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From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page IRC and the translation is 10% complete.
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Wikimedia IRC has been migrated from freenode to Libera.Chat. For more information, please see IRC/Migrating to Libera Chat. References to freenode on this page and others may be out of date.
This external system is not subject to the WMF Privacy Policy.

Radi mogućnosti razgovaranja s inim Wikimedijancima u stvarnom vremenu, postoji nekoliko IRC (IRC) kanala koji se nalaze na freenodeovoj mreži (chat.freenode.net). #wikipedia je glavni forum (vidi ovdje ostale kanale); oni su predmetom odgovornosti i kontroliraju ih Group Contacts.

Channels located on the Freenode network will not be maintained by the IRC Group Contacts.

Kanali nedavnih promjena se sada nalaze na Wikimedijinoj mreži IRC-a (irc.wikimedia.org). Kanali postoje za sve Wikimedijine wikije koji su se promijenili u vremenu otkad se je poslužitelj zadnji put restartao. Općenito, ime je samo ime domene kojemu je izostavljeno .org iz imena. Primjerice, promjene na engleskoj Wikipediji su dostupne na #en.wikipedia.

irc.wikimedia.org is deprecated in favor of EventStreams

Ako se prvi put susrećete s IRC-om, za pomoć si pogledajte naputke za rad na IRC-u.


On IRC/Nicks you'll find a list of people whose nickname on IRC is different from their Wikimedia username.

Many IRC clients allow automated login upon connection. Usually, this is done by entering the username and password (or just password) as the "server password" in the client's settings. Some clients must be closed and restarted to recognize a server password or change of one; just disconnect/reconnect alone won't do it.

Hostmask cloaks

IRC hostmask cloaks allow a user to replace their IRC hostname with a string such as wikimedia/JamesF. User cloaks allow you to show off your pride as a Wikipedia editor, casually hide your IP address from view from logged clients, and prove that you are the user on Wikipedia with that user name. For more information, including instructions on how to obtain a cloak, see IRC cloaks.

See also

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