Virtual poster section of itWikiCon 2020 is a wonderful occasion to present projects, ideas or learning content through the conference website. The virtual poster consists of a video, a file (picture/PDF) or any other type of content.
Poster corridor
You can browse through the posters available:
Wikidata and COVID-19: Creating a collaborative knowledge graph to combat the COVID-19 pandemic
Knowledge graphs are an essential ingredient for information systems to manage the ever-growing COVID-19 data on a daily basis. This presentation explains how open and collaborative FAIR knowledge bases such as Wikidata can be useful for creating a large-scale semantic representation of COVID-19 information from CORD-19 academic publications. I provide an overview of how a data model was collaboratively developed and maintained for COVID-19 knowledge. So, I describe the tools for enriching information about COVID-19 on Wikidata, as well as the knowledge graph validation methods applicable to COVID-19 knowledge. Finally, I describe the informations about COVID-19 in Wikidata and discuss its usefulness in supporting human decisions and social recommendations on infectious disease.
Contact: I will be available on for Saturday 24th (all day) and Sunday 25th (morning).
The importance of Visual Identity
Let's find out together the importance of Visual Identity also for an online conference like itWikiCon 2020. This document contains the guidelines for using the itWikiCon Visual Identity and was created in parallel to the presentation model and has been formalized as an aid also for future productions.
Contact: Sarò generalmente disponibile nelle mattinate di sabato 24 e domenica 25 in questa stanza su Jitsi.
Wikipedia and the Italian school
A series of three views showing the 2020 results of the Wikipedia project and the Italian school. Starting from a survey carried out on school textbooks, the main school topics and the corresponding Wikipedia entries of 10 subjects were identified in the views. The views show a selection of these contents: the most viewed items in general, the most viewed items by subject (with dimensions of the incipit and talk page) and the items that present particular problems to be corrected.
Contact: Available on Sunday 25 October in the afternoon, just contact me via email or on my talk page.
The posters appear in chronological order of proposal.
Send a poster
You can propose a virtual poster for itWikiCon 2020 no later than 11:59 PM (CEST) on October 8, 2020.
Virtual posters posted on the conference website are subject to approval by the Program Commission of itWikiCon 2020
Are you a latecomer? Do you have any question? Write to us on the talk page.
See also
External links
- – Official website