Template:Wikimania 2010 Stockholm/news
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- da.wikipedia: da:Bruger:CarinaT/Wikimania-Stockholm (updated through September 28)
- en.wikipedia: w:User:Bjelleklang/Wikimania-stockholm (updated through September 28)
- fi.wikipedia: fi:Käyttäjä:Nikerabbit/Wikimania-Stockholm (updated through September 28)
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- no.wikipedia: no:Bruker:Bjelleklang/Wikimania-Stockholm (updated through September 28)
- nn.wikipedia: nn:Brukar:Bjelleklang/Wikimania-Stockholm (updated through September 28)
- sv.wikipedia: sv:Användare:Moralist/Wikimania-Stockholm (updated through September 28)
September 2008
September 28:
- A special Sunday meeting was held, as there had been some trouble getting everyone to meet on Thursday night. Thursday meetings will commence again on October 9.
- Mikael Lindmark is withdrawing from the bid, new member Oskar Sigvardsson is taking his place.
- Tasks were discussed again, with each person's tasks being clearly outlined. A timeline was set, in which a certain percentage of each task should be finished by the next meeting (October 9). The first tasks should be finished by the beginning of November in most cases. People finishing their tasks early will be assigned to new tasks.
- A vote was held on the question of conference location: Fluff, Bjelleklang, Mike_H, Laaknor, JHS, OskarS, CarinaT and Henrik voted yes to Stockholm University. Nobody opposed, with Patricia and Wegge being absent at the time of the meeting. Other options discussed before the vote were the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholmsmässan, and Globen.
- Mike_H was elected as a temporary bid committee chair, with nobody opposing.
- The question of guest speakers on the conference was raised; Mike asked everyone to come up with suggestions for October 9, which will be the next meeting.
- Carina brought up a proposal first posted to the mailing list by Sir48. Before Wikimania, it is proposed to organize meetups in Oslo, Helsinki, Copenhagen and Reykjavik of the local Wikipedians, and then from there everyone can travel together to Stockholm for the conference. The Norwegians, Danes and Finns in attendance agreed it was a very good idea. Carina suggested that this be written into the bid, and Mike volunteered to put it in. The bid team will also be talking to the Icelandic contingent in the coming weeks and asking for their input with this idea.
August 2008
August 28:
- First official bid team meeting; log to be found at Wikimania_2010/Bids/Stockholm/logs
- It was decided to create a mailing list; Henrik will take care of it.
- We decided that Wikimania will be held in the 32nd week of the year, as traditionally in most Nordic countries, a "summer break" occurs during Weeks 29, 30 and 31. The date for Wikimania 2010 in Stockholm will be August 5-8, 2010. Bid team meetings will be held on Thursdays from now on (6 p.m. in Iceland, 8 p.m. in Norway/Sweden/Denmark, 9 p.m. in Finland).
- There was some discussion around what the bid need to contain; Mike talked some about the Atlanta bid, and highlighted a few points from that, such as "places to worship." He is going to be rewriting the intro section of the bid, coordinating translations, and writing the open letter to the jury.
- Patricia was selected to oversee the work on getting sponsors and grants; she will coordinate with people from the various countries who also will help to contact corporations and government organizations to apply for funds, or to find more information.
- Christoffer was selected to compile a list of possible hotels, and to start work at finding suitable accommodation. He will also write a bit more about the event itself, and the logistics onsite.
- Lars will be compiling the section on media, outlining the print, radio, television and online media in all of the Nordic countries. This will be useful later on when it comes time to ask for partnerships and promotion in the media.
- Carina was selected to coordinate any contact with catering companies, as well as to find out more about alternatives for eating off-site in Stockholm. This work is not likely to start until the venue has been selected.
- Henrik volunteered to plan for the parties (the big party for all attendees and the VIP party).
- Jon Harald was selected to do some research on Stockholm, to find out more about places that could be nice for attendees to visit while they're there.
- Anders was assigned to find information on transportation
- And finally, Fluff and Mikael were choosen to handle the self-evaluation of the bid. This work will study the bid in detail, in order to find missing information and weaknesses.
August 26:
- New meeting planned for Thursday, August 28. Focus will be on the following:
- The next few steps for the bid team.
- If there are any special roles needed within the team, this should be assigned or at least discussed.
- Possible sponsors and grants.
- The bid team is slowly taking shape. The first members to volunteer on August 11 were Mike Halterman (US), Jon Harald Søby (NO), Lars Åge Kamfjord (NO), Fluff Abrahamsson (SE) and Christoffer Hafsahl (NO). They were later joined by Patrícia Rodrigues (SE) on August 16, Anders Wegge Keller (DK) on August 19, Mikael Lindmark (SE) on August 20, Henrik Abelsson (SE) on August 24, and Carina Tangsgaard (DK) on August 25.
- A facebook group was created, located at http://www.new.facebook.com/group.php?gid=21813998604
- Although the meeting wasn't logged (future meetings will be), possible venues, sponsors and transportation was discussed, as well as a decision to create this news template and export it to other wikis.
- FSCONS were mentioned as a possible place for the bid team to meet up, and work alongside each other for a few days.