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This page is a translated version of the page Tech/News/2018/23 and the translation is 73% complete.
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最新技術新聞 來自維基媒體技術社群。請幫手將爾啲變化話俾其他用戶。唔係所有嘅變化都會影響到你。翻譯亦已經提供。
- The MonoBook skin has been optimised for mobile devices. It now looks different. [1]
- Planet Wikimedia collects blogs about Wikimedia. It will now use the Rawdog feed aggregator to do this instead of Planet. [2] [3]
- Redirect links in Special:WhatLinksHere now link to the original page and not the target page. This was done earlier and changed the used messages on some pages. This was a problem for wikis that customized the message. A new change fixed this by using the old messages with one more parameter for customization. Wikis that already changed their customized messages will have to move the customization back again. [4]
- You will not be able to edit some wikis between 06:00 and 06:30 UTC on 13 June. You can see if your wiki is one of them.
- MassMessage did not work 24–28 May. This is also why last week's Tech News was late. [5]
- 週期性項目 你可以參加下一個同編輯組一齊嘅會議。會議入面,你可以話畀開發人員有咩臭蟲你覺得最緊要。會議會喺6月5號 18:30 (UTC)搞。請睇點樣參加。
- 週期性項目 高級項目 你可以透過IRC參加技術建議會議。會議入面,自願幫手嘅開發人員可以請求技術相關嘅建議。會議會喺6月6號 15:00 (UTC)搞。請睇點樣參加。
- The new filters for edit review tools and interface for watchlists will leave beta. This is planned to happen in June or early July. [6] [7]