Research talk:Wikipedia Equality Sweden
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Latest comment: 10 years ago by Icebear Sweden in topic Method questions
Hi Icebear Sweden! This looks like it could be a very exciting project. I have a couple of questions about your sampling methods and how you will use the data. Please reply when you get a chance.
- You say that you will be surveying the readers of Swedish Wikipedia. How do you plan to find out who those people are, and get their contact information?
- Other than gender, what kind of demographic questions do you plan to ask in the survey?
- How many people do you plan to survey?
- You say that you plan to make the results and dataset available publicly. Surveys sometimes contains questions that could be used to identify a person's offline identity (their name and location). Some surveys also contain free-response questions, and people may reveal personal details in their responses to those questions. How do you plan to anonymize the survey data before releasing it publicly?
Cheers, Jmorgan (WMF) (talk) 23:02, 25 November 2014 (UTC) Reply
- I plan on, with the help of Wikimedia Sverige, petitioning the community to approve a site-notice with a link to the survey.
- Age, education level and computer skills.
- I will need 2406 respondents on each question in order to have a statistically significant sample with a confidence interval of +-2%. As all questions are optional, I would like to have a 10% marginal on this number for single question drop-outs. At 5000 respondents I will cancel the data gathering as more respondents will be superfluous and require too much time for data analysis. I count the population I draw the sample from as all readers of the Swedish language Wikipedia, about 4.7 million persons.
- All information is gathered anonymously, no names nor email or IP addresses are saved after the completion of the survey. As a first phase, I can publish the results without any open-ended responses, and if there's an interest for those as well I can wash them by hand, as I have included very few open-ended questions in the survey.
- Icebear Sweden (talk) 10:58, 5 December 2014 (UTC) Reply