer-Wheel-Blessings.php (5,15,4,1,,R X L)
              5. 2010年01月02日 14:02:11 w:en:User: (talk, contribs, 7) to w:en:Tarthang Tulku (diff, not top edit, still there), link www.nyingmatrust.org/ (R X L,Search)
                Other links: www.nyingmatrust.org/ (7,15,7,1,,R X L)
              6. 2010年01月02日 14:03:46 w:en:User: (talk, contribs, 7) to w:en:Tibetan American (diff, not top edit, link removed), link www.nyingmatrust.org (R X L,Search)
                Other links: www.nyingmatrust.org (7,15,7,1,,R X L)
              7. 2010年01月02日 14:31:02 w:en:User: (talk, contribs, 7) to w:en:Tibetan Buddhism (diff, not top edit, still there), link www.nyingmatrust.org/DharmaPerspectives/buddhismSchools.html (R X L,Search)
                Other links: www.nyingmatrust.org/DharmaPerspectives/buddhismSchools.html (7,15,7,1,,R X L)
              8. 2010年01月02日 14:33:58 w:en:User: (talk, contribs, 7) to w:en:Tibetan Aid Project (diff, page deleted), link www.nyingmatrust.org/ (R X L,Search)
                Other links: www.nyingmatrust.org/ (7,15,7,1,,R X L)
              9. 2010年01月02日 14:38:48 w:en:User: (talk, contribs, 7) to w:en:Jigdral Yeshe Dorje (2nd Dudjom Rinpoche) (diff, not top edit, link removed), link www.nyingmatrust.org/AboutUs/founder.html (R X L,Search)
                Other links: www.nyingmatrust.org/AboutUs/founder.html (7,15,7,1,,R X L)
              10. 2010年01月02日 14:40:49 w:en:User: (talk, contribs, 7) to w:en:Rinpoche (diff, not top edit, link removed), link www.nyingmatrust.org/AboutUs/founder.html (R X L,Search)
                Other links: www.nyingmatrust.org/AboutUs/founder.html (7,15,7,1,,R X L)
              11. 2010年01月02日 14:44:34 w:en:User: (talk, contribs, 7) to w:en:Tulku (diff, not top edit, link removed), link www.nyingmatrust.org/AboutUs/founder.html (R X L,Search)
                Other links: www.nyingmatrust.org/AboutUs/founder.html (7,15,7,1,,R X L)
              12. 2010年02月05日 18:41:34 w:en:User: (talk, contribs, 9) to w:en:Tibetan Buddhism (diff, not top edit, still there), link nyingmatrust.org/DharmaPerspectives/buddhismSchools.html (R X L,Search)
                Other links: nyingmatrust.org/DharmaPerspectives/buddhismSchools.html (9,15,3,1,,R X L)
              13. 2010年02月05日 18:44:12 w:en:User: (talk, contribs, 9) to w:en:Four Noble Truths (diff, not top edit, link removed), link nyingmatrust.org/DharmaPerspectives/fourNobleTruths.html (R X L,Search)
                Other links: nyingmatrust.org/DharmaPerspectives/fourNobleTruths.html (9,15,3,1,,R X L)
              14. 2010年02月05日 18:45:51 w:en:User: (talk, contribs, 9) to w:en:Bodhisattva (diff, not top edit, link removed), link nyingmatrust.org/DharmaPerspectives/bodhisattva.html: (R X L,Search)
                Other links: nyingmatrust.org/DharmaPerspectives/bodhisattva.html: (9,15,3,1,,R X L)
              15. 2011年09月24日 15:01:36 w:en:User: (talk, contribs, 52) to w:en:Prussian Blue (diff, not top edit, link removed), link www.nyingmatrust.org/DharmaPerspectives/buddhismSchools.html (R X L,Search)
                Other links: home.valornet.com/overbeck/tibet.html (52,,>>,>>,,R X L) www.npr.org/blogs/pictureshow/2010/09/17/129930953/monks (52,-1,>>,>>,,R X L) www.dharmawheel.net (52,,>>,>>,,R X L) www.dharmadata.org (52,,>>,>>,,R X L) lotsawahouse.org/translations.html (52,,>>,>>,,R X L) www.berzinarchives.com (52,597,>>,>>,,R X L) www.nyingmatrust.org/DharmaPerspectives/buddhismSchools.html (52,15,>>,>>,,R X L) www.buddhist-tourism.com/countries/tibet/monasteries/ (52,,>>,>>,,R X L) www.songtsen.org (52,,>>,>>,,R X L) www.siddharthasintent.org/Pubs/West.htm (52,,>>,>>,,R X L) www.bibliographietibet.org (52,,>>,>>,,R X L) www.tbrc.org (52,,>>,>>,,R X L) thdl.org (52,212,>>,>>,,R X L) www.lamrim.com (52,,>>,>>,,R X L) independent.academia.edu/JHill/Papers/439945/Notes_on_the_Dating_of_Khotanese_History (52,,>>,>>,,R X L) www.springerlink.com/content/gg8740360243350j/ (52,-1,>>,>>,,R X L) sangyetashiling.dk/kt/seagal.htm: (52,,>>,>>,,R X L) www.orientmag.com/8-30.htm (52,,>>,>>,,R X L) news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7307495.stm (52,-1,>>,>>,,R X L) www.tapriza.org/e/kultur/s_reli_02.htm (52,,>>,>>,,R X L) www.kagyuoffice.org/buddhism.nyingma.html (52,,>>,>>,,R X L) www.berzinarchives.com/web/en/archives/study/history_buddhism/general_histories/introduction_history_5_traditions_buddhism_bon.html (52,597,>>,>>,,R X L) www.berzinarchives.com/web/en/archives/audio/historical_cultural_comparative_stu/comparison_buddhist_traditions/tibetan_traditions/four_traditions_tibetan_buddhism_pe/transcript_1.html: (52,597,>>,>>,,R X L) vajranatha.com/teaching/DzogchenChinese.htm (52,,>>,>>,,R X L) thezensite.com/ZenEssays/Miscellaneous/Indian_buddhism.pdf (52,,>>,>>,,R X L) ccbs.ntu.edu.tw/FULLTEXT/JR-BJ001/barber.htm (52,,>>,>>,,R X L) www.ucalgary.ca/rels/barber (52,1869,>>,>>,,R X L) www.berzinarchives.com/web/en/archives/study/history_buddhism/general_histories/spread_buddhism_asia.html: (52,597,>>,>>,,R X L) www.berzinarchives.com/web/en/archives/study/history_buddhism/general_histories/introduction_history_5_traditions_buddhism_bon.html: (52,597,>>,>>,,R X L) www.berzinarchives.com/web/en/archives/study/history_buddhism/buddhism_tibet/details_tibetan_history/history_early_period_buddhism_tibet/Part_2.html: (52,597,>>,>>,,R X L) www.berzinarchives.com/web/en/archives/study/comparison_buddhist_traditions/theravada_hinayana_mahayana/intro_comparison_hinayana_mahayana.html: (52,597,>>,>>,,R X L) www.berzinarchives.com/web/en/archives/e-books/published_books/spiritual_teacher/pt3/spiritual_teacher_13.html (52,597,>>,>>,,R X L) www.berzinarchives.com/web/en/archives/e-books/published_books/spiritual_teacher/spiritual_teacher_preface.html (52,597,>>,>>,,R X L) www.berzinarchives.com/web/en/archives/study/comparison_buddhist_traditions/theravada_hinayana_mahayana/intro_comparison_hinayana_mahayana.html: (52,597,>>,>>,,R X L) www.adherents.com/adh_branches.html#Buddhism (52,-1,>>,>>,,R X L) religions.pewforum.org/reports (52,626,>>,>>,,R X L) www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2007/90227.htm (52,-1,>>,>>,,R X L)


              [edit ]

              Log entry for the Spam blacklist:

              \bnyingmatrust\.org\b        # ADMINNAME # {{sbl-diff|#}}; see [[User:COIBot/Local/nyingmatrust.org]]


              [edit ]

              Request Status for en.wikipedia.org - Stale

              See COIBot report for more details.--COIBot 01:32, 20 December 2009 (UTC)

              AutoStale: Very old local report. --COIBot 01:51, 1 February 2010 (UTC)

              Stale report, reopened. --COIBot 20:26, 5 February 2010 (UTC)

              AutoStale: Very old local report. --COIBot 17:50, 20 March 2010 (UTC)

              New data reported. Autostale: local report reported to local wiki, should be handled locally. --COIBot 15:10, 24 September 2011 (UTC) Autostale: very old local report (>3 days). Autostale: local report reported to local wiki, should be handled locally. . --COIBot 18:39, 28 December 2011 (UTC)

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