Main public logs
Combined display of various logs. You can select the log type, the user name (case-sensitive except for the first letter) of the acting user, and/or the affected page (full name required, case-sensitive except for the first letter).
- 12:20, 7 June 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page WikiGap/Communication plan (Creating a page with the communication plan.)
- 13:25, 5 June 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page WikiGap/Information to organizers (Skapat sidan information till organisatörerna)
- 13:00, 5 June 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page WikiGap/Timetable (Skapar en undersida till WikiGap)
- 09:37, 8 May 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page Translations:The Wikipedia Library/1Lib1Ref/Resources/27/sv (Created page with "Glöm inte att använda dig av "#1lib1ref"!")
- 09:36, 8 May 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page Translations:The Wikipedia Library/1Lib1Ref/Resources/26/sv (Created page with "Inlägg skapade i förväg (ja, du kan bara kopiera en post och dela den!)")
- 09:35, 8 May 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page Translations:The Wikipedia Library/1Lib1Ref/Resources/25/sv (Created page with "Dela GIF of how to add a citation on File:Facebook logo.png|25px|link=")
- 09:35, 8 May 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page Translations:The Wikipedia Library/1Lib1Ref/Resources/24/sv (Created page with "Dela GIF of how to add a citation using citation hunt on File:Facebook logo.png|25px|link=https://ww...")
- 09:35, 8 May 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page Translations:The Wikipedia Library/1Lib1Ref/Resources/23/sv (Created page with "Dela video on how to add a citation on File:Facebook logo.png|25px|link=")
- 09:34, 8 May 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page Translations:The Wikipedia Library/1Lib1Ref/Resources/22/sv (Created page with "Dela GIF of how to add a citation on File:Facebook logo.png|25px|link=")
- 09:34, 8 May 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page Translations:The Wikipedia Library/1Lib1Ref/Resources/21/sv (Created page with "Dela en 1 pager version of how to add a citation (JPEG) on File:Facebook logo.png|25px|link=")
- 09:33, 8 May 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page Translations:The Wikipedia Library/1Lib1Ref/Resources/20/sv (Created page with "Dela campaign video on File:Facebook logo.png|25px|link=")
- 09:31, 8 May 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page Translations:The Wikipedia Library/1Lib1Ref/Resources/19/sv (Created page with "Du kan också delta i kampanjen genom att sprida information om hur man deltar och resultat från arrangerade event och så vidare i mejllistor och sociala mediekanaler. Ju fl...")
- 09:28, 8 May 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page Translations:The Wikipedia Library/1Lib1Ref/Resources/18/sv (Created page with "Jag vill dela och sprida.")
- 09:28, 8 May 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page Translations:The Wikipedia Library/1Lib1Ref/Resources/17/sv (Created page with "<br><br><center>{{#TNT|Template:Clickable button #2|Organizer's Guide|url=|class=mw-ui...")
- 09:26, 8 May 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page Translations:The Wikipedia Library/1Lib1Ref/Resources/16/sv (Created page with "<br><nowiki>#</nowiki>'''1LIB1REF''' har använts av många gemenskaper för att rekrytera nya medlemmar samt introducera bibliotekarier till Wikimedia. Syftet med kampanjen...")
- 09:09, 8 May 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page Translations:The Wikipedia Library/1Lib1Ref/Resources/15/sv (Created page with """Vill du organisera ett #1lib1ref event i din gemenskap?""")
- 09:09, 8 May 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page Translations:The Wikipedia Library/1Lib1Ref/Resources/14/sv (Created page with "Jag vill organisera.")
- 09:08, 8 May 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page Translations:The Wikipedia Library/1Lib1Ref/Resources/13/sv (Created page with "Genom att lägga till ytterligare källor till en artikel så kan man gge artikeln större djup. Adding an external link of further reading can provide additional insight to a...")
- 09:03, 8 May 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page Translations:The Wikipedia Library/1Lib1Ref/Resources/12/sv (Created page with "Bifoga gärna en extern länk eller förbättra artikeln ytterligare!")
- 09:02, 8 May 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page Translations:The Wikipedia Library/1Lib1Ref/Resources/11/sv (Created page with "Vill du göra något mer?")
- 09:01, 8 May 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page Translations:The Wikipedia Library/1Lib1Ref/Resources/10/sv (Created page with "Letar du efter ett påstående att källbelägga? Leta inte längre utan använd dig av följande verktyg för att få förslag på artiklar som behöver förbättras med fler...")
- 08:59, 8 May 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page Translations:The Wikipedia Library/1Lib1Ref/Resources/9/sv (Created page with "Jag vet inte hur jag skall hitta ett påstående/information i en artikel som behöver källbeläggas?")
- 08:58, 8 May 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page Translations:The Wikipedia Library/1Lib1Ref/Resources/8/sv (Created page with "Har du redan hittat en referens till ett påstående i en artikel som saknar källhänvisning? Ta del av nedanstående tips för att se hur du lägger till en källhänvisning...")
- 08:56, 8 May 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page Translations:The Wikipedia Library/1Lib1Ref/Resources/7/sv (Created page with "Har du en referens? Du kan lägga till en källhänvisning för att belägga ett påstående!")
- 08:53, 8 May 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page Translations:The Wikipedia Library/1Lib1Ref/Resources/6/sv (Created page with "Tusentals artiklar behöver många fler referenser Artiklar som behöver källor.<sup>[1]</sup> Tänk om varje bibliotekarie i...")
- 08:42, 8 May 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page Translations:The Wikipedia Library/1Lib1Ref/Resources/5/sv (Created page with "De som läser och redigerar på Wikipedia och som känner sig osäkra på tillförlitligheten i informationen i en artikel kan lägga till en mall som säger att ett påståen...")
- 08:29, 8 May 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page Translations:The Wikipedia Library/1Lib1Ref/Resources/4/sv (Created page with "Eftersom vem som helst kan redigera på Wikipedia, så har gemenskapen utvecklat en strategi för att försäkra sig om att artiklarna är av god kvalité:fotnoter skall inklu...")
- 08:19, 8 May 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page Translations:The Wikipedia Library/1Lib1Ref/Resources/3/sv (Created page with "Wikipedia är en ovärderlig komponent i varje forskares arbete. Flera referenser på Wikipedia gör Wikipedia till ett ännu bättre forskningsverktyg. Gå med i kampanjen oc...")
- 08:24, 15 April 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page User talk:Валентина Кодола (Concerning WikiGap 2019: new section)
- 08:22, 15 April 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page User talk:Ruti-WMIL (Concerning WikiGap 2019: new section)
- 07:54, 15 April 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page User talk:Motoko (WMKR) (Concerning WikiGap 2019: new section)
- 11:42, 10 April 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page User talk:Лапчук (Concerning WikiGap Challenge 2019!: new section)
- 11:33, 10 April 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page User talk:Дми88 (Concerning WikiGap Challenge 2019: new section)
- 11:28, 10 April 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page User talk:Tespaer (Concerning WikiGap Challenge 2019!: new section)
- 13:01, 5 April 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page User talk:Disundarideket (Concerning WikiGap Challenge 2019: new section)
- 12:59, 5 April 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page User talk:Amandacharina (Concerning WikiGap Challenge 2019: new section)
- 12:56, 5 April 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page User talk:Loraine (Concerning WikiGap Challenge 2019: new section)
- 12:55, 5 April 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page User talk:Haida (Concerning WikiGap Challenge 2019: new section)
- 12:45, 5 April 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page User talk:Nadiantara (Concerning WikiGap Challenge 2019: new section)
- 12:43, 5 April 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page User talk:Dian Aulia (Concerning WikiGap Challenge 2019: new section)
- 12:34, 5 April 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page User talk:Mugenyi alicia (Concerning WikiGap Challenge 2019: new section)
- 12:33, 5 April 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page User talk:Kagoyajuliet (Concerning WikiGap Challenge 2019: new section)
- 12:31, 5 April 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page User talk:Alvinategyeka (Concerning WikiGap Challenge 2019: new section)
- 12:26, 5 April 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page User talk:Fiktube (Concerning WikiGap Challenge 2019: new section)
- 12:17, 5 April 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page User talk:ДмитроСавченко (Concerning WikiGap Challenge 2019)
- 10:06, 11 January 2019 Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs created page User:Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) (Created page with "{{user info | full name = Mia Jacobsson | image name = | hover text = | job title = Projectleader learning and education | organization = Wikimedia Sweden | short quote = |...")
- 09:10, 1 November 2018 User account Mia Jacobsson (WMSE) talk contribs was created automatically
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