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Les sans pagEs/Plan d'action 2024

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

Les sans pagEs is a francophone community effort, a non-profit & non-governmental organization and a Wikimedia affiliated user group. The association was founded to receive funding to financially support members of the Wikipedian project. The user group was founded in 2020, and support users who aim at reducing the gender gap and work on issues related to women, gender issues and are more generally dedicated to diversity and inclusion within the Wikimedia movement from a francophone perspective, adding to the sum of all knowledge. We seek to proactively

  • Reduce the gender gap in Wikipedia articles by meeting, attracting and training contributors who understand gender gap issues in Wikipedia and create content accordingly
  • Seek for more gender equity and make the Wikipedia community more inclusive by meeting, attracting, training, and showing appreciation to new contributors from all genders
  • Make the Wikimedia community more diverse and engaged by promoting cross-project cooperation and synergy on gender gap issues and encouraging participants to find resources and support in the Wikimedian movement to facilitate scale-up.


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Les sans pagEs have been initiating activities to reduce gender bias on Wikimedia projects in the French-speaking world since July 2016 with three main objectives: to reduce gender bias and bring more diversity to content, to promote the inclusion of under-represented communities in particular those that could help to achieve better representation of French-speaking women and LGBTIQ+ communities. In addition to these initial objectives, we wanted to ensure the long-term future of our actions, by structuring better governance of our association, professionalising it and seeking stable funding.

To achieve these objectives, we have formulated the following strategic priorities for 2019 (here :

1 Training new contributors

2 Expand our network in other geographical places

3 Communicate (outreach) : develop social networks, a web site and public awareness


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These strategical orientations did not fundamentally change in the next year, they just became a little more precise with time and we reflected on how to avoid harrassment and find a consensus about our main principles as our group was growing.

We decided to discuss and construct a charter to define what was the project, and what was asked at different level of engagement in order to maintain smooth cooperation among us and with the wikimedian communities by adhering to the project rules. The results was our charters :

general charter https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Projet:Les_sans_pagEs/Charte

charter for facilitators https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Projet:Les_sans_pagEs/Charte_des_animateur%C2%B7ices

engagement charter to be publicly signed by facilitators https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Projet:Les_sans_pagEs/Charte_d%27engagement

We also embarked on documenting our activities (timeline) and editing a fanzine that was archived by the feminist archive and libraqry Marguerite Durand in Paris.

At the same time, operationnal activities soared, so that we emnbarked on a path of professionalisation, which seems to be a normal thing to do when one looks at other structures in our movement (Wikimedia France professionalized after 5 years of existence, Art+Feminism also did).

Therefore we mainly added objectives to our strategic formulation of 2019 : documenting and professionalization.


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In 2023 we formulated our third strategy (outreach) differently considering that outreach and communication was something to be upgraded to Improving sustainability

1- Strategy 1 Improving Inclusion and diversity in the francophone community.

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We will continue to build a structured and welcoming environment to empower contributions from underrepresented communities and partner with NGOs that have the same objectives. This is important to achieve a better balance and equity in the diversity of our movement to foster better representation of knowledge that are currently not available on our projects.

2- Strategy 2 Improving coverage of Gender gap and under-represented contents

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We will continue our efforts to reduce the gender gap at content level within the francophone community by maintaining and expanding our activities. We want to sustain our efforts to partner with GLAM and universities to reach out to potential contributors and offer editathons and trainings on topics of gender studies, women and LGBTIQ+ history, intersectionality and feminism. We also wish to assess what contents are missing for LGBTIQ+ topics as this has not been to our knowledge been done on Fr-WP. We also want to initiate more events to cover the african gender gap, an area which is most of the time forgotten. This work includes wikipedia but not only : we plan to continue organizing Wikidata, Wikisource trainings and continue our work with les sans images on Commons.

3- Strategy 3 Improving sustainability

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We want to be able to sustain our actions in the long run to tackle diversity & inclusion issues within the francophone Wikimedia movement and gender gap and underrepresented contents so that the sum of all knowledge is more diverse. We want to provide support to leaders of local groups and avoid burn out of volunteers in the long run to tackle all financial, managerial and coordination aspects, as well as provide adequate resources and guidelines to leave them free to contribute and facilitate. We also want to gather concerns from underrepresented communities and empower them to participate more in the leadership of the movement. We think these strategies have proved efficient in the past and that the continuing professionalization of the association will bring more sustainability and regularity to our projects to anchor them in the francophone community. Past in-kind contribution for the leadership of the project has been evaluated to a full time position in 2019. We have already moved to a professionalization of the accounts since 2019. Now we want to avoid volunteers to be burned out and provide professionalization for training, reporting, and general management of the association. We also want to share our knowledge, best practices, and metrics as well as our challenges with other similar groups tackling gender gap in other languages. To achieve this is time and human ressource consuming, but cross community support and knowledge sharing is fundamental


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In 2024 we slightly change the strategy 3 to Sustainability and promoting cross-project cooperation. During the pandemics years the need to have more inter language and inter hub discussions reuniting groups concerned with aspects of diversity became even more evident, as the level of intra project toxicity was felt to be on the rise for underepresented communities.

Social account activities, outreach and communication we feel are part of this third axis because they also serve to promote cross project cooperation. As Femnetz in Germany was founded we were told by following our example, just as we had followed Women in Red and Art+Feminism thanks to their visibility and outreach activities. Our diversity groups can furthermore efficiently share care and strategies, as we seem to be facing similar challenges on the projects.

In 2024 we want to continue and expand these 3 strategies and maybe embark in our 3 next annual conventions on a renewed effort to produce a new strategy for 2025 that would globally take into account the Wikemedia 2020-2030 inputs and principles and reflect more deeply how to improve our strategical orientations. So we will be continuing to combine activities of promoting meetings between contributors, training novices and communicating with the general public. LSP still aims to extend its geographical influence to more French-speaking countries. Since 2022, the association has embarked on a process of professionalisation, and a new strategic focus on consolidating the sustainability of its actions has been added by strengthening its associative structure and giving greater thought to its impact and measuring it through more precise metrics since 2022. Since 2023 we are aware that cross project support and initiatives are vital to our emotionnal well being and sense of value in the long run, and also our potential mentoring position for other emerging or more recently established groups in the movement.

Plan d'actions 2024

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AXE STRATÉGIQUE 1 améliorer la diversité et l'inclusion dans la communauté francophone

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1 Action Former

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  • à la contribution sur les projets (Wikipédia, Wikidata, Commons, Wikisource, Wiktionnaire)
  • à la gouvernance dans le mouvement (participation à l'association LSP, effort de diversité au comité de l'association, partage d'information et de ressources sur la gouvernance et les options de financement des initiatives)
  • aux problématiques spécifiques du biais de genre sur les projets
  • organiser des éditathons réguliers et formateurs pour former les contributeurices, les animatrices et les référent·e·s
  • promouvoir la création et l'amélioration des contenus sur les projets ayant trait à la diminution des biais de genre (féminisme, femmes, questions intersectionnelles et LGBTIQ+)
  • sensibiliser les contributeurs et contributrices aux questions des stéréotypes
  • participer aux discussions sur la question du harcèlement en ligne et favoriser un environnement de contribution sécure, respecteux et accueillant pour les contributeurices

AXE STRATÉGIQUE 2 améliorer la représentativité des contenus

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2 Action Étendre le réseau des sans pagEs

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  • Inclure des groupes émergents d'Afrique et des Caraïbes francophones
  • inclure davantage de groupes situés hors de la France (Québec, Belgique, Suisse)
  • développer les axes de coopération avec les chapitres locaux, les hubs thématiques et les GLAMS
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  • développer les axes de coopération avec les chapitres locaux, les hubs thématiques et les GLAMS
  • continuer de soutenir les projets, groupes et thématiques visant à renforcer la représentation des femmes et minorités dans le mouvement
soutenir les groupes existants
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  • promouvoir des bonnes pratiques de documentation, communication et gestion de projets en harmonisant les pages de projets et les éditathons dans le respect de notre charte
  • promouvoir la montée en compétence des animateurices et référentes par l'organisation d'évènements dédiés (convention annuelle, atelier de formation)
  • réfléchir aux nécessaires adaptations pour l'association de la gouvernance pour intégrer la participation active des nouveaux groupes géographiques
  • promouvoir le recours à la modération et la communication non violente pour favoriser un climat de contribution sécurisant


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3 Action Pérennité

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  • financements stables, pérennes pour consolider la pérennité et l'autonomie de l'association
  • construire une gouvernance solide, diversifiée et représentative
  • diversification des sources de financement
  • recherche active de financements propres

4 Action Outreach

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  • promouvoir les activités LSP auprès du grand public et communiquer sur les réseaux sociaux à propos du fossé des genres sur les projets Wikimedia dans le but d'encourager plus de personnes à participer aux projets.
  • publication pour documenter l'histoire et l'état d'esprit des sans pagEs
  • promouvoir les actions et les bonnes pratiques de la communauté francophone en matière de réduction des biais de genre (participation aux conférences du mouvement sur le plan régional, national et international)

5 Action Metrics

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  • encourager le développement d'outils permettant de mesurer l'impact et l'efficacité des actions
  • établir des metrics spécifiques aux sans pagEs pour l'orientation future de ses actions en fonction des résultats et des objectifs souhaités

Plan d'actions 2024

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1 Former (stratégie 1)

2 Étendre (stratégie 2)

3 Pérenniser (stratégie 3)

4 Communiquer (outreach) (stratégie 3)

5 Documenter (stratégie 3)

1 Actions formation

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  • 2 voir 3 formations universitaires (Sorbonne, Unige, Limoges) en 2024
  • permanences en lignes wikimidi hebdomadaires
  • atelier de maintenance et évaluation des articles hebdomadaire
  • formation individuelle des animateurices et référentes (en visio)
  • axe de formation inclus dans la convention annuelle des sans pagEs
  • éditathons mensuels à Toulouse, Paris, Lausanne, et en Afrique si possible
  • atelier hebdomadaire de contribution à Strasbourg
  • formation et aide aux personnes souhaitant démarrer des nouveaux projets
  • convention annuelle des sans pagEs avec un axe stratégique pour faciliter l'intégration des nouvelles et nouveaux dans le mouvement wikimédia

2 Étendre

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  • soutien aux groupes des Caraïbes francophone (Haïti), RDC, Guinée, Cameroun, Togo, Bénin, Sénégal, et Côte d'Ivoire pour l'organisation de leurs éditathons et évènements^

3 Actions Pérennité

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  • recruter des membres pour les activités de l'association
  • former et recruter les membres du bureau et du comité
  • engager une aide comptable chargée de documenter la comptabilité, produire les factures et les devis et vérifier les notes de frais
  • facturation des actions, recherche de sponsors, dépôt de demandes de subventions en dehors du mouvement wikimedia
  • participer à Wikimania, Wikiwomen camp, Femnetz pour rester en lien avec les communautés wikimédiennes se préoccuppant de diversité
  • maintenir les liens avec le user group LGBT et les user groupes et chapitres africains et caraïbéens

4 Outreach

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  • continuer l'activité sur les réseaux sociaux
  • encourager la publication d'articles sur le site de l'association
  • participer à des tables rondes sur la diversité et le biais de genre
  • répondre aux journalistes

5 Documenter

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  • continuer les efforts de documentation des metrics entamés en 2022
  • reporting 2023
  • publication d'un fanzine annuel intégrant toutes les communautés s'occuppent du gender gap (cross project cooperation)

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