Main public logs
Combined display of various logs. You can select the log type, the user name (case-sensitive except for the first letter) of the acting user, and/or the affected page (full name required, case-sensitive except for the first letter).
- 15:07, 2 June 2012 Ninomy talk contribs changed the state of Japanese translations of IPv6 initiative/2012 IPv6 Day announcement from Needs updating to Proofreading
- 04:20, 2 June 2012 Ninomy talk contribs changed the state of Japanese translations of IPv6 initiative/2012 IPv6 Day announcement from In progress to Needs updating
- 03:20, 2 June 2012 Ninomy talk contribs changed the state of Japanese translations of IPv6 initiative/2012 IPv6 Day announcement from (unset) to In progress
- 05:37, 2 June 2009 Ninomy talk contribs moved page User:Ninomy/TestPage to Wikimedia Conference Japan/時間割/t
- 05:36, 2 June 2009 Ninomy talk contribs moved page User:Ninomy/セッション to Wikimedia Conference Japan/時間割
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