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Human Rights Policy Community Conversations/yo

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This page is a translated version of the page Human Rights Policy Community Conversations and the translation is 23% complete.
Eleanor Roosevelt Reviewing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights


The Wikimedia Foundation's Global Advocacy team will be holding a series of community conversations in May 2022 to receive input on how the Human Rights Policy can best support individual members of the community. This page contains background information on the Human Rights Policy, commitments the Foundation has made under this policy, and information about how members of the community can influence how this policy is carried out. Smaller focus groups will also be organized to explore more sensitive topics in more focused, intimate settings. Additional community conversations will also be organized in the future.

The discussions and recommendations from these conversations will guide how the Foundation implements the Human Rights Policy in the coming months and years. Throughout this process, our team will take notes and provide a summary of challenges and recommendations identified during these community conversations on this page.


The Wikimedia Foundation's Board of Trustees approved the Human Rights Policy on December 8, 2021. This policy serves as a compass for our broader work in advocating for policies and technologies that advance the movement and provides a framework for respecting and protecting the rights of everyone — from staff to volunteer contributors — across all Foundation operations and movement activities. Critically, the policy will inform how we respond to and protect members of our movement against demands and threats from non-state actors as well as governments that threaten to violate their human rights. Under this policy, the Foundation commits to the following:

  • Conduct ongoing human rights due diligence, including periodic human rights impact assessments, in addition to regular engagement with rights holders. Our human rights due diligence aims to ensure that we identify how all aspects of our operations and projects affect human rights, and in turn work to mitigate and prevent harm.
  • Track and publicly report on our efforts to meet our human rights commitments, as part of our broader commitment to public transparency and openness through all of our websites and platforms, in addition to our dedicated Transparency Reports.
  • Use our influence with partners, the private sector, and governments to advance and uphold respect for human rights. The Wikimedia Movement Strategy’s commitment to increase our global advocacy activities both reflects and enables this effort to advance the realization of rights we are uniquely positioned to support, especially the right to share and access information.
  • Provide access to effective remedies. In cases where the Foundation’s prevention and mitigation strategies have not prevented our products, platforms, or operations from contributing to the curtailment, infringement or violation of human rights, we commit to maintain and improve mechanisms for reporting harms or abuses. We also commit to work with experts and stakeholders to develop or support appropriate forms of redress, proportionate to the type and manner of harm. We commit to avoid obstructing access to other forms of remedy including judicial remedies.

Community Conversations

This policy commits the Wikimedia Foundation to to protect and respect the human rights of all people in the Wikimedia movement. How we implement this policy should ultimately benefit members of this community. To understand how this policy can best benefit members of the Wikimedia community, the Global Advocacy team is launching a series of community conversations to hear directly from individuals.


These community conversations are opportunities for members of the Wikimedia community to provide critical input and feedback into how the Foundation implements the Human Rights Policy. The objectives for these conversations include:

  1. For the Foundation to better understand how your human rights have been impacted as a result of your work and involvement with the Wikimedia movement.
  2. To receive ideas, suggestions, and recommendations about how the Foundation can better support you or other members of the Community when your human rights are threatened.

The Global Advocacy team recognizes that human rights are threatened in every region of the world. For the purposes of these conversations, we will focus on the most pressing and grave human rights challenges facing our communities.

Format & Registration

These conversations will take place via Zoom and will last for 60 minutes. Representatives of the Foundation will provide opening remarks and updates (10 minutes) and the remaining time (50 minutes) will be open for members of the community to help shape policy implementation. Register for a session by clicking on the corresponding link in the table below. These conversations will be governed by Wikimedia's Friendly Spaces Policy and the Universal Code of Conduct. We encourage participants to come ready to participate in a dialogue and to share concrete ideas and recommendations. Register to participate using the links below!

Town Hall Community Conversations
Region Date Time (UTC) Time (Local)
Latin America & Caribbean (Conducted in Spanish) Tues 3 May 23:00 19:00 Santiago, Chile
Central & Eastern Europe Mon 9 May 17:00 19:00 Berlin, Germany
Africa Thurs 12 May 18:00 19:00 Abuja, Nigeria
Asia Mon 16 May 12:00 20:00 Jakarta, Indonesia

Language Interpretation

We will work to provide interpretation for languages with four or more interested community members. To request interpretation, email rgaines(_AT_)wikimedia.org. You can do this up until 5 days before the meeting to allow us to make the necessary arrangements.

Unable to Participate?

We understand that many of you may not have been able to participate in these Community Conversations for a number of reasons, such as scheduling conflicts or safety concerns. To accommodate these situations, an anonymous survey is now available for you to provide any thoughts, comments, ideas, recommendations, etc. This survey will be conducted via a third-party service, LimeSurvey, which may subject it to additional terms. For more information on privacy and data-handling, see the survey privacy statement. This survey will remain open through 30 June, 2022.

Topics of Focus

An organization-wide human rights impact assessment completed in 2021 identified five key risks associated with human rights across Wikimedia's platforms. These community conversations will focus on how these risks have impacted members of the Wikimedia community and how they are manifested in various regions and across our platforms. These risks include:

  1. Harmful content, such as the spread of hate speech, disinformation, or dangerous content that can contribute to self-harm or the harm of others
  2. Harassment, such as doxing individuals or attacking or threatening individuals based on their race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or other personal characteristics;
  3. Government surveillance and censorship, such as monitoring individuals' online activity, blocking websites, requesting user data, or requesting content removal or alterations
  4. Risks to child rights, such as the potential for inappropriate communication with children, exposing children to harmful content, or the spread of content that exploits children
  5. Limitations on knowledge equity, such as information bias and individual discrimination that can be the result of gender inequities and the under-representation of racial, ethnic, and geographic groups

Note: The human rights impact assessment mentioned above will be published in the coming weeks.

Questions to Frame these Conversations

The Global Advocacy team will moderate each conversation to facilitate insightful, productive dialogues to better understand how community members' human rights have been impacted and how the Foundation can better support them in such situations in the future. Ahead of these conversations, consider the following questions:

  • Are you aware of any harm that has occurred in your community as a result of harmful content, harassment, or government surveillance and/or censorship on any Wikimedia platform?
  • Could this harm have been predicted? How could this harm have been mitigated?
  • Have you or anyone you know ever communicated with the Wikimedia Foundation when harm was imminent or actively occurring?
  • How did the Foundation support you or your community? What worked well and what cold be improved?
  • How can we prevent such harm from occurring again and affecting other members of your community?
  • If you became aware of possible harm, do you know how to raise your concerns to the Foundation?
  • What unique challenges is your community facing?
  • How can the Foundation better understand emerging threats to your human rights on our platforms in your region, country, community, etc.?

If you have questions you would like to submit before each conversation, please leave them on the Discussion page and indicate which region your question relates to.

Safety and Security of Participants

The Global Advocacy team prioritizes the safety and security of all participants in these events. If you feel the need to do so, we welcome you to use pseudonyms, to not turn on your video, and/or to submit questions in the live chat.

Akopọ ti Awọn ibaraẹnisọrọ Agbegbe

Latin America =

    Ibanilẹnu lori Ayelujara: Awọn oluyọọda pin awọn iriri ti wọn ni ipọnju lori ayelujara, mejeeji lori ati ita-wiki; awọn oluyọọda wọnyi ṣe akiyesi pe nigba kikọ nipa ifarabalẹ iṣelu tabi awọn ariyanjiyan awujọ, wọn le ṣe ifọkansi nipasẹ awọn oniroyin tabi awọn miiran ti o ni ariyanjiyan pẹlu akoonu wọn; Oluyọọda miiran fi kun pe iselu iselu ni agbegbe naa ṣe alabapin si ipenija yii; Awọn oluyọọda ṣalaye pe wọn nigbagbogbo ko mọ bi wọn ṣe le koju awọn italaya wọnyi ati nilo atilẹyin.

      Aṣiri: Oluyọọda kan ṣe alaye lori ọran ti ikọlu ati ṣe akiyesi pe ti Wikimedian kan ba ti ṣiṣẹ ni pipẹ to, o ṣee ṣe alaye ti o to nipa wọn lori intanẹẹti pe ọlọgbọn le sọ idanimọ wọn, pin ni gbangba, ati bẹrẹ lati fojusi wọn fun iṣẹ wọn; eyi jẹ iṣoro paapaa lori Commons, nibiti yiyọ akoonu tirẹ ti nira pupọ; ilana yẹ ki o wa lati yọ alaye ti ara rẹ kuro.

      • Iṣeduro Agbegbe: Awọn oluyọọda ṣeduro pe ki awọn ohun elo ati ikẹkọ wa fun wọn lati daabo bo awọn ẹtọ eniyan tiwọn daradara; ikẹkọ yoo jẹ iranlọwọ fun agbegbe ti o gbooro lati ni oye kini awọn ẹtọ eniyan ni ipa lori ayelujara ati lori wiki, ati bii wọn ṣe le dahun ati wọle si awọn orisun nigbati wọn ba halẹ.


      • Doxxing: Awọn oluyọọda pin awọn iriri nipa cased ti doxxing ti o ṣan sinu Twitter ati awọn iru ẹrọ pipa-wiki miiran; oluyọọda kan jẹ (aṣiṣe) sọ fun WMF ko le ṣe iranlọwọ nitori pe ko waye lori pẹpẹ WMF; Oṣiṣẹ WM ṣeduro awọn olumulo kan si talktohumanrights@ ni iru awọn ipo bẹẹ, ati pe ẹgbẹ Eto Eda Eniyan yoo pese iru iranlọwọ ti wọn le
      • Awọn ibeere Gbigbasilẹ: Oluyọọda kan beere nipa awọn ibeere gbigba silẹ, boya o ti ṣẹlẹ, ati bii Foundation ṣe dahun; Awọn oṣiṣẹ WMF tọka si Iroyin Ijabọ ati ilana atunyẹwo ofin; ọmọ ẹgbẹ BoT kan ti jiroro lori ọran kan nibiti a ti yọ itan-akọọlẹ oju-iwe kan kuro ni ipo ti o buruju lati daabobo awọn olumulo.
      • Iwalaaye to yẹ/Awọn iṣẹlẹ ati Awọn apejọ:' oluyọọda kan beere nipa gbigbe sinu ero awọn ifiyesi ẹtọ eniyan ni diẹ ninu awọn orilẹ-ede bi awọn agbegbe ti n ṣiṣẹ lati gbero iṣẹlẹ inu eniyan; Oṣiṣẹ WMF fi idi rẹ mulẹ pe HRP ṣe ipinnu Foundation lati ṣe aisimi to yẹ ati atilẹyin awọn agbegbe lati gbe aisimi wa ni ayika eto iṣẹlẹ le jẹ agbegbe iṣelọpọ ti ifowosowopo ati apẹrẹ ni ọjọ iwaju nitosi.

      Kan si Foundation lori Awọn ifiyesi Eto Eda Eniyan:' ọpọlọpọ awọn oluyọọda ti beere nipa kikan si Foundation ni ayika awọn ifiyesi ẹtọ eniyan tabi awọn irokeke, akiyesi awọn ipo kan le jẹ ẹru. Oṣiṣẹ WMF gba wọn niyanju lati de ọdọ Ẹgbẹ Awọn Eto Eda Eniyan nipasẹ eyikeyi awọn ikanni ti wọn ni aabo julọ fun iranlọwọ, ṣe akiyesi pe awọn alaye wa ni ikọkọ fun aabo. Ẹgbẹ naa tun le ṣe atilẹyin awọn oluyọọda pẹlu ikẹkọ aabo oni nọmba, itupalẹ awọn ewu, ati idinku iye alaye wọn ti o wa ni gbangba.

      Afirika =

      • Abojuto Ijọba: Oluyọọda kan beere boya Foundation le ṣe awari iwo-kakiri ijọba; Oluyọọda miiran pin pe wọn ko le ṣatunkọ awọn nkan Wikipedia kan nitori iberu ti iwo-kakiri ijọba ati ẹsan ti o ṣeeṣe, nigba ti ẹlomiran pin bi ẹgbẹ alafaramo rẹ ṣe jẹ NGO ti o forukọsilẹ ti ofin ti o jẹ, nitorinaa, labẹ abojuto abojuto awọn iṣẹ rẹ; Oṣiṣẹ WMF ṣe alaye pe wiwa iwo-kakiri nira ṣugbọn ọpọlọpọ awọn ijọba lati gbe iwo-kakiri pupọ wa, ṣugbọn pe Foundation ṣeduro fun iru iwo-kakiri jẹ dín ati ofin.

      Aabo Ofin ti Awọn oluyọọda: Oluyọọda kan beere nipa Foundation ti n pese aabo ofin si awọn oluyọọda kọọkan; Oṣiṣẹ WMF ṣe alaye pe iru awọn ọran bẹẹ ni a ṣe ayẹwo lori ipilẹ-ọrọ, ṣugbọn a ṣe agbero fun awọn aabo layabiliti agbedemeji ati ṣiṣẹ pẹlu awọn agbegbe agbegbe ati awọn alabaṣiṣẹpọ lati dinku iru awọn ipo bẹẹ.

        Itọkasi: Oluyọọda kan pin pe "satunkọ awọn ogun" ati alaye le di awọn italaya pataki ni agbegbe wọn ni ayika awọn idibo; Awọn oluyọọda didoju fẹ lati koju iru alaye disinformation, ṣugbọn ni bayi mọ bii; Oṣiṣẹ WMF ṣe afihan iṣẹ ti ndagba wa lati koju itanjẹ lori awọn iru ẹrọ WMF ati pe Foundation ni ireti lati pese ikẹkọ si awọn oluyọọda.

        Central & Eastern Europe =

        • ' Doxxing: Awọn oṣiṣẹ WMF pin pe eyi ti jẹ ipenija loorekoore julọ ni agbegbe ni awọn ọsẹ to ṣẹṣẹ, pẹlu awọn ọran ninu eyiti a pin alaye awọn oluyọọda nipasẹ Telegram; ọkan iyọọda ti a doxxed ti a mu; awọn oluyọọda yẹ ki o de ọdọ ẹgbẹ Awọn Eto Eda Eniyan lati ṣe afihan eyikeyi ọran ti doxxing ati awọn ikanni nipasẹ eyiti o n ṣẹlẹ; Ẹgbẹ Eto Eda Eniyan tun le pese aabo oni-nọmba ti o dara julọ awọn iṣe ati awọn iṣeduro lori kini lati ṣe ti ẹni kọọkan ba jẹ doxxed.
        • ' Ifaramo Ipilẹ si Awọn ẹtọ Eda Eniyan: Ija ologun ni Ukraine jẹ ipo ti o pọju eyiti o kan ọpọlọpọ awọn ẹya ti Foundation, pẹlu ṣiṣe fifunni, igbẹkẹle ati awọn ọran aabo, imọ-ẹrọ, ọja, ati bẹbẹ lọ; ni iru awọn ipo bẹẹ BoT ṣe atilẹyin Foundation ni gbigbe awọn igbesẹ iyalẹnu lati ṣe atilẹyin awọn oluyọọda ti o kan, oṣiṣẹ, ati awọn alagbaṣe ti o kọja ohun ti a ṣe deede; atilẹyin yii ko le ṣe ni gbangba nigbagbogbo fun awọn idi aabo, ṣugbọn agbegbe le pin nigbagbogbo ohun ti awọn iwulo wọn jẹ.
          • Oluyọọda kan beere nipa ọna ti o dara julọ lati duro si olubasọrọ lori awọn ọran wọnyi; Oṣiṣẹ WMF ṣalaye pe awọn oluyọọda le kan si ẹgbẹ Awọn ẹtọ Eda Eniyan 24x7 nipasẹ awọn ikanni oriṣiriṣi, ni lilo eyikeyi ti wọn ni itunu julọ pẹlu.

        Iwoye Ijọba: Oluyọọda gbe koko ọrọ ti ijọba Tọki dina Wikipedia ni ọdun 2017 ati beere nipa awọn ibaraẹnisọrọ Foundation si agbegbe ni iru awọn ipo; Awọn oṣiṣẹ WMF ṣe alaye pe Foundation sọ ohun ti wọn le ni akoko ati pe, ni awọn ipo miiran, pinpin alaye le jẹ ki ipo naa buru si; Oṣiṣẹ WMF tun ṣe alaye ilana fun atunyẹwo awọn ibeere gbigbe silẹ lati ọdọ awọn ijọba ati tọka si Ijabọ Atoyewa ti Foundation.

          Iṣeduro Agbegbe: Oluyọọda kan ṣeduro ibudo aarin kan nibiti awọn orisun ati alaye le wa fun wọn.

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