Main public logs
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- 07:19, 3 September 2011 Shijualex talk contribs moved page User:Shijualex/Schedule/1 to User:Shijualex/Schedule/Program draft
- 11:25, 31 August 2011 Shijualex talk contribs moved page WikiConference India 2011/Submissions/Software for ikipedia to WikiConference India 2011/Submissions/Software for Wikipedia
- 14:21, 27 August 2011 Shijualex talk contribs moved page WikiConference India 2011/Submissions/Promoting the work of Research Scholars through WikiMedia: A Boon to R&D Initiative in India By Pankaj K Das/ to WikiConference India 2011/Submissions/Promoting the work of Research Scholars through WikiMedia: A Boon to R&D Initiative in India
- 04:55, 26 August 2011 Shijualex talk contribs moved page WikiConference India 2011/Submissions to WikiConference India 2011/Submissions Review
- 16:18, 26 July 2011 Shijualex talk contribs moved page Talk:WikiConference India 2011/Program Management to Talk:WikiConference India 2011/Programs
- 16:18, 26 July 2011 Shijualex talk contribs moved page WikiConference India 2011/Program Management to WikiConference India 2011/Programs
- 05:05, 13 April 2007 User account Shijualex talk contribs was created
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