Intresse svensk lokalförening/stadgar/engelska
- The proposal has been changed, and this translation is outdated.
Proposal for Bylaws for Wikimedia Sweden
[edit ]Explanation: In Swedish law, a "förening" ("föreningar" in plural, "föreningen" in definite form) is an association, consisting of at least two people, who have chosen a board and settled a charter. There are no Swedish laws that regulate non-profit associations. A förening can get an organization number, by applying to the "Skatteverket" (tax authority). Every förening, registered or not, is a juridical person, and can as such perform legal acts. A förening itself, and not its members, is responsible for its debts. Certain tax rules are valid for föreningar which promote "purposes of public utility, such as religious, charitable, social, political, athletic, artistic or similar cultural purposes". For example a reduction of 15 000 kronor is made on such föreningars taxes.
1 §. Name and organizational structure
[edit ]Wikimedia Sverige - Föreningen för Utveckling av Fri Kunskap (WFS-FUFK) [The Association for the advance of free knowledge"] - in this bylaw called "Föreningen" - is an open non-profit förening [/association].
2 §. Aim
[edit ]The aim of Föreningen is to work as a non-profit organization using legal means to promote growth, distribution and development of Swedish wikibased projects with open contents, and to promote the distribution of knowledge about the existence and function of such.
3 §. Membership
[edit ]Membership is granted any person, legal or physical, who applies in writing, pays the fees decided by the deciding organ, and who wants to work in accordance with the aim of Föreningen. Membership cannot be denied anyone who claims to work in accordance with this aim. Membership is held by any person that the Föreningen board has entered into, and not removed from, the member record.
4 §. Member record
[edit ]The board of Föreningen shall, upon reception of written notification of intention to join Föreningen (and, if applicable, when the membership fee has been received), immediately add information about the member to the member record. The record shall contain the full name of the member, his/her address, possible username/s in different wiki-based Internet projects, and e-mail address. Only members of the board are allowed access to the record, and they shall not reveal any of this information, except when under obligation by decree of law or other legal sources, or if the member has given his/her approval to distribution of the information.
5 §. Ceasing of Membership
[edit ]The board of Föreningen has the right to exclude a member from Föreningen, if the board considers that the member has acted in a way that could be considered at variance with the aim of Föreningen, or if the member does not fulfil his/her obligations as written in this bylaw. The board of Föreningen shall immediately remove the information about excluded members from the member record. Information about a member will also be removed without delay, when the member's written announcement of resignation has reached the board.
6 §. Financial and fiscal year
[edit ]The financial och fiscal year of Föreningen is the period from January 1 to December 31.
7 §. Wikimedia assembly
[edit ]The Wikimedia assembly is Föreningen's highest organ with right of decision. It shall be held in the beginning of the financial year, however no later than March 31. The board will summon all the members of Föreningen to the assembly, no later than one month before it takes place. Time and place for the assembly is decided by the board, and shall be included in the summons, along with other information, which could be of importance for the realization of the assembly. Every member has the right to submit motions for the assembly. Motions are proposals for assembly decisions, and shall consist of a clear suggestion together with justification for this. Motions have to be handed in no later than two weeks before the assembly, to be dealt with. Every motion shall be commented by the board, which is under obligation to demand [the assembly's] approval or refusal, or regard it answered.
The assembly will take place in a location with access to Internet, and members have the right to hear what is said during the assembly and participate in the making of decisions, through Internet. The same right applies to members who wish to participate at the assembly by telephone. Voting by way of letter of attorney, regular mail, telegram, facsimile and certified e-mail address, is permitted. During the assembly every member of Föreningen has got the right to attend, express, give propositions, and to vote. Every member has got one vote. Decisions are made with simple majority, i.e. at least 50% of the present members have to approve of a proposal, for it to become valid. if the votes are equal drawing of lots will be done.
During Wikimedia assembly motions (if any), a financial report, an auditor report and an annual report will be brought up and considered. The assembly decides upon the resigning boards' freedom from responsibility, decides on the membership fee, and sets a budget and an activity planning for the coming financial year. The assembly also elects a chairman, together with a board consisting of at least two and no more than six people. The assembly also establishes a pre-election committee, being responsible for presenting a suggestion for a new Verein board at the next Wikimedia assembly, along with with two accountants and one accountant substitute. Eligibility to commissions of trust is granted only to physical persons who are members of Föreningen.
Var medlem äger rätt att till stämman skriva motioner. Motioner är förslag till stämmobeslut, och skall innehålla ett tydligt yrkande samt motivering till detta. Motioner måste ha inkommit två veckor innan stämma äger rum, för att kunna tas upp till behandling . Var motion skall kommenteras av föreningens styrelse, som skall yrka bifall eller avslag på motionen, alternativt finna den besvarad.
Där stämma hålles skall uppkoppling mot Internet finnas, och medlemmar äga rätt att via Internet åhöra vad som sägs vid stämman, samt vara delaktiga i beslutsfattandet vid densamma. Samma rätt tillkommer medlem som önskar deltaga vid stämman per telefon. Röst via fullmakt, reguljärpost, telegram, faksimil samt bestyrkt e-postadress är tillåten. Under stämman har var föreningsmedlem närvaro-, yttrande-, förslags- och rösträtt. Var medlem har en röst. Beslut fattas med enkel majoritet, dvs. minst 50% av de deltagande medlemmarna måste bifalla ett förslag, för att det skall äga giltighet. Vid lika röstetal företas lottning.
Vid Wikimediastämma förebringas och behandlas eventuella motioner, ekonomisk berättelse, revisionsberättelse och verksamhetsberättelse. Stämman beslutar gällande ansvarsfrihet för den avgående styrelsen, fastställer vad som skall gälla medlemsavgift, samt fastställer budget och verksamhetsplan, för det kommande verksamhetsåret. Stämman väljer vidare en ordförande, samt en styrelse med jämt antal ledamöter, bestående av minst två och högst sex personer. Stämman utser även en valberedning, vars uppgift är att inför nästa Wikimediastämma framföra ett förslag på föreningsstyrelse, samt två revisorer, och en revisorssuppleant. Valbarhet till förtroendeuppdrag tillkommer endast fysiska personer, vilka är medlemmar i föreningen.8 §. Extraordinary Wikimedia assembly
[edit ]An extraordinary Wikimedia assembly is to be held if an auditor, the board of Verein, alternatively 50% of the members, demand it in writing. An extraordinary Wikimedia assembly shall be held within five weeks from the moment when the request reached the board. Summons to an such an assembly shall be sent at least two weeks before the assembly takes place. The same rules that apply for ordinary assemblies also apply to Extra assemblies, with the exception that an Extra assembly is allowed only to deal with the subjects brought up in the summons.
9 §. The board
[edit ]The board of Föreningen is, in the duration between two Wikimedia assemblies, the highest organ with right of decision. The board is responsible for continuous activities, and decides internally who will assume the roles as secretary, treasurer, mail receiver and other potential tasks. The board form a quorum when 75% of its members are present in one way or another, if summons has been sent to all of the board members at latest one week before a board meeting take place. Decisions are made by simple majority. The board is not allowed to use Föreningen's assets at variance with Föreningens aim. The board has got the right to dismiss a member from a commission of trust, if it is of the opinion that the member has coarsely mismanaged the commission.
10 §. Membership fee
[edit ]The membership fee is set at the Wikimedia assembly. The assembly can decide that members with different occupations [such as full-time students as opposed to employees, transl. remark.] shall pay different fees, or that different types of membership, with different fees, shall exist within Föreningen. The board are allowed, when a members notification of entrance is given it, to remit the fee, if particular reasons for this are to hand.
11 §. Subscription right
[edit ]Föreningens chairman and its treasurer sign for Föreningen's firm, one by one.
12 §. Alteration of the bylaws
[edit ]Alternation of this bylaw can only be made at ordinary Wikimedia assemblies, with simple majority. Alternation of article number 2, 12 and 13 can only be done after two decisions of the same wording, which are made in succession, at two ordinary Wikimedia assemblies, with a two-thirds majority.
13 §. Dissolution
[edit ]Dissolution of Föreningen can be made at ordinary Wikimedia assemblies, with a two-thirds majority. Föreningen's assets will, when dissolution is decided, accrue to Wikimedia Foundation Inc. (founded 2003), United States.