Main public logs
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- 09:25, 28 September 2012 32X talk contribs changed the state of German (formal address) translations of Fundraising 2012/Translation/Jimmy Appeal from Published to In progress
- 09:25, 28 September 2012 32X talk contribs changed the state of German (formal address) translations of Fundraising 2012/Translation/Jimmy Appeal from Ready to Published
- 09:24, 28 September 2012 32X talk contribs changed the state of German (formal address) translations of Fundraising 2012/Translation/Jimmy Appeal from Proofreading to Ready
- 09:24, 28 September 2012 32X talk contribs changed the state of German (formal address) translations of Fundraising 2012/Translation/Jimmy Appeal from Updating to Proofreading
- 09:24, 28 September 2012 32X talk contribs changed the state of German (formal address) translations of Fundraising 2012/Translation/Jimmy Appeal from Needs updating to Updating
- 09:24, 28 September 2012 32X talk contribs changed the state of German (formal address) translations of Fundraising 2012/Translation/Jimmy Appeal from In progress to Needs updating
- 09:24, 28 September 2012 32X talk contribs changed the state of German (formal address) translations of Fundraising 2012/Translation/Jimmy Appeal from (unset) to In progress
- 19:14, 2 July 2009 32X talk contribs moved page Special projects subcommittees/Languages/Requests for new languages/Wikisource Sorbian to Requests for new languages/Wikisource Sorbian (correct target)
- 19:08, 10 July 2007 User account 32X talk contribs was created
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