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Requests for new languages/Wikinews Galego

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
submitted verification final decision

This language has been verified as eligible.
The language is eligible for a project, which means that the subdomain can be created once there is an active community and a localized interface, as described in the language proposal policy. You can discuss the creation of this language project on this page.

Once the criteria are met, the language committee can proceed with the approval.

If you think the criteria are met, but the project is still waiting for approval, feel free to notify the committee and ask them to consider its approval.

  • The community needs to develop an active test project ; it must remain active until approval (automated statistics, recent changes). It is generally considered active if the analysis lists at least three active, not-grayed-out editors listed in the sections for the previous few months.
  • The community needs to complete required MediaWiki interface translations in that language (about localization, translatewiki, check completion).
  • The community needs to discuss and complete the settings table below:
What Value Example / Explanation
Language code gl (SILGlottolog) A valid ISO 639-1 or 639-3 language code, like "fr", "de", "nso", ...
Language name Galician Language name in English
Language name Galego Language name in your language. This will appear in the language list on Special:Preferences, in the interwiki sidebar on other wikis, ...
Language Wikidata item Q9307 - item has currently the following values:
Item about the language at Wikidata. It would normally include the Wikimedia language code, name of the language, etc. Please complete at Wikidata if needed.
Directionality no indication Is the language written from left to right (LTR) or from right to left (RTL)?
Links Links to previous requests, or references to external websites or documents.
Site URL gl.wikinews.org langcode.wikiproject.org

(追記) (追記ここまで)

Project name Wikinews "Wikinews" in your language
Project namespace usually the same as the project name
Project talk namespace "Wikinews talk" (the discussion namespace of the project namespace)
Enable uploads yes Default is "no". Preferably, files should be uploaded to Commons.
If you want, you can enable local file uploading, either by any user ("yes") or by administrators only ("admin").
Notes: (1) This setting can be changed afterwards. The setting can only be "yes" or "admin" at approval if the test creates an Exemption Doctrine Policy (EDP) first. (2) Files on Commons can be used on all Wikis. (3) Uploading fair-use images is not allowed on Commons (more info). (4) Localisation to your language may be insufficient on Commons.
Optional settings
Project logo This needs to be an SVG image (instructions for logo creation).
Default project timezone "Continent/City", e.g. "Europe/Brussels" or "America/Mexico City" (see list of valid timezones)
Additional namespaces For example, a Wikisource would need "Page", "Page talk", "Index", "Index talk", "Author", "Author talk".
Additional settings Anything else that should be set
Once settings are finalized, a committee member will submit a Phabricator task requesting creation of the wiki. (This will include everything automatically, except the additional namespaces/settings.) After the task is created, it should be linked to in a comment under "final decision" above.

The Galego Wikipedia is active and we are going to start a Wikinews version.

Galego has over than 3(削除) 00 (削除ここまで) millions (3 millions) speakers around the world (mostly in Northern Spain) and have all Wikimedia projects ative but Wikinews and Wikiversity. So, It's the time to start the Galinews. MetalBrasil 12:57, 4 August 2011 (UTC) [reply ]

Arguments in favour

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  • I agree with MetalBrasil. Galipedia has more than 70.000 articles and I think that deserves it. Greetings! --Paradanta 12:49, 10 August 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
    Perdoa Paradanta pero penso que todos os que andamos a desenrolar a lingua galega nos proxectos de Wikimedia gustarianos abrir un WIKINEWS en galego (ainda ca Galipedia tiveso só a metade de artigos) e ca todos nos da alegria de ver que MetalBrasil comprometese ca lingua. Tampouco dudo ca xente que busca ó galego na internet valore atopar un Wikinews Galego. Agora ben, penso cos argumentos a favor dun Wikinews Galego teñen que fundarse na realidade de recursos para abrir un proxecto con valor engadido. Bota unha ollada aquí, alá e acolá. Saúdos Paradanta, a ver si axudas MetalBrasil a preparar unha proposta concreta ? --Elvire 13:33, 28 August 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  • Projects that have their Wikipedia less than 70 thousand articles have their own "saga" of projects well before, I really don't know why the "WikiGalicia" has not the Wikineys YET. Wikinews is a project that call a lot of new editors, editors who are not interested in encylopedias but rather jornalistic material. MetalBrasil 13:21, 12 August 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  • I support MetalBrasil, we need a Wikinews in this language. He told me about the project and I said: "why not"? Country Pie 00:26, 26 August 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
    It somewhat surprises me that an user with 6 edits overall Wikimedia as of the time of this posting, none of them in any gl-project says «we need». Any policy-fact-based comment, please? -- Dferg 09:45, 26 August 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
I'm a friend of MetalBrasil (we study at the same school here in Brazil). My name is Thiago Simões. He told me about the Wikimedia projects in late july, and I agreed to start to edit. I said "we need" because I understand the Wikimedia projects as a unique project. Cheers. Country Pie 19:03, 31 August 2011 (UTC) [reply ]

Arguments against

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  • Sorry but I don't think that Galego is ready for a Wikinews edition. First: no native speakers seems to be interested in this proposal, or at least nothing has signed yet. Second: it's very good that gl.wikipedia has reached 70,000 articles, really; but looking at the status of the sister projects (glwikibooks with very little activity and an average of 2 users as community; glwikiquote in the same situation and glwikisource in the same situation) it's patent that a) they're not interested, b) there are not enough community or c) they can't afford, yet, mantaining so many projects. This is probably enough to reject a creation of a project. In sake of fairness I must admit that glwiktionary has +30,000 entries, but that seems to be the exception that confirms the rule. And that a project has reached X number of articles is not a reason to open a new project. Projects are successful or unsuccessful in their own. Third: If no community is interested or the community is very little (which this seems to be a case) a project has all the chances to stagnate and thus convert it to useless. Fourth: following argument number 3 regarding the communities I think that Wikinews is a project that IMHO requires a permanent and willing community to be useful. As I only see very little involvement in the rest of sister projects I bet this Wikinews edition would probably stagnate; and we don't want another death project. Fifth: no content and no users in the development wiki project; therefore failing WM:LPP#Verification. I don't think that it's time to open a glwikinews right now. Regards, -- Dferg 20:41, 15 August 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  • Add the fact that glwiki editors and administrators are also opposing the creation of new gl projects due to lack of hands and inviability. -- Dferg 20:45, 15 August 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  • (gl) Galego  : Non se pode decir que hai un proxecto polo momento, dei esplicacións aqui (seccion Galego Wikinews). Estamos nunha situacion semellante a da Galician Wikiversity. Non sei case nada de inglés, pero polo que podo entender comparto a maioría dos argumentos do usuario Dferg. Saúdos --Elvire 12:17, 24 August 2011 (UTC) Engado que , no meu punto de vista o número de locutores do galego e o número de artigos da Galipedia, non poden ser argumentos nin a favor, nin a contra de abrir un novo proxecto en lingua galega --Elvire 12:48, 24 August 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
    (fr) Français Á première vue je partage en grande partie les arguments de Dferg, même si je ne comprends pas très bien l'anglais et que je ne sais pas m’exprimer dans cette langue. Actuellement (aout 2011), il n'y a pas de bases, ni de ressources visibles pour lancer un tel projet. Le projet wikipedia en galicien (Galipedia) concentre le plus fort potentiel de contributions, les autres projets du galicien en cours soi stagnent (wikisource), soi évoluent régulièrement grâce à un travail "acharné" d'un très petit nombre d'utilisateurs. Cordialement --Elvire 12:17, 24 August 2011 (UTC) J'ajoute qu'à mon avis la quantité de locuteurs du galicien (de 2 à 3 millions) et la quantité des articles de la Galipedia (bientôt 75 000) ne sauraient être des arguments ni pour, ni contre la création d'un nouveau projet en langue galicienne--Elvire 12:48, 24 August 2011 (UTC) [reply ]

Other discussion

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And if we made a list? Make a list and join a number of interesteds with a compromise to edit and keep up the galinews? What do you think, discordants? MetalBrasil 17:54, 26 August 2011 (UTC) [reply ]

Does someone can help me with a link of the place that I should start the signatures page? Please, I don't know where's the place to put these things... MetalBrasil 23:14, 30 August 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  • (gl) Galego: Alguén me podería axudar con un link no que eu debería comezar a páxina de sinaturas, por favor? Non teño idea de que lugar é para comezar iso... MetalBrasil 23:20, 30 August 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
    I don't see consensus here for the idea. And, franckly, a list of signatures is of little help, IMHO. Without content and community interested the project won't be created. It's very easy to sign in a list —specially if it carry on no consequences— and then forget it. -- Dferg 08:58, 31 August 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
How can we know whether or not volunteers show up without doing a project? The attempt is the maximum project: In the early days of Wikipedia in 2001 many people said "this project has no future" and had. Who are we to judge the future? And if the Galician people have vein for journalism? Who knew that Russian Wikinews, not the English one, would be the greatest? Who knew? None. We have to try, we have to give opportunity for the free knowledge flow to all sides, in all languages, from all backgrounds. This is our work, not pessimism! MetalBrasil 20:17, 31 August 2011 (UTC) [reply ]
  • (fr) francais : En tant que fervent défenseur de Wikinews, il faut que les contributeurs potentiels en galicien sachent que ce n'est pas un projet comme les autres. Il traite de l'actualité et ceci a une conséquence directe : il faut contribuer chaque jour. Après une dure journée de labeur, on repart à zéro le lendemain, et ad vitam eternam. Il faut au bas mot, 5 contributeurs réguliers et s'arranger d'écrire au moins un article par jour. Il existe dans le jargon journalistique, des « marronniers », c'est-à-dire des sujets qui reviennent de façon cyclique au fil des saisons lorsque l'actualité est calme ; il s'agit des roues de secours quand l'actualité nous laisse en plan. Pour les futurs contributeurs, je donne des exemples : le sport. Si le football est roi, on écrira des pages sur le football (championnats, coupes), chez les Néo-Zélandais ce sera le rugby, les Canadiens préfèrent le Hockey sur glace. Ensuite, la météo est le sujet quotidien par excellence : elle ne sera jamais la même. Comme la Galice est une région côtière, on peut encore jouer sur les marées et les coefficients de marée. D'autres voies sont à exploiter, le bot BOT-Superzerocool met en ligne les cours de la Bourse, d'autres, la météo plusieurs fois par jour. Ce ne sont pas les sujets qui manquent.-- Bertrand GRONDIN  → (Talk) 18:23, 25 October 2011 (UTC)

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