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Día Internacional de los Museos 2024/Participa

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This page is a translated version of the page International Museum Day 2024/Participate and the translation is 62% complete.
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Únete al Consejo Internacional de Museos (ICOM) para celebrar el Día Internacional de los Museos el 18 de mayo. Se invita al movimiento Wikimedia a mejorar el contenido sobre museos de todo el mundo en los proyectos Wikimedia y representar el tema de este año: Museos para la educación y la investigación.

Wikimedistas individuales pueden responder a cualquiera de los tres retos - traducción, multimedia, y datos - en cualquier momento del mes de mayo. Utiliza el #IMD2024 en tu resumen de edición cuando publiques una edición y regístrate para el Día Internacional de los Museos 2024 en el Dashboard utilizando tu cuenta Wikimedia, para que podamos contar tus ediciones y compartirlas con el ICOM: Regístrate aquí Los afiliados y grupos de usuarios pueden organizar actos y campañas más específicos. A continuación se describen las actividades sugeridas.


Afiliados o grupos

Si formas parte de un afiliado de Wikimedia (capítulo o grupo de usuarios), un Wikiproyecto, una institución cultural o cualquier otra comunidad organizada, podrías hacerlo:

  1. Añade tu organización o grupo al directorio de contactos.
  2. Responde a uno de los tres retos: traducción, multimedia, o datos.
  3. Elabora recursos relacionados con el Día Internacional de los Museos (folletos, vídeos, carteles, etc).
  4. Organiza una actividad (por ejemplo, un evento, un taller o un maratón de edición) y añádela a la sección Actividades programadas más abajo, o como una subpágina para el Día Internacional de los Museos 2024.

Realiza un seguimiento de tus actividades para que podamos compartir el impacto con el ICOM. Utiliza el panel de eventos del Día Internacional de los Museos 2024 para las inscripciones o crea el tuyo propio y añádelo a la campaña general Día Internacional de los Museos en el Outreach Dashboard. Utiliza #IMD2024 en el resumen de edición cuando publiques una edición o en las redes sociales.

Las gráficas creadas para el Día Internacional de los Museos de este año están disponibles en Commons. No dudes en adaptarlos a tu idioma y contexto.


¡Añade tus actividades a continuación!

Wikimedia Argentina

As part of the celebrations for the International Museum Day, Wikimedia Argentina organized two activities.

Museo, Archivos y acciones colectivas

On May 28, the event Rosario en acceso abierto: Museo, Archivos y acciones colectivas was held by Wikimedia Argentina and the Museo de la Ciudad. Both organizations have been collaborating to digitize and make available the magazines "Monos y Monadas" and "Gestos y Muecas" on Wikimedia Commons.

The gathering targeted the general public and its purpose was to reflect on the nature of published documents in order to collaboratively improve the information about them on Wikimedia Commons.

The program included a panel with researchers and a workshop about Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons. More about the event here.

Acciones y exhibiciones para descolonizar las narrativas de tu museo

For the International Museum Day, Wikimedia Argentina launched the publication it had been working on for a while in collaboration with Fundación TyPA: Acciones y exhibiciones para descolonizar las narrativas de tu museo -- in English, Actions and exhibitions to decolonize your museum's narratives. The material is available on Wikimedia Commons and it covers iniatives from Latin America that best demonstrated the work with decolonization in museums. The material also includes photographs from the initiatives, which are also available on Commons, and articles about the process, including one about museums, Wikimedia, and decolonization: Descolonizar la cultura en clave digital.

Wikimedia Bangladesh

Wikimedia Bangladesh has been organizing Wikimedia activities for International Museum Day since 2023. For 2024, the chapter is focusing on:

Bangla Wikipedia International Museum Day Edit-a-thon 2024

International Museum Day Edit-a-thon 2024 was held on Bangla Wikipedia from the 17th to the 19th of May, encouraging the editing and improvement of Wikipedia articles. The event aimed to create articles on museums in Bangladesh and India and to enrich Wikidata items as well as add relevant images to Wikimedia Commons. This online event was supported by Wikimedia Bangladesh’s regional community Chattogram Wikimedia Community. During this competition, contributors created 24 new articles on Bangla Wikipedia.

Wikimedia CH

Wikimedia CH lleva varios años organizando actividades Wikimedia en torno al Día Internacional de los Museos. Para 2024, el capítulo se centra en dos actividades principales:

Mesa redonda

El 17 de mayo celebraremos una mesa redonda sobre «Wikimedia, museos y educación», en la que participarán ponentes expertos del sector museístico. Esta conversación se interpretará en diferentes idiomas.

  • Speakers:
    • Hanna Steinert, art Historian
    • Emily Hildebrand, art Educator
    • Athina Petsou, educator in museums studies, former embassador Art+Feminism
    • Anika Wilcox, ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe
    • Jean-Marc Wyss, education Lead WMCH
    • Sandra Becker, moderation, GLAM Lead WMCH


A lo largo del mes, Sandra Becker y Jean Marc Wyss, de Wikimedia Suiza, compartirán vídeos sobre el tema de este año, Museos para la educación y la investigación. Estos vídeos serán cortos y estarán subtitulados en más idiomas.

  • IMD 2024 Museums Important Research Institutions

Wikimedia Colombia

Wikimedia Colombia organized and launched the #TuMuseoEnWikipedia campaign and kit. It was a call to action on X (Twitter) that sought to make the Wikimedia projects visible as essential allies of museums in Colombia, by expanding their coverage on Wikimedia and supporting their transformation towards Open Access.

More details about the Colombian initiative is avilable here.

Wikimedia Community Ireland

On May 15th, Wikimedia Community Ireland organized an event as a call to action to ask its community to collaborate with the International Museum Day and improve knowledge about museums on the Wikimedia projects.

For the event, the chapter asked volunteers to edit or create articles, add sources to pages, as well as visit museums and upload their photos to Wikimedia Commons.

The gathering had interesting metrics, which be seen on this Outreach Dashboard link, and it contributed with 30 files to Wikimedia Commons, added 2.1K words and 14 references, and had 56 articles edited or created on Wikipedia.

More about the event on this page.

Wikimedia Italy

Wikimedia Italy and the Italian community also participated in museum-related activities during May. For two weeks, from May 13 to 26, anyone could take part in the initiative by writing on Wikipedia and creating or improving entries that were dedicated to Italian museums. The page with all the museum articles is available here and volunteers could choose from all the options.


ICOM Italia and Wikimedia Italia organized an edit-a-thon in Milan, hosted by the Martinitt e Stelline Museum. The gathering happened from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm on May 18th. The page with more information about the event is here.

Several images were also uploaded for the campaign, from the Museo Egizio and the Museo Martinitt e Stelline:

Other edit-a-thons were organized throughout May, including with the Pinacoteca in Como, the Ecomuseum at the Valle dei Laghi, and the Natural History Museum of Milan. More about it in Italy's report on This Month in GLAM newsletter.

Wikimedia Österreich

On April 30, as part of the Coordinate Me 2024 (May 1-31, 2024), a Wikidata competition for geo-locatable content, Wikimedia Österreich, the Volunteer Supporters Network, and Silvia Gutiérrez (with support from Giovanna Fontenelle), organized an event called Wikidata para principiantes . The online gathering was in Spanish and covered how to add geolocation data to museum items on Wikidata. Participants were asked to accomplish tasks from the data challenge.

Wikimedia Serbia

Wikimedia Serbia has been organizing Wikimedia activities for International Museum Day in the past and they were focused on the improvement of articles on Serbian Wikipedia and data on Wikidata. For 2024, the chapter is focusing on:

Wikidata Competition

The Wikidata Competition will take place from the 18th to the 26th of May and it will encourage the editing and improvement of Wikidata.

The goal of this activity is to educate both already experienced and new editors of Wikimedia projects on editing Wikidata and increase data on Museums, Museum experts, Objects, and events related to museums. During this competition, Wikidata and SPARQL editing workshop will be held as part of the local Wikilive conference in Belgrade. Link to the local dashboard.

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