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Title blacklist/Log/2015

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Adding entries

For requests on Talk:Title blacklist

  1. Take the logging snippets from both Talk:Title blacklist and Title blacklist after your edits. (Mark the request as done, then take the logging snippet provided there; add your regex(es) to the blacklist and then take the snippet there.)
    • For additions, use {{tbl-diff|1161261}}; see {{tbl-log|1161258#{{subst:anchorencode:Example}}}}, which produces addition ; see request
    • For removals, use {{tbl-diff|1161261|removal}}; see {{tbl-log|1161258#{{subst:anchorencode:Example}}}}, which produces removal ; see request
    • For changes, use {{tbl-diff|1161261|change}}; see {{tbl-log|1161258#{{subst:anchorencode:Example}}}}, which produces change ; see request
  2. For single entries, write the entry and log data on the same line.
  3. For multiple entries, put the log data on a line beginning with " #:", then list the entries on new lines below indented by three spaces to set the regexes apart.


entry # Admin # log data
.*Grawp.* # Spacebirdy # addition ; see request 
#: # Kylu # addition ; see request 
.*example.* # Herbythyme # removal ; see request 
.*Grawp.* → .*G[rwa]{2,4}p.* # Mike.lifeguard # change ; see request 

January 2015

#: # -revi # addition ; Cross-wiki abuse
.*Dokdo is republlic of korea.* <newaccountonly>
.*dokdo korea.* <newaccountonly>
.*Đokdo.* <newaccountonly>
.*Dokdo is repubłic of korea.* <newaccountonly>
.*Dokdo is repubłic korea.* <newaccountonly>
#: # Glaisher #diff ; merged entries above and to match new LTA pattern
.*[ĐDd]okdo.*korea.* <newaccountonly>
.*(?:[aå](cl|d)min|sysop).* # Glaisher change ; new pattern
.*Докдо республика корея.* <newaccountonly> # -revi # addition ; Cross-wiki abuse
.*[ĐDd]okdo.*kor.* <newaccountonly> # -revi # change  ; Cross-wiki abuse, add new patterns
#: updating DiezelSun/Alexander Tatarnikov # billinghurst # change 
#: removed dated removals # billinghurst change 
.*レオパレス.* <newaccountonly> # LTA pattern, same diff^^

February 2015

.*[Jj]avad.*[rR]amezani.* #billinghurst #addition  via Talk:Title blacklist
.*SERVICE KOMPOR.* #billinghurst # addition  SERVICE KOMPOR username

March 2015

.*SERVICE.*KOMPOR.* <newaccountonly> # Stemoc # addition  SERVICE KOMPOR minor change
.*CALL.087808242095.* # billinghurst # change 
.*st(e|е)(w|vv)(a|а)rd.* # Hoo man # change 
.*BAJOTZ.* # bennylin # addition 

Removed commented out lines # bennylin # removal

# Fakes of Wikimedia staff
#.*\(WMDE\).* <newaccountonly>
#.*\(WMF\).* <newaccountonly>
#.*Rdsmith.* <newaccountonly>
#.*[SŞŠṢ]n[o0]{1,2}w[o0]{1,2}[lI1]?f.* <newaccountonly>
#.*B[il1ìíïîī]{3,5}ngh[uūûüùú]rst.* <newaccountonly>

Upgrade Tatarnikov (DiezelSun) # bennylin # change

.*Tatarniko(f|v) Ale(ks|x)and(er|r).*
.*Ale(ks|x)and(er|r) Tatarniko(f|v).*
.*Alexander Sergeevich Tatarnikov.*
.*Александер Татарников.*
.*Александр Сергеевич Татарников.*

Clean up title blacklist (for migration of local username blacklists) # Glaisher & Bennylin # full diff Reorganized sections. Removed commented out entries and entries which would never have worked as expected. Split several complex regexes into simpler ones for readability. Other improvements to regex. Consistent whitespace.

The Th[i1l]ng \w+ <newaccountonly>
Rolandhelper.* <newaccountonly>
JAKKERBOT <newaccountonly|casesensitive>
\bJakkerizing\b <newaccountonly|casesensitive>
\bFootball2\b <newaccountonly>
#: # Glaisher change ; antispoof for several functional account names
 .*AD+M1+N.* <newaccountonly|antispoof>
 .*5Y5[0Ø]P.* <newaccountonly|antispoof>
 .*M[0Ø]DERAT[0Ø]R.* <newaccountonly|antispoof>
 .*CHECKU5ER.* <newaccountonly|antispoof>
 .*[0Ø]VER51GHT.* <newaccountonly|antispoof>
 .*5TE(W|vv)A+RD.* <newaccountonly|antispoof>
.*5TE(W|vv)A+RD.* → .*5TE+(W|VV)A+RD. # Glaisher # change 
#: # Glaisher # diff; Importing from Japanese Wikipedia titleblacklist. see discussion
 ## functional accounts and related terms
 # From Japanese Wikipedia. Special:Permalink/11656464
 ## functional accounts and related terms
 .*管理.* <newaccountonly> # admin
 .*ビューロクラット.* <newaccountonly> # bureaucrat
 .*チェックユーザ.* <newaccountonly> # checkuser
 .*スチュ[ワア]ード.* <newaccountonly> # steward
 .*オーバーサイト.* <newaccountonly> # oversight
 .*オンブズマン.* <newaccountonly> # ombudsman
 .*開発者.* <newaccountonly> # developer
 .*理事.* <newaccountonly> # board member
 .*委員.* <newaccountonly> # committee
 .*財団.* <newaccountonly> # foundation
 .*[ブぶ][ロろ][ッツシっつ][クく].* <newaccountonly> # "block"
 ## Project names
 .*ウ[ィイ]キ([ペメピミ]ー?デ[ィイ]ア|ニュース|ブックス?|ソース|コモンズ|ク[オォ]ート|データ).* <newaccountonly>
 .*ウ[ィイ]クショナリ.* <newaccountonly>
 # Han characters (for zh, ja, etc.)
 .*[殺死腐汚盗嫌狂虐滅罪姦屁尻葬屑].* <newaccountonly>
 .*暴[[:punct:] ][行力言動动亂乱].* <newaccountonly>
 .*害虫.* <newaccountonly>
 .*自慰.* <newaccountonly>
 # Japanese derogatory language
 .*[荒あア][らラ]?[しシ].* <newaccountonly>
 .*氏[なにぬねのんナニヌネノン].* <newaccountonly>
 .*[こコ][ろロ][しシツ].* <newaccountonly>
 .*(半|はん|ハン)(ころ|コロ|ごろ|ゴロ).* <newaccountonly> 
 .*(餓鬼|がき|ガキ).* <newaccountonly>
 .*(鬼畜|[きキ][ちチ][くク]).* <newaccountonly>
 .*(莫.?迦|馬.?鹿|[ばバ][ー・]?[かカ]).* <newaccountonly>
 .*(阿呆|[あア][ー・]?[ほホ]).* <newaccountonly>
 .*(気違い|基地外|吉外|きちがい|キチガイ).* <newaccountonly>
 .*(禿|はげ|ハゲ).* <newaccountonly>
 .*(かつら|カツラ|ヅラ).* <newaccountonly>
 .*(のろま|ノロマ).* <newaccountonly>
 .*([死私]刑|しけい).* <newaccountonly>
 .*(エクスタシ|えくすたし).* <newaccountonly>
 .*ストーカー.* <newaccountonly>
 .*犯人.* <newaccountonly>
 .*(baka.*(aho|manuke)|manuke.*(aho|baka)).* <newaccountonly>
 .*ロリコン.* <newaccountonly>
 .*(知的?障害?|池沼).* <newaccountonly>
 ## Japanese sexual language / body parts
 .*[おオ][ちまチマ][んンソ].* <newaccountonly>
 .*[ちまチマ][んン][こコぽポ毛子].* <newaccountonly>
 .*(童貞|包茎).* <newaccountonly>
 .*(糞|[くぐ]そ|[クグ]ソ).* <newaccountonly>
 .*[うウ][んン][ちチこコ].* <newaccountonly>
 .*ポルノ.* <newaccountonly>
 .*(中|[なナ][かカ])(出|[だダ])[しシ].* <newaccountonly>
 .*[あア][そソ][こコ].* <newaccountonly>
 .*[オお][ナな][ニに二].* <newaccountonly>
 .*[きキ][んンソ](玉|[たタ][まマ]).* <newaccountonly>
 .*(金|[きキ][んンソ])[たタ][まマ].* <newaccountonly>
 .*(パンツ|ぱんつ).* <newaccountonly>
 .*(玉|[たタ][まマ])([金玉々]|[きキ][んンソ]|[たタ][まマ]).* <newaccountonly>
 .*[ゃやャヤ][りリ]([漫満慢万萬]|[ちまチマ][んンソ]).* <newaccountonly>
 .*([んンソ][ちまチマ]|[漫満慢万萬])[りリ][ゃやャヤ].* <newaccountonly>
 .*(性交|即[尺生]).* <newaccountonly>
 .*[ふフ][えエぇェ][らラ][ちチ][おオ].* <newaccountonly>
 .*(?:ソープランド|パイズリ).* <newaccountonly>
.*(wiki(books|data|news|quote|source|species|versity|voyage)).* # Glaisher change ; add missing closing regex
#: # Glaisher addition ; see request 
 .*Вікіпедія.* <newaccountonly>
 .*Анальн.* <newaccountonly>
 .*[Йй]об.* <newaccountonly>
 .*[xхҲ][ýŷÿȳyуӲ][úùûüũůǔūǖǘǚǜŭųűuйиїяҊ].* <newaccountonly>
 .*п[іи]д[аоиіе]рас.* <newaccountonly>
.*(baka.*(aho|manuke)|manuke.*(aho|baka)).* removal ; see request 
.+~.+wiki <newaccountonly> # Glaisher # addition  # request  & phab:T93506

April 2015

.*[5sS]T[oO0Ee]+(W|VV)A+RD.* # billinghurst change 
.*jual.*obat.* # bennylin change  LTA liashop (selling drugs)
.*Hendrix.*Adi.*Surya.* # bennylin change  LTA bajotz
:# billinghurst # added series from w:en:Mediawiki:Titleblacklist addition 
.*bktube\d{2}.* # billinghurst addition 
.+~.+wiki # Glaisher removal  request 
.*thaivdox\d.* # billinghurst addition 
.*thai(vdo|xx)x\d.* # billinghurst addition 
.*Sarey.* # Glaisher removal ; request 
.*marcoaurelio.* # Glaisher addition ; LTA attack, temporary
#: # Glaisher change ; convert some strings to antispoof entries
.*N[[:punct:] ]I[[:punct:] ]G[[:punct:] ]G[[:punct:] ]E[[:punct:] ]R.* # Glaisher removal 
#: # Glaisher change ; convert some more strings to antispoof entries
.*str[eėéèëê]tch[eėéèëê]d.* # MarcoAurelio # change ; added some more variants of "e".

May 2015

.*Scott.*Bibby.* addition  bennylin
(?:[OoIl0-9]{1,3}\.){3}.* <newaccountonly> # billinghurst addition  no pseudo IP adresses
(?:[OoIl0-9]{1,3}\.){3}.* → [^:]+:(?:[OoIl0-9]{1,3}\.){3}.* # Glaisher # change ; fix
.*PR0+5T1TUTE.* # Glaisher # addition 
.*[hHxX][uU][uUiIyY].* # billinghurst remove 

June 2015

# billinghurst addition 
.*niǵǵer.* # and variations addition 
.*(ヤリマン|レイプ|女体盛り|レズ(ビアン)?|ビッチ|咥えて欲しい).* <newaccount> # billinghurst addition 

July 2015

*PA?ED0+(PH|F)11E.* # Glaisher # addition ; abusive username
 .*favonian.* # Glaisher # addition ; see request 
.*''.* # Glaisher # addition ; see request 
.*DanielTom\d.* # billinghurst # addition 
.*WMF.* # Glaisher # addition ; discussed with Jalexander
.*WMDE.* # billinghurst , for an account speak to a WMDE committee member addition 
  1. # Mxn # addition ; migrated from vi:MediaWiki:Titleblacklist to counter major ongoing vandalism
 .*đ[uụùúủờ] m[eẹaá].*
 .*đéo .*
 .*đ[ụùĩị] .*
 .*con đ[ĩiị].*
 .*lon của.*
 .*lon mẹ.*
 .*h[oòôồ] ch[ií].*minh.*
 .*n[oô]ng th[iị] x[uü][aăâá]n.*

August 2015

.*russavia.* # billinghurst # addition 
#: # mxn # addition 
 .*con m[áẹ].*
 .*chúng m[àầ]y.*
.*Amilton.de.Cristo.* # Defender # addition 
#: billinghurst # addition  change  multiple account names starting with name, though some appending, blocking for articles too
.*pay[0o]neer.* <newaccountonly>

September 2015

.*[jJ]av\wd [rR]am\w?zani? # billinghurst change  from talk page
[aAÃÄäÂâĀāẠạȦȧăĂắẮằẰẳẲẵẴặẶǎǍąĄǡåÅáÁấẤắẮàÀ] # billinghurst change 
#: # Glaisher addition  request  import from ptwiki
.*VA1[- ]T0MAR[- ]N0.*
.*VA1([- ]?[TC5])?E[- ]?FUDER?.*
.*CARA[- ]DE[- ]PAU.*
.*cara de cu.*
.*nunca ser[aá].*
#: # Glaisher # change 
 .*[\. ](?:com|org|uk|net|info|gov|kz|ru|ir|biz|info|кз)\b.* → .*[\. ](?:com|org|uk|net|info|gov|kz|ru|ir|biz|info|кз|pt|br)\b.*
 .*(wiki(?:[mp]edia(?!n))).* → .*(wiki(?:[mp][eé]dia(?!n))).*

October 2015

.*Lotter[A-Z]\w{2,6}.* <newaccountonly> #billinghurst #addition 
.*Casino[A-Z]\w{2,6}.* <newaccountonly> #billinghurst #addition 
Me and Selena #billinghurst # addition 
.*Hpprintersupport.* <newaccountonly> # Glaisher # addition ; mediawiki.org spam

November 2015

Javad[\. ]{0,5\([sS]inger\) # billinghurst # addition  CoI spam
.*[sS]elfie [sS]hoe.* <newaccountonly> # billinghurst # addition  Commons request
.*Meciurilive.* <newaccountonly> # billinghurst # addition , and removed several old patterns
# billinghurst # addition  LTA spam
.*support helpline.* <newaccountonly>
.*phone number.* <newaccountonly>
.[jJdD] ... # billinghurst change  extension of Ramezani regex
# billinghurst # addition  and change  and change 
.*customer care.* <newaccountonly>
.*service (tech|support).* <newaccountonly>
.*tech support.* <newaccountonly>
.*1 \d{3} \d{3} \d{3}.* <newaccountonly>
.*([Dd]ell|hp|HP|[Bb]rother|[cC]anon) printer.* <newaccountonly>
# and variations

December 2015

.1[ \-\.]?8[0oO]{2}[ \-\.]?\d{3}[ \-\.]?\d{2}[0oO] # billinghurst # addition  further telephone spam
# billinghurst change  regex tweak to JR spam change  change  change  change  change 
# billinghurst addition  change  change  change 
.*[I1][ \-~\.]?8[ \-~\.]?[0oO][ \-~\.]?[0oO][ \-~\.]?26[ \-~\.]?9[ \-~\.]?{I1][ \-~\.]?6[ \-~\.]?[0oO][ \-~\.]?8.*
.*[nN]orton [lL]ive [hH]elp.*
.*s(ervice|upport) (tele)?phone number.*
.*customer support number.*
.*\bon.tires\b.* <newaccountonly> # Defender # addition 
.*Belanidia.* <newaccountonly> # Teles addition  change 
.*[yIiíıl]a[mn]gua[zs].* <newaccountonly>
.*DARIO SEVERI.* <newaccountonly>
.*Vou (cagar|defecar|mijar|ejacular|gozar).* <newaccountonly>
.*[Ck]aguei.* <newaccountonly>
.*GRS73.* <newaccountonly>
.*herbythyme.* <newaccountonly|antispoof> # billinghurst # addition 

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