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< Tech
This page is a translated version of the page Tech/News and the translation is 31% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
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At fylgja við og skilja alt tøkniligt virksemi tvørtur um Wikimedia rørsluna er ein torfør og tíðarkrevjandi uppgáva.
Við at tekna hald til Tech News (Tøkni Tíðini), kanst tú hjálpa við at fylgja við í nýggjum ritbúnaði, sum mest sannlíkt fer at ávirka Wikimediu-fólk, og móttak ein samandrátt einaferð um vikuna á tína kjaksíðu uttan torskilt tøkniligt mál.

Hvussu kann ein fáa Tech tíðindi?


There are multiple ways to receive Tech News:

Read or advertise Tech News

Tech News is published every week. You can:

(追記) (追記ここまで)Help write Tech News

Skriva og ger tað meira einfalt

Do add material to Tech News! Any additions are always very welcome.

Add information, even if you are not sure it's vital or important. It is better to remove something later than to miss information that should have been included.

Minst til meðan tú rættar:

  • Brúka einfalt, ikki-tøkniligt mál;
  • Nýt stutt, vanlig orð og "active voice" tá tú nýtir sagnorð;
  • Use <abbr> for abbreviations and acronyms;
  • Keep entries short (ideally no longer than two short sentences);
  • Link to details, ideally translatable content on a wiki, with the most important link first
  • Use ([[File:Octicons-sync.svg|12px|link=|class=skin-invert]]) for items that are in most issues of the newsletter (new MediaWiki version, some meetings) and ([[File:Octicons-tools.svg|15px|link=|class=skin-invert]]) for advanced items aimed at technical editors.
Monitor changes

Check the following sources of information. Choose those you understand and are comfortable with: if you understand code, you can look at the commits, for example, while summarizing mailing list discussions may be more appropriate for someone who doesn't code:

Vel kunning

From those sources, select what you think is relevant:

  • for Wikimedians without specialized technical knowledge, who may otherwise not learn about technical changes that may affect them;
  • for people who relay these news to their fellow editors, like village pumps or noticeboards.

Add material to the next summary.

Any contribution is useful, even just adding a link. Other contributors can help write or simplify a longer description later.

Kom í gongd
Næsta útgávan kemur eftir ætlan út 2025年03月10日.

Tú kanst týða og staðseta
Allir vikuligir samandráttir kunnu týðast. Um tú kanst skriva á meira enn einum máli, vinarliga umhugsa so at týða nakrir samandráttir, til gleði fyri hini ið eisini skriva her. The next week issue will be ready for translation on Thursday, end of day UTC.
Finn luttakarar
Bjóða øðrum ið hava hug til at taka lut í Tech News, soleiðis at øll kunnu arbeiða eitt sindur minni.

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