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Title blacklist/Log/2016

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki


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Javad[\. ]{0,5\([sS][iaoe]nger\) → Javad[\. ]{0,5}\([sS][iaoe]nger\) #Syum90 change ; added lost "}"
.*Ҷавод\s{0,5}\w{0,5}\s{0,5}Рамазон.* #Syum90 change ; extended regex to JR
:# billinghurst # addition 
 .*marian.richero.* # Vituzzu addition  lta, spam
.*quickbooks (customer|helpline).* #billinghurst # addition 
.*payday\b # MarcoAurelio # addition ; spambot attack today with pages with this title


[edit ]
.*Ҷавод\s{0,5}\w{0,5}\s{0,5}Рамазон.* → .*[ҶЏ]ав[оа]д\s{0,5}\w{0,5}\s{0,5}Рамаз[оа]н.* #Syum90 change ; extended regex to JR
#: billinghurst # addition  change  change 
.*(day|online|instant|check|about|quick|best|free|advance|\buk|compare|\bhour|easy|why|guaranteed|fast|credit|\bby) payday.*
.*payday (text )?loans.* <autoconfirmed>
d → [dɗ] #Syum90 change ; extended regex to JR
.*DEE?Z.NUT5.*<newaccountonly|antispoof> #Vituzzu #addition  cw-abuse
#: #Syum90 change ; extended regex to JR
 [dɗ] → [dɗt]
 .*[ҶЏ]ав[оа]д\s{0,5}\w{0,5}\s{0,5}Рамаз[оа]н.* → .*[ҶЏЖ]ав[оа]д\s{0,5}\w{0,5}\s{0,5}Рам[ае]з[оа]н.*
 .*ჯავადის[\. ]{0,5}რამადანის.*
 .*ஜவாத்[\. ]{0,5}ரமளான்.*
v → [vṿ] #Syum90 change ; extended regex to JR
#: # MarcoAurelio # addition 
 .*[i1liíìîï]nf[I1liíìîï]n[I1liíìîï]t[3eéèëê][0-9]{4}.* <newaccountonly|errmsg=titleblacklist-forbidden-new-account>
 .*[i1liíìîï]nf[I1liíìîï]n[I1liíìîï]t[3eéèëê][0-9]{4}.* <noedit>
#: #Syum90 change ; extended regex to JR
 [aAÃÄäÂâĀāẠạȦȧăĂắẮằẰẳẲẵẴặẶǎǍąĄǡåÅáÁấẤắẮàÀ] → [aAÃÄäÂâĀāẠạȦȧăĂắẮằẰẳẲẵẴặẶǎǍąĄǡåÅáÁấẤắẮàÀo]
 .*[aAÃÄäÂâĀāẠạȦȧăĂắẮằẰẳẲẵẴặẶǎǍąĄǡåÅáÁấẤắẮàÀeèé]m\w?[ẑz][aAÃÄäÂâĀāẠạȦȧăĂắẮằẰẳẲẵẴặẶǎǍąĄǡåÅáÁấẤắẮàÀo]ni?[\. ]{0,5}[jJdDĴcCĆ][aAÃÄäÂâĀāẠạȦȧăĂắẮằẰẳẲẵẴặẶǎǍąĄǡåÅáÁấẤắẮàÀe][vṿ]\w[dɗt].* (invert words)
#: billinghurst # change  change  updated pay day loans regex
.*Javad Ramadan.* <autoconfirmed> # billinghurst addition 
ளா → [ளாலா] #Syum90 change ; extended regex to JR


[edit ]
.*gmail support.* # billinghurst # addition 
# billinghurst # update  tech support change  addition 
.*[ҶЏЖ]ав[оа]д\s{0,5}\w{0,5}\s{0,5}Рам[ае]з[оа]н.* → .*[ҶЏЖж]а[ву][оа]д\s{0,5}\w{0,5}\s{0,5}Рам[ае][зд][оа]н.* # Syum90 # change 
#Vituzzu addition  spam
[ẑz] → [ẑzź] # Syum90 # update 
 .*Casino.* <newaccountonly> # Ajraddatz # addition 
.*[aA4]r[s$]ch[lI].* <newaccountonly> # Steinsplitter # addition 


[edit ]
Homeontherange <newaccountonly> # Ajraddatz # addition  - now removed
.*customer service number.* <newaccountonly> # billinghurst addition 
.*Lui\b.Morais.* #Vituzzu addition  - promo on dozens of wikis


[edit ]
.*1800-?213-?2171.* # billinghurst # addition 
.*seewo(?-i:[LlI][Ff]).* # Steinsplitter # addition 
.*(?:pega|senta).na.(?:banana|lin[gĝģğġ][uüûùú][iìíîï][cçćĉ]a|salsi(?:ch|xx?)a).* <newaccountonly> # Defender # addition  # abusive usernames on ptwiki


[edit ]
.*[YyIiíıl]\.?[Aa]\.?[NnMm]\.?[Gg]\.?[Uu]\.?[Aa]\.?[SsZz].* <newaccountonly> # Teles # change 
.*Chronus.* <newaccountonly> # Teles # addition 
.*1844-?203-?1044.* # billinghurst # addition 
#: # billinghurst # addition  change 
.*(help desk|support)(.?phone)?.?number.*


[edit ]
#: # billinghurst # addition  update to customer support spam
.*(helpline|tech|s(ervice|upport)) (tele)?phone number.* # billinghurst # change change 
#: # Steinsplitter # addition  import username blacklist from hewiki
.+[^א-ת]נאצית?[^א-ת].* <newaccountonly>
.+להשחי[טת].* <newaccountonly>
.+[^א-ת]חרא[^א-ת].* <newaccountonly>
#: # Steinsplitter # change  update hewiki regexes
.*נאצית?.* <newaccountonly>
.*חרא.* <newaccountonly>
.*[אה]חריב.* <newaccountonly> # Steinsplitter # addition  abused by LTA
\bCasino.* <newaccountonly> # Steinsplitter # removal 
.*tech support (helpline }?n.* # billinghurst # addition  update to customer support spam
.*quickbook.* <newaccountonly> # Steinsplitter # addition 
#: # billinghurst # addition  change  change  change 
.*(custom|printed) t(ee)?.?shirt.*
.*t(ee)?.?shirts? (printing|quilt|everywhere|design).*


[edit ]
.*pel[1li]can sh[1il]t.* # billinghurst # addition 
.*my.+home.{0,5}boys?.* <newaccountonly> # Defender # addition , change , change , change 
.*t(ee)?.?shirts? (printing|quilt|everywhere|design|online|(to|on|in) |buy).* # billinghurst # change  change 
.*service (tech|supp(ort).* <newaccountonly> → .*service (tech|supp(ort)?).* <newaccountonly> # Steinsplitter # change 
.*tech support (helpline }?n.* → .*tech support (helpline )?n.* # Steinsplitter # change 
\bItailevi.* # MarcoAurelio # addition ; cross-wiki sockpuppetry
.*N∪mβεR.* # billinghurst # addition  tech support
.*AlvaroMolina.* <newaccountonly|antispoof> # MarcoAurelio # addition  # Cross-wiki abuse.
.*(custom|printed| own|blank) t(ee)?.?shirt.* # billinghurst # change  t-shirts
.*Bsadowski1.* <newaccountonly|antispoof> # billinghurst # addition 
.*Zzuuzz.* <newaccountonly|antispoof> # billinghurst # change 

September 2016

[edit ]
.*Tegel.* <newaccountonly|antispoof> # billinghurst # addition  steward, subject of abuse
.*(facebook|quickbooks) (customer|helpline|support|technical|on-?line).* # billinghurst # change  change 
#: # billinghurst # addition  change 
.*best online (fashion )?shop.*
.*online shopping (find|for).*
.*for global customer.*
.*the hottest new.*
#: # billinghurst # addition  change  change  change 
.*gain inches.*
.*growing tips anyone.*
.*height (today|increas|discrimin|from).*
.*(with|using|the|\.|get|effective|introducing|ease|forget) shoe lift.*
.*shoe lift (insole|addition| ?\-|to make).*
.*affordable.* <antispoof> # billinghurst # addition 
.*better page rank.*
.*(lifts for|taller) shoes.*
.*(hina|wholesale) Jersey.*
#: # billinghurst # addition , addition , addition  change 
.* earn online money.*
.* loan faster.*
.* as discounts.*
.*check this out.*
.*wholesale (jersey|soccer).*
.*(hina|hinese|wholesale) jersey.*
.* most effective way.*

October 2016

[edit ]
.*B.?sadowski.* <newaccountonly|antispoof> # billinghurst # change  change 
.*[mɯḿṁṃмӍμ₥][yýŷÿȳẏẙỳỵỷỹΥΎῨῪΎуўӯӱӳ].+\b[hήĥħȞhɦḣḥḧḩḫнңӈӉηἠἡἢἣἤἥἦἧὴᾐћⱧԋњһ]+[oóòôöõǒōŏǫőœøəόοωὸὀὁὄὂὅὃоөӧӫδσʘǿọ]+[mɯḿṁṃмӍμ₥]+[iìíîïĩļǐīĭḷl·ιїɨ!łľį]+[éèëeęěĕėẻẹếềễểȨȩḝēḗȅȇệḙḛ3عڠẽə]+[s$śŝşšṣσѕ]*\b.* <newaccountonly> # Defender # addition  change  change 

November 2016

[edit ]
#: spam # billinghurst # addition 
.*strateg(y|ies) to buy.*
.*breaking your budget.*
.*article promotion tip.*
.*Molly White.* <newaccountonly|antispoof> # billinghurst # addition 

December 2016

[edit ]
.*is my ho(me|[a-z]se)b.* <newaccountonly|antispoof> # billinghurst # change  change  change 
.*custom lanyard.* # billinghurst # addition 
.*(best|top|with|through|perfect|having|ideal|using|beneficial) autism.* # billinghurst # addition 
#: # billinghurst # addition 
.*marketing instant.*
.*pay affiliate.*
.*minecraft (server|download).* # billinghurst # addition 
.*great tips .* # billinghurst # addition 
.*(hina|hinese|wholesale|buy authentic) jersey.* # billinghurst # change 
.*do s and don ts of.* # billinghurst # addition 
#: # billinghurst # addition  addition  addition  change  change 
 .*credit check loans.* <autoconfirmed>
 .*instant money.* <autoconfirmed> 
 .*without enquiries.* <autoconfirmed>
 .*self.?employed loans.*
 .*cash with no income.*
 .*(strong|good| a| the) NHL (pullover|shirt|jacket).*
 .*NHL (lover|supporter|enthusiast|fanatic).* <autoconfirmed>
 .*properties for sale.* <autoconfirmed> # billinghurst # addition 
#: # billinghurst # addition 
.*\beasy methods.* <autoconfirmed>
.*home equity loan.* <autoconfirmed>
.*card debts? repayment.* <autoconfirmed>
.*your (forthcoming|next) (occasion|function|occurrence|party).* <autoconfirmed>
.*\b(ways|tips|how|methods} to (obtain|choose|discover).* <autoconfirmed>
.*\b(advantages|benefits) of (booking|renting|leasing).* <autoconfirmed>
#: # billinghurst # addition  addition  addition  change  change  change  change  change  change 
.*\bpoker online.* <autoconfirmed>
.*\blimo (provider|company|service|program|support|assist).* <autoconfirmed>
.*manage your loan.* <autoconfirmed>
.*on( the ((inter)?net|web)|.?line) gaming fun\b.*
.*memorable team (development|building).*
.*\b(vehicle|auto(motive)?|car|truck) driving (basic|tips|guideline|suggestion|security|safeness|regulation|practice|rules|protection).* <autoconfirmed>
.*tax preparation (consultation|service).* <autoconfirmed>
.*(progress(ion)?|advancement|trend|development) (along with|in addition to|as well as|and also|plus) devolution.*
# nulling Persian diacritics # billinghurst # addition  from talk page
#: # billinghurst # addition 
.*homosexo.* <newaccountonly|antispoof>
.*wikinger.* <newaccountonly|antispoof>

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