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This page is a translated version of the page Tech/News/2020/46 and the translation is 100% complete.
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It's the latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community! Not everything may affect you. More translations are available.
Changes later this week
- There is no new MediaWiki version this week.
Future changes
- Reference previews show a preview of a footnote when you hover over it. This was already available as a beta feature, but it is about to move out of beta and get enabled by default. It will be possible to disable it if desired. The developers are looking for small or medium-sized wikis to volunteer to be the first to enable it by default. If your wiki is interested you can contact the developers. [1]
- On November 16 the categories will not be sorted in order for a short time due to an upgrade of the internationalisation library that the developers have scheduled that day. A script will be used to fix existing categories, but this can take anywhere from few hours to a few days depending on how big the wiki is. You can read more. [2] [3]
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Fine print: Tech news in British English (en-gb) does not necessarily use British spelling. It is only British in spirit, unoversimplified when compared to the regular English version, allowing more complex terms (e.g. "issues" instead of "problems") and constructions.