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Talk:Board elections/2007/FAQ

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2007 board elections

English: See Talk:Election FAQ 2006 for questions relating to last year's election. Questions about the 2007 elections can be asked here, or you can contact one of the Election committee. Your are encouraged to ask a question in your favorite language, but if you put a English note which language you are using, as "language: (your language)" at the beginning, it will be a great help for coordinating translation.
العربية: انظر Talk:Election FAQ 2006 للأسئلة المتعلقة بانتخابات السنة الماضية؛ الأسئلة حول انتخابات 2007 يمكن سؤالها هنا أو يمكنك الاتصال بأحد أعضاء لجنة الانتخاب يمكنك السؤال بلغتك المفضلة، و لكن لو وضعت ملاحظة توضح من خلالها اللغة التي تستخدمها ك"language: (لغتك)" في البداية، فسيساعد ذلك بشدة في جهود الترجمة.
Deutsch: Antworten zu Fragen bezüglich der Wahl im letzten Jahr findest du unter Talk:Election FAQ 2006. Fragen zur Wahl 2007 können hier gestellt werden, oder du kannst einen

der Wahlbeauftragten fragen. Du kannst deine Frage in deiner bevorzugten Sprache stellen, aber es erleichtert die Koordination der Übersetzungen, wenn du zu Beginn deiner Frage einen kurzen englischsprachigen Hinweis der Form

„language: (deine Sprache)" einfügst.
Suomi: Katso keskutelu vuoden 2006 UKK-sivusta nähdäksesi viime vuoden vaaleihin liittyviä kysymyksiä. Kysymyksiä vuoden 2007 vaaleista voi kysyä täällä, tai voit ottaa yhteyttä yhteen vaalikomitean jäsenistä. Kannustamme sinua kysymään kysymyksen suosikkikielelläsi, mutta jos pistät kysymyksen alkuun englanninkielisen muistutuksen mitä kieltä käytät, eli "language:(kielesi)" niin se auttaa suuresti käännöstyön koordinoimisessa.
Français : Il est conseillé de consulter en premier la page Talk:Election FAQ 2006, relative aux questions concernant les élections de l'année dernière. Pour toutes questions concernant les élections de 2007, vous pouvez les poser ici, ou bien contacter le Comité en charge de l'élection. Nous vous encourageons à poser vos questions dans la langue de votre choix, dans ce cas il est préférable de laisser une note en anglais en début de message, telle que "language: (nom de la langue choisie en anglais)", afin de signaler la langue que vous avez utilisée, et ainsi faciliter l'organisation de la traduction.
Bahasa Indonesia: Lihat Talk:Election FAQ 2006 untuk pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan pemilihan tahun lalu. Pertanyaan mengenai pemilihan 2007 dapat ditanyakan di sini, atau Anda dapat pula menghubungi salah satu komite Pemilihan. Anda didorong untuk mengajukan pertanyaan dalam bahasa pilihan Anda, tapi jika Anda memberikan catatan dalam bahasa Inggris mengenai bahasa yang Anda gunakan, dalam bentuk "language: (bahasa Anda)" pada awal pertanyaan Anda, hal tersebut akan sangat menolong untuk koordinasi penerjemahan.
日本語: 昨年の選挙に関する質問はTalk:Election FAQ 2006をご覧ください。本年度理事選挙に関する質問をこのページにお寄せください選挙組織委員会に会話ページまたはメールでご質問いただくことができます。日本語で質問をすることも出来ます。その場合、"language: Japanese" と冒頭に注記をお願いします。
Norsk nynorsk: Sjå Talk:Election FAQ 2006 for spørsmål omkring valet i fjor. Spørsmål om valet i år kan ein stille her, eller ein kan kan ta kontakt med ein av medlemmene i valkomitéen. Ein kan stille spørsmål på morsmålet sitt, men då er det fint om ein på engelsk skriv, «language: (språket ditt)» i byrjinga, så det vert lettare å koordinere omsetjing av spørsmålet.
Polski: Odpowiedzi do pytań odnośnie wyborów w zeszłym roku znajdziesz w Talk:Election FAQ 2006. Pytania do wyborów 2007 mogą być zadawane tutaj, bądź też poprzez kontakt z przedstawicielem komitetu wyborczego. Pytania możesz sformułować w wybranym przez Ciebie języku, ale informacja o preferowanym przez Ciebie języku odpowiedzi "language: (twój język)" będzie ułatwieniem dla koordynacji tłumaczeń.
Русский: Вопросы, касающиеся прошлогодних выборов — см. на странице обсуждения списка часто задаваемых вопросов (ЧаВО или FAQ) по выборам 2006 г.. Вопросы о выборах 2007 года можно задать здесь, либо связаться с кем-то из Избирательной комиссии. Вы можете задавать вопросы на наиболее удобном вам языке, однако при этом обязательно помещайте в начале своего вопроса английское примечание о том, что это за язык — в формате "language: (your language)"; это будет большим подспорьем для координации перевода.


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When will candidates be named? "Candidate acceptance has not begun yet." Amgine 05:06, 10 June 2007 (UTC) Reply

Thanks, fixed. --Aphaia 06:40, 10 June 2007 (UTC) Reply


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Will it be possible to see a list of voters? This might be useful for rooting out users voting with sockpuppet accounts. Warofdreams 19:17, 10 June 2007 (UTC) Reply

Possibly no. We have no idea to create such ... however you may see who will have voted in a given moment. --Aphaia 19:29, 10 June 2007 (UTC) Reply

Time commitment

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Approximately how much time is required to carry out the duties of a board member? Presumably these aren't supposed to be full-time volunteer positions, so it would be nice to have some indication as to how many hours a board member typically spends on board-related activities per day/week/month. —Psychonaut 16:13, 11 June 2007 (UTC) Reply

Currently board activity requires around 8-16 hours a week. But my prediction is that this will fall to around 8-12 hours in the coming months. (Jan-Bart)

Board travel expenses

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Board members are not paid a fee but are their expenses reimbursed? (I think they should be, especially for intercontinental air travel). --A. B. (talk) 18:27, 12 June 2007 (UTC) Reply

Yes: from the FAQ: However, expenses related to Board activities, such as travel, may be compensated. (For example, a board member who needs to attend a Board meeting in Florida may be reimbursed for airfare and hotel, but may not be paid simply for attending.) - Philippe 19:26, 12 June 2007 (UTC) Reply

Appointed members.

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Board_elections/2007/FAQ/en#Will all the current board members be standing for election? Do they have to? states "Kat Walsh and Oscar van Dillen come to the end of their terms and their successors will be elected" and "Also please note the appointed members won't be elected by vote.". Kat and Oscar were appointed, so this currently contradicts itself. -- Jeandré, 2007年06月11日t18:37z

Yes you know the fact correctly: they were appointed, and now being replaced by vote, and thus seems to be contradicted. I understand it as a sort of transitional p henomenon in Board expansion. When they were appointed, it was determined their successor would be elected, so be it. But basically appointed member (at least three) won't be elected by vote of the community. --Aphaia


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Here I have some questions about the technical counting of user edits.

  • Yesterday I checked my user contributions and I had 400 before 1 June 2007, but today I have 399 since one of them was done in a page that has been removed. Do deleted edits count? Do I still keep the right to vote?
  • I have an account in a Wikimedia project with more than 400 contributions but I am blocked in that project for 1 month. Will I be able to vote even though I still will be blocked during the voting? If the answer is affirmative, what about an infinite block?
  • I have the right to vote in more than one project and, in spite of being forbidden, I will vote from all of them. What will you do to avoid this?

Thank you. --SMP (talk page) 18:53, 15 June 2007 (UTC) Reply

Thank you for your questions and sorry for late reply.
  • Deletion
    Sorry no, edits were count at the very moment you try to vote.
  • Blocking
    You won't able to vote in both cases. If you are blocked, either temporally or indefinitely, at the moment you try to vote, you cannot vote.
--Aphaia 04:31, 27 June 2007 (UTC) Reply

Start of term

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When do the newly-elected board members take office? - jredmond 22:00, 18 June 2007 (UTC) Reply

Board members' personal liability in the event of a suit against the Foundation

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What is the Foundation's attorneys opinions on this question: under U.S. and Florida law, can board members be held personally financially responsible in lawsuits against the foundation (especially copyright and libel actions)? Some organizations provide their members with "directors and officers liability insurance" against such an action -- does the Foundation do this? (If unpaid board members have a liability exposure as a result of their service, then I think they should be provided with such insurance.) --A. B. (talk) 18:04, 20 June 2007 (UTC) Reply

I think that would be a question best asked of the office directly - you're unlikely to get a response on the election pages, which are strictly about the election. Philippe 18:43, 20 June 2007 (UTC) Reply
It is my understanding that the Foundation itself accepts all liability for the actions of its board, thus absolving all board members of any liability. Nonetheless, as Philippe says, this is not the best place to ask, and I honestly do not know for sure--you might direct the question instead to our new legal rep. AmiDaniel 16:57, 5 July 2007 (UTC) Reply

Tied Election

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I've been reading through the Wikipedia article on approval voting and I got to think about what process the election committee is going to use in the off chance that a tie for 3rd place happens (as there are three seats open this time around). The time to worry about this is now, before the election, rather than after the polls have closed.

There are a few different methodologies that are proposed in governmental elections to deal with this, such as flipping a coin or playing out a hand of poker (law in New Mexico and actually used in 2004 in one state-wide race). Other non-random tie breakers could be earliest date of account registration, date of filing as candidate, or something else along these lines although this seems to give certain biases that are not necessarily appropriate either.

While this is a remote chance given the number of people who are likely to be voting in this election, it isn't something to completely ignore either. And it becomes a huge issue when the election results do come in and there is a tie vote and no policy or mechanism to deal with the situation. Hopefully, if this does happen, the two candidates can come up with a compromise that would resolve the situation in the first place. --Roberth 14:45, 24 June 2007 (UTC) Reply

Thank you for your interest, Roberth
We determind as the below at Board elections/2007:
In the event of a tie, a run-off election will be announced.
Later the community will think one of ways you proposed is better than run-off, but for this election, I personally think, we have no reason to change the rule. --Aphaia 15:47, 24 June 2007 (UTC) Reply
The only problem with a run-off election in this situation is that it would require a whole new effort to get people to vote. And could result in a futher tie (in theory). But this is a solution. Thanks for considering the possibility at least. --Roberth 15:52, 28 June 2007 (UTC) Reply
Totally, totally of the topic of the board election -- but what race was this in NM that was settled by a hand of poker? I'm from New Mexico, and I don't recall that at all. AmiDaniel 16:53, 5 July 2007 (UTC) Reply

Can votes be changed?

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Can votes be changed at any time during the voting window? In other words, should we wait until the last day if we're not sure about a candidate's position? — Omegatron 04:26, 27 June 2007 (UTC) Reply

Good question, yes. You can change your vote in any time during the voting opens. --Aphaia 04:56, 27 June 2007 (UTC) Reply

At what point in time can we expect the results

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And via what medium? Mailing lists or wiki somewhere? -- Tawker 06:37, 27 June 2007 (UTC) Reply

Once the election results are certified, which we expect will be around a week after election close, the results will be released through several media (mailing lists, on-wiki, etc). Don't worry, you won't miss it. Philippe 16:31, 27 June 2007 (UTC) Reply

I can't seem to vote

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I am a regular contributor to Wikiversity. I checked my history, and I appear to have over 400 edits since the inception of my account, which was before March 1, 2007. But it won't allow me to vote. First it said I didn't have an account, and then I created an account on http://wikimedia.spi-inc.org with the same username as my wikiversity account (Jacob Walker, my real name), and yet I still couldn't vote. Can someone help me? --Jacob Walker 13:40, 28 June 2007 (UTC) Reply

Hi, sorry to hear you are in trouble. Could you please give a link to your user page on Wikiversity with which we can examine your case closely? --Aphaia 13:54, 28 June 2007 (UTC) Reply
The voting system works for me via en-Wikipedia or Meta, but it does not work from en-Wikiversity, the wiki where I have most of my edits. --JWSurf 17:21, 28 June 2007 (UTC) Reply
Problem reported. It should be fixed shortly. Sorry for the inconvenience. AmiDaniel 17:25, 28 June 2007 (UTC) Reply
Should now be fixed. AmiDaniel 17:46, 28 June 2007 (UTC) Reply
It is now working from both http://en.wikiversity.org and http://beta.wikiversity.org --JWSurf 17:52, 28 June 2007 (UTC) Reply
I have a question too. I have 24,000+ edits on Wikipedia. I do not have edits on Wikimedia. Does this mean I can not vote? The response above ("When you are signed in to Wikipedia and go to Special:Boardvote, what message does it give you?") does not help as I see no Special:Boardvote. WhoNose 10:06, 1 July 2007 (UTC) Reply
There are over 200 Wikipedias. You have those edits on one Wikipedia or in a sum? To vote, you need to have 400+ edits on a single project, sign it on and then crick the link to "vote" at the top. I have no idea which project do you call here "Wikimedia" (this website?). --11:41, 1 July 2007 (UTC)
If you have more than the 400 required edits and meet the voting requirements, you should be able to vote. My question above ("what message does it give you") is intended as a troubleshooting step. I stand by it. If you go to the search field and type in "Special:BoardVote", what happens? What message does it give you? Philippe 05:49, 3 July 2007 (UTC) Reply

Not eligible to vote?

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Latest comment: 17 years ago 6 comments6 people in discussion

Following the links to vote in the board election takes me to Wikimedia meta-wiki. I created an account on Wikimedia but it says I am not eligible to vote. I have been active on Wikipedia and commons for long enough and with enough edits to qualify. How do I connect that information so that I can vote in the board election. My accounts at each location have the same username that I have here. Cheers! --KenWalker 16:52, 28 June 2007 (UTC) Reply

Try Commons:Special:Boardvote instead. Thanks. --Aphaia 23:03, 28 June 2007 (UTC) Reply

Multiple namespaces?

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I have 400 edits on Wikipedia, but when I go to Wikimedia it says I am not eligible. I think this is because I have the same user-name on both accounts. My Wikipedia account has the needed requirements, but not my Wikimedia account. How do I vote under my Wikipedia account? -- User:In Defense of the Artist

Moved from content page. --.anaconda 17:22, 30 June 2007 (UTC) Reply
When you are signed in to Wikipedia and go to Special:Boardvote, what message does it give you? Philippe 00:01, 1 July 2007 (UTC) Reply
I use Firefox and have the same problem, and I get the message:
I can't determine your Wikimedia user ID. Please log in to the wiki where you are qualified, and go to Special:Boardvote. You must use an account with at least 400 contributions before 00:00, 1 June 2007, and with a first edit before 00:00, 1 March 2007.Note that you must have your browser configured to accept cookies from our external voting server: wikimedia.spi-inc.org.
But when I use IE Tab, it works. So apparently it's a Firefox problem. Someoneinmyheadbutit'snotme 20:45, 1 July 2007 (UTC) Reply
Can you both please confirm that you have Firefox configured to accept cookies from wikimedia.spi-inc.org? Note that this is not a Wikimedia subdomain. I can confirm that both User:Someoneinmyheadbutit'snotme and User:In Defense of the Artist at en.wikipedia.org are qualified, your usernames are in the voter list. There's no problem with your edit count. -- Tim Starling 22:59, 1 July 2007 (UTC) Reply

Same person from different projects

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Latest comment: 17 years ago 4 comments3 people in discussion

How is the software supposed to find if the same person is voting from different projects? I saw that going to Special:Boardvote from en.wikibooks and clicking on "vote" in the external server page gives all the options although I had already voted from en.wikipedia. Of course, I didn't vote again from en.wikibooks. -- Paddu 17:24, 30 June 2007 (UTC) Reply

There are manual checks very regularly - those votes won't make it through to the end.  :-) Philippe 00:00, 1 July 2007 (UTC) Reply
Manual checks of what? What if the user has different names on each? — Omegatron 23:54, 1 July 2007 (UTC) Reply
In the interests of not compromising the election security, I'd prefer not too give too many details at this time, but please understand that we regularly request the help of persons with checkuser privileges, and have a number of tools built into the boardvote system that are at our disposal. I'd prefer not to tell folks what we do and don't check for. :-) Philippe 05:45, 3 July 2007 (UTC) Reply

Voting twice?

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Latest comment: 17 years ago 1 comment1 person in discussion

To my great astonishment I read my name twice in the voters' list. I didn't change my vote and I'm sure I didn't hit back in my browser (the only possible explanations I can think of). Any ideas about it? --Elitre 11:48, 7 July 2007 (UTC) Reply

Off topic

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Latest comment: 17 years ago 1 comment1 person in discussion


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In Finland wikipedia supervisor called AdaL makes personnel terrorising to my documents please could you remove his rights and make him a normal user.

This question is not election related and will not be answered on these pages. Please address issues about your wiki through appropriate channels (probably beginning within your own wiki). You may also wish to contact a steward on meta, though I think they would probably ask that you go through dispute resolution steps on your own wiki. Philippe 17:59, 1 July 2007 (UTC) Reply

secure server

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Latest comment: 17 years ago 3 comments3 people in discussion

Could you alter the link on the top of the en:wikipedia so that people can vote whilst logged into the secure server? Currently you get an error message instead. (I've voted but had to log in to the non-secure srever which I wasn't very happy about) 15:48, 2 July 2007 (UTC) Reply

It is actually a secure server - the server certificate is signed by Software in the Public Interest, which is hosting the server. Philippe 05:41, 3 July 2007 (UTC) Reply
What error message do you get? The link should simply be an internal link to Special:Boardvote, which redirects to the SPI server, and it should work fine be you logged in on the http or https server. AmiDaniel 16:49, 5 July 2007 (UTC) Reply

By project?

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Latest comment: 17 years ago 2 comments2 people in discussion

The first question asks: "What does it mean by project?". There is no context provided. Where is the wording this question refers to?

In this context, I am wondering if any steps towards countering systemic bias have been taken. Since en.wikipedia is the biggest project, I'm concerned that people who did good work in other projects will get much fewer votes. SebastianHelm 03:30, 3 July 2007 (UTC) Reply

There have been discussions along those lines, and they will likely continue into previous elections. I strongly encourage you to join them - a good start would be to post suggestions to the foundation mailing list. Philippe 05:43, 3 July 2007 (UTC) Reply

two questions; confirm that votes count, what prevents multiple votes?

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Latest comment: 17 years ago 2 comments2 people in discussion

How can I confirm that my vote was actually counted and not lost/thrown out? I still do not understand how this system can prevent individuals from voting multiple times. --JWSurf 16:47, 13 July 2007 (UTC) Reply

For your second question... they don't want to reveal all the details of how it can prevent but there are steps taken to ensure there are no multiple votes. See # Same person from different projects above. -- Paddu 05:28, 27 July 2007 (UTC) Reply

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