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Program Capacity and Learning/Annual Plan

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

Supplemental description page for 2016-2017 Wikimedia Foundation Annual Plan

Grow and Scale Mature Wikimedia Programs including Education and Libraries with Capacity Building Tools and Resources

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Programs are key to growth of contributors and content, connecting people to people and people to content. These initiatives will help program leaders fail and learn quickly while replicating what works broadly. We will ease the time wasted searching for, or not finding, tools and resources through a single entry point, a central knowledge hub called the "Wikimedia Resource Center". Other Program and Learning Infrastructure components include a Program and Events dashboard which allows program leaders to design, deliver and evaluate programs with ease through semi-automated, supportive tools and infrastructure. This objective also includes supporting grantees and the FDC decision making process through improved knowledge and reporting on program outcomes.


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  • Creates a single-point of entry and one-stop shop for Wikimedia resources for the communities. Will increase search and findability of all curated resources and allow for connecting people to people and people to content for scale.
  • Provides programmatic management tools and data across content-producing programs
  • Reduces volunteer and staff time in running and evaluating programs
  • Provides data capture on programs across multiple global communities.
  • Provides support to applicants in writing and measuring quality objectives for their proposed projects and events.
  • Provides support to decisions toward program effectiveness and guidance for development and decision-making.

Alignment to...

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  • Knowledge #2: "Expand content faster through enabling community-led content partnership programs such as GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums)."
  • Knowledge #3: "Increase content quality and timeliness by technologically enhancing our editors’ ability to create, monitor, and process content."
  • Communities #2: "Create and support programs to increase volunteer participation such as recognition, facilitated mentorship, and personalized reengagement."

Logic Model

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Programs are key to growth of contributors and content, connecting people to people and people to content. This initiative focuses on supporting programs moving in the grow to scale phase of development focusing on how to best support scalable solutions to supporting program effectiveness.


  • Impact: Increases content and / or contributors
  • Scalability: Supports multiple communities, partnerships, and replication of best practices.
  • Sustainability: Supports program and community capacity
  • Community Leadership: Builds leadership, encourages collaboration, and engenders trust.
  • Community Need: Points to the need for WMF staff support by multiple data sources.


Project & Resources

Development of a central hub, "Wikimedia Resource Center" (project page) and continued support to other program and learning Infrastructure.


Activities & Direct Products

  • Development of a Program and Events dashboard which allows program leaders to design, deliver and evaluate programs with ease through semi-automated, supportive tools and infrastructure.
  • Programs design & learning support for core programs.
  • Coaching support to grantee program leaders for evaluation and report design/planning to communicate program targets and outcomes.
  • Support to FDC decision-making process through reporting on program targets.
Outcome Targets

Programs & Events Dashboard

  • Minimum Viable Product rolled out to at least 10 projects or languages (at least 2 emerging communities) by end of FY 16-17.
  • Community members reach out to each project still using the Education Extension and support their transition to the Dashboard by the end of FY (only if Dashboard MVP goal is met).

Wikimedia Resource Center

  • The majority of community leaders surveyed report being able to find affiliate and program resources and that the resources are useful to their learning needs (as reported via annual survey/resource feedback polling).
  • Dramatic and continual increase in the pageview and unique community editors KPIs for portal resources.

Grants Consultation and Learning Support

  • Evaluation consultation support as needed for core programs and high leverage projects (including in-depth support to 2 rounds of FDC proposals).
  • Global Metrics suite learning & development support

Staff Support to AffCom and Affiliate Partnerships

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  1. Partnership with our affiliates is key to our movement wide success. This objective includes staff support to the AffCom committee including Affiliate review and application/reporting guidance, as well as technical evaluation support to grantees and affiliates.
  2. While this work will also appear under "strategic" building trust, transparency and partnership between Affiliates and WMF is core workflow. The Team will coordinate with core group to inform strategic expansions


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  • Ensures timely response to emerging communities in their application process.
  • Provides proactive compliance monitoring and assists affiliates to keep up with required reporting.
  • Helps to maintain accurate records of our worldwide affiliate and program partners.
  • Supports best practices and learning exchange to deliver best use of shared movement resources.
  • WMF staff and community leaders reach better decisions in a collaborative way
  • Helps ensure quality in evaluation of grant-funded projects and events to insure targeted investment in impactful programs.
  • Provides orientation and recognition of recognized affiliate partners
  • Ensures consistent messaging and awareness of affiliate business to ensure appropriate WMF response to needs and opportunities

Alignment to...

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  • Communities #2: "Create and support programs to increase volunteer participation such as recognition, facilitated mentorship, and personalized reengagement."
  • Reach #2: "Improve our understanding of how and why our users come to and stay on our projects so we can better serve their needs."

Logic Model

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Partnership with our affiliates is key to our movement wide success. This initiative focuses on supporting and coordinating affiliate partnerships through staff support to the Affiliations Committee leveraging them more as peer leaders.


  • Impact: Increases content and / or contributors
  • Scalability: Supports multiple communities, partnerships, and replication of best practices.
  • Sustainability: Supports program and community capacity
  • Community Leadership: Builds leadership, encourages collaboration, and engenders trust.
  • Community Need: Points to the need for WMF staff support by multiple data sources.


Project & Resources

AffCom support and annual plan grantee support for program capacity, evaluation, and learning.


Activities & Direct Products

  • Affiliate applications processing, monitoring, and report review
  • Recognition/Derecognition affiliate communications and documentation
  • Programs design & learning support to affiliates
  • Launch new affiliate welcome kits
  • Wikimedia Conference Eligibility Review
  • Coordination of Community Engagement affiliate communications
  • Support to AffCom monthly calls and annual meeting
  • Responsive annual plan grantee evaluation consultations
Outcome Targets
  • Launch small welcome kit for new affiliates.
  • Maintain initial review response time to new applicants within 5 business days.
  • Maintain proactive review of affiliates reporting and renewals process (notify groups of any reporting issues within 30 days following due date).
  • AffCom engagement in peer learning as demonstrated by majority engagement of committee in discussions and outreach initiatives.
  • At least 3 members of AffCom engaged in direct mentoring support.
  • Maintain mentoring and consultation support for learning and evaluation (see KPIs for survey and evaluation consultation and tool supports)

Staff support for GLAM partnerships

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A GLAM Wiki strategist will support local communities with core support for GLAM initiatives. The coordinator will work to facilitate knowledge-sharing across the movement to enable community-led GLAM content partnerships. While support may extend to other knowledge partnerships such as STEM, priority will be placed on the underserved and documented need of GLAM partnerships to drive Wikimedia content and quality growth. The coordinator role will support project management of GLAM tool development, learning resources for GLAM partnerships, support and mentoring of new GLAM coordinators, and connecting GLAM partners approaching the Wikimedia Foundation to our local communities and movement-wide GLAM initiatives.


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  • Project management for critical GLAM tools
  • Documentation of best practices
  • Technical consultation to GLAM program leaders
  • Support for connecting interested GLAM partners and  local communities.

Alignment to...

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  • Knowledge #2: "Expand content faster through enabling community-led content partnership programs such as GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums)."
  • Knowledge #3: "Increase content quality and timeliness by technologically enhancing our editors’ ability to create, monitor, and process content."
  • Communities #2: "Create and support programs to increase volunteer participation such as recognition, facilitated mentorship, and personalized reengagement."

Logic Model

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Partnerships with Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums (GLAM) is a largely under-resourced yet high-impact program area. In both WMF strategy and Program Capacity & Learning roadmap consultations,  our community pointed to the potential for growth of GLAM partnership program if properly supported by WMF with tools and programmatic support.


  • Impact: Increases content and / or contributors
  • Scalability: Supports multiple communities, partnerships, and replication of best practices.
  • Sustainability: Supports program and community capacity
  • Community Leadership: Builds leadership, encourages collaboration, and engenders trust.
  • Community Need: Points to the need for WMF staff support by multiple data sources.


Project & Resources

Programmatic Support and Infrastructure for GLAM initiatives.


Activities & Direct Products

  • Project management for GLAM tools
  • Coordination and documentation support for curation of best practices
  • Support of GLAM Communities tools, resources and technical consultations
Outcome Targets

Improve GLAM-Wiki knowledge access and organization

  • Improve, organize, and ensure that existing GLAM-WIki documentation is accessible as demonstrated through user feedback.
  • GLAM-Wiki leaders engage in a hub that can be part of Wikimedia Resource Center as demonstrated through initiation and growth of unique editors and page view KPIs.
  • Identify and develop documentation of process into guidance for 6 under-documented strategies used by local communities in GLAM-Wiki collaboration.
  • Aggregate and make accessible for new practitioners the best practices for developing GLAM-Wiki partnerships and activities which can be implemented with limited or no affiliate support.

Complete structured GLAM-Wiki consultation to direct the scope of technical needs and plan for technical resources to be allocated within movement organizations or external partners and/or championed by volunteers

Support GLAM-Wiki and other content partnership needs brought to WMF

  • Respond to GLAM and knowledge partners approaching WMF within two weeks period, and refer to appropriate community leaders within 1 month.
  • Responsive consultation support for GLAM-Wiki grant requests
  • Support requests from community members for developing new partnership models, including in knowledge areas of STEM and Medical/Health

Identify existing GLAM-Wiki leadership development strategies and curriculums within existing GLAM-WIKI communities, and develop "best practices" for training new GLAM-Wiki Leaders in currently unsupported communities.

Community Leadership Development

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The strength of our community leaders to grow Wikimedia Content and Contributors is a fundamental strategic pillar. This initiative supports the development and recognition of peer mentors in local communities to grow content and contributors through investment in learning, development and recognition of regional and thematic program leaders. This initiative focuses on data-informed decision making and community insights as key to both WMF resourcing and movement wide learning. We aim to achieve scale by training more leaders and then training standout leaders to teach others in a train-the-trainers model.

This project includes support for Community Listening capacity support along with Peer Leadership Academy as well as in-person and virtual knowledge sharing events for movement learning to exchange best practices in planning, implementing, and evaluating Wikimedia projects and programs.


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  • Program leaders will be added as regional mentors to grow editors and content in their region through Wikimedia Programs.
  • In addition to serving as regional mentors, the cohort will work on a collaborative project to benefit Wikimedia programs.  (Creation of capacity tools)
  • Sustainability:  Mentors will train/develop second cohort, and that cohort will train another, and so on, with WMF playing a lighter and lighter support role
  • Increased effectiveness and impact of program leaders and affiliates to grow quality content and contributors around the world

Alignment to...

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  • Communities #2: "Create and support programs to increase volunteer participation such as recognition, facilitated mentorship, and personalized reengagement."
  • Reach #2: "Improve our understanding of how and why our users come to and stay on our projects so we can better serve their needs."

Logic Model

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The volunteer community has a wide range of experience and potential leaders, however, there have been very few efforts to help grow natural skills and support them with leadership resources.

Wikimedia’s program staff and budget has limited capacity to serve the entire global community. Local volunteer leaders will increase program reach and impact through local context and community connection and provide additional program capacity in major regions of the world through recruitment and training of regional volunteers.


  • Impact: Increases content and / or contributors
  • Scalability: Supports multiple communities, partnerships, and replication of best practices.
  • Sustainability: Supports program and community capacity
  • Community Leadership: Builds leadership, encourages collaboration, and engenders trust.
  • Community Need: Points to the need for WMF staff support by multiple data sources.


Project & Resources

Peer mentoring will invest in people power to get beyond the Wikimedia Foundation's current capacity limitations to provide support to emerging program leaders, in major regions of the world through recruitment and training of regional volunteers.

Community Listening

Capacity development and infrastructure supports to support programs and affiliate partnerships in sharing knowledge about the communities we serve and data for decision-making.

Peer Leadership Academy

A community mentor development pipeline through training-of-trainers and mentoring support.

Learning and Knowledge Sharing

Hosting and support for virtual and in-person community learning events.


Activities & Direct Products

  • Generation of a foundation checkpoint survey for communities to more regularly give feedback on how we are doing to support communities
  • Collaborative development of survey resources and learning support for community leaders
  • Improved monitoring of our community contacts to help moderate requests for information and avoid burn-out
  • Host learning circles both online and in-person to support learning best practices among wikimedians (including WMF) about community listening tools. These activities will result in at least 3 major resources, such as toolkits or templates, that can be shared and re-used across organizations and communities.* Support learning day workshops and content for community leaders at existing conferences to develop them as regional peer mentors.
  • Provide survey consults WMF staff and Wikimedia affiliates, leaders or other volunteers through the Survey Support Desk
  • Virtual follow-up and coaching support for regional or thematic support and training to build evaluation and communication skills for exchanging best practices in planning, implementing, and evaluating Wikimedia projects and programs.
  • Hosting virtual learning sessions, support for workshops aligned to regional conference learning needs.
Outcome Targets

300 or more community leaders supported directly through

Community Listening
  • Engage (80) editors and community leaders in learning and documenting best practices in community listening (surveys & consultations), through online hangouts and in-person meetings.
  • Deliver (1) annual performance survey for the WMF
  • Build processes for annual and quarterly surveys
Peer Leadership Academy
  • 60+ Community Leaders engaged through pre-conferences on Program Capacity & Learning at Wikimedia Conference & Wikimania.
  • 20+ community leaders engage in one or more peer development opportunities as trainers and mentors in their region or thematic area.
In-person and online knowledge sharing
  • Program Capacity and Learning session content delivered at 4 or more regional/thematic events to support at least 150 program leaders in developing their capacity for programs and learning as demonstrated through direct self-reports and mentor development.
  • Community mentors are engaged in leading mentoring activities with peers in 80% or more peer leadership academy sessions.
  • 10 or more participating community leaders will use train-the-trainer resources to conduct workshops in their local communities.

Global Metrics

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1. Number of active editors involved 2500+ unique TWL users/quarter + (Indirect) Programs & Events Dashboard when ready
2. Number of newly registered users *
3. Number of individuals involved 200+ program and community leaders served quarterly

2500+ TWL (indirect reach with notation once dashboard)

300+ community leaders engaged in leadership development

4. Number of new images/media added to Wikimedia article pages *
5. Number of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects *
6. Number of bytes added to and/or deleted from Wikimedia projects *
7. Learning question: Did your work increase the motivation of contributors, and how do you know? see KPIs below

* Indirect. Can report from Programs & Events dashboard in the future.


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Resource Engagement

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KPI (*measured quarterly, however some have annual cyclical relationships) Rationale Metric from FY15/16


Metric from FY15/16


Metric from FY15/16


Portal Resource Unique Editors

Tells us the number of community members supporting general shared resource development 239 102 152

Portal Resource Pageviews

Gives us a basic proxy for information accessed the most so that we can understand trends in learning resource needs 61,354 30,766 22,464

Learning Patterns Unique Editors

Tells us the number of community members supporting this specific shared resource development 111 66 77

Learning Patterns Created

Tells us the number of newly created patterns each quarter 75 47 50
Number of wikis using Education Program MediaWiki Extension (Projects, Languages) Gives a proxy for our global reach for monitoring and evaluation 18 (5, 16) 20 (5, 18) 20 (5,18)

The Wikipedia Library

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KPI (*measured quarterly, however some have annual cyclical relationships) Rationale Metric from FY15/16


Metric from FY15/16


Metric from FY15/16


TWL Donation partners Tells us how many partners are donating accounts for reference resources 42 50 57
TWL Accounts distributed Tells us the number free accounts shared with active editors each quarter 4,707 5,342 5,637
TWL Unique recipients Tells us the number of active editors served by free accounts each quarter 2,384 2,598 2,683
TWL Sign-up

efficiency (avg)

Tells us a quarterly average of how long it took to get editors access to accounts 53 days 33 days 40 days
TWL Citations added to partners Tells us the number of citations added to partners content 13,383 15,042 19,353
TWL Global branches Tells us how many branches of the library have been created on local wikis 11 15 20
TWL Library coordinators Tells us how many volunteer coordinators are supporting the global branches 40 51 55

Mentoring & Consultation

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KPI (*measured quarterly, however some have annual cyclical relationships) Rationale Metric from FY15/16


Metric from FY15/16


Metric from FY15/16


Program/Community Leaders direct engagments

Tells us the number of community members we spent 15 or more minutes supporting directly each quarter 372 (185 L&E + 187 Education) 325 (96 L&E + 229 Education) 310 (200 L&E +110 Education)

Program/Community Leaders engaged via workshops

Tells us the number of community members we engaged in workshops each quarter 100 10 113

Country Count of Community Leaders directly engaged

Tells us how far reaching our directly support is globally 61 85 48
Referrals made by Education Team to other community members Tells us how many peer mentor opportunities we have referred to the communities 43 41 8
Number of tasks claimed and (completed) by Education Collab members on Phabricator Tells us how many referral opportunities our community mentors responded to (completed) 39 (18) 41 (30) 50 (23)
Evaluation Design Consultations Tells us how many community leaders were supported with evaluation design consultation 34 11 42
Evaluation Tools and Reporting Tells us how many community leaders were supported with evaluation tools/tech consultation 17 6 65
Storytelling and Reporting Tells us how many community leaders were supported with reporting and storytelling consultation not available 38 106
Survey Design Consultations Tells us how many community leaders were supported with survey design and/or tools consultation 25 13 9
Qualtrics users consulted (surveys) Tells us how many leaders we supported with Qualtrics license and the number of surveys run 47 (39) 12 new (36) 6 new (24)

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