Mi a zaklatás?
A zaklatás fogalma a kontextustól függően változó. A cselekmény számos formát ölthet; egyesek jobban, míg mások kevéssé határozhatóak meg. Az online térben a zaklatás általánosságban „rendszeresen vagy újra és újra előforduló, nem kívánatos vagy zavaró cselekmény egy egyén vagy csoport felől egy másik egyén vagy csoport irányába", amely kívül esik az elfogadott társadalmi- és közösségi normákon.
Throw the element of fear into the mix [the intent to cause fear to the affected individual(s) through the aforementioned behaviour], and you have upgraded to one specific form of harassment: stalking. This [the element of fear] can also be what distinguishes criminal harassment from civil harassment, although this can vary from one country/state to the next, depending on statutes.
A wikin tapasztalható zaklatásnak számos formája lehet, például:
- nemi identitásra, szexuális orientációra, fogyatékosságra, megjelenésre, bőrszínre, etnikumra, illetve politikai- vagy vallási hovatartozásra irányuló megjegyzések
- erőszak, erőszakkal fenyegetés, arra utalás, rágalmazás és személyes támadások
- szexualitásra utaló megjegyzések nem megfelelő szövegkörnyezetben, szexuális zaklatás
- online/offline követés, illetve ismételt kapcsolatfelvétel kérés ellenére
- megbeszélések zavarása, trollkodás
- személyes információk publikálása, doxxing
- magánlevelezések közzététele
Mit tehetek, ha zaklatással találkozom?
A megfelelő lépés a zaklatás típusától és mértékétől, illetve a kontextustól is változhat. Egy esetben működő megoldás esetleg nem alkalmazható egy másiknál, hiába hasonlóak. A zaklató személyétől függően az is előfordulhat, hogy az alább adott tanácsok egyike sem hatásos:
Hagyd figyelmen kívül
There are situations in which the harassment is a low-level, circumstantial or single occurrence incident. There is no hard rule on what level of engagement in the Wikimedia projects may result in one being harassed; it could be linked to editing a specific article, or contributing to a specific discussion that may be within or outside one’s usual topics of interest. More often than not, this will be low-level, non-physical harassment where ignoring (not reacting/responding to the harasser’s comments) may be all that’s needed in order for it to de-escalate/stop.
Kérd meg a személyt, hogy többet ne keressen
In some cases, making an explicit request to the other person to stop contacting you (or conducting themselves in a harassing manner) may also work. This is something you can consider in cases of repeated and unwanted (direct or indirect) contact or unwelcome physical contact, especially if it has not been clear to the other person that their actions are unwanted. If you feel comfortable making that explicit clarification, it could help resolve the situation without further reporting.
Értesítsd a helyi hatóságokat
If you feel immediately threatened or that your safety has been compromised as a result of harassment you have experienced, you may want to consider contacting your local authorities, as they are usually in position to act faster than any entity contacted through alternative reporting channels. Of course, outreach to the police may not always be the best option and should only be done if you feel comfortable doing so. It is possible that the conduct you are reporting may be criminal, in which case law enforcement will likely want to hear from you directly about your experience. Even if they are not able to do something at the time you contact them, it helps having your report on their records for future reference. The Foundation can work with them if they have questions or need technical data we may hold in relation to your on-wiki experience, so you can also encourage them to reach us directly if they require further assistance.
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Kérj jogi segítséget
This may be an option worth considering, especially in cases of egregious and/or prolonged harassment where considerable stress is caused. Outreach to a legal counsel local to you could help you explore your options, if you are considering pursuing the matter through the legal avenue. Often, local lawyers will charge either a very small fee or no fee at all for an initial consultation.
Although the Foundation’s Legal team can not offer legal advice to community members, they may be able to help you understand the legal landscape and offer a referral for legal counsels in your country/region that you can consider, under the Community Health Legal Defense program. In specific situations, it may also be possible for your legal case to be funded, under this program. You can reach the legal team directly via, or you may be referred to them through the Trust and Safety team if deemed a good option for your case. You should receive an initial response within seven business days. Remember that if you feel your safety is imminently at risk, contacting local authorities should be your priority. Threats of harm in general can also be reported to the Foundation, in line with the reporting protocol described here.
If legal action is taken against you, as part of ongoing harassment against you, you may be eligible for assistance by the Foundation. You can see more information and eligibility criteria under the Legal Fees Assistance program page.
Vedd fel a kapcsolatot a Wikimédia Alapítvány Megbízhatóság és Biztonság csapatával
If you are experiencing repeated harassment or sexual harassment, you can reach out to the Foundation’s Trust and Safety task force, where all team members are trained to review and assess cases of harassment.
Your contact to Trust and Safety is kept confidential, so no details about your experience will be shared publicly or with the person you are reporting. Sending an email to will automatically open a case file about your issue. Leaving messages on Trust & Safety team members’ (or other) talk pages about the harassment you have experienced is not the appropriate way to report it to Trust & Safety.
It should be noted that depending on the level and type of harassment you have experienced, it may not always be possible for actions to be taken by the Foundation. This doesn’t mean that your experience is of less importance or that the reported conduct is endorsed; rather that the specifics of your situation may not rise to the level of Office actions at the time of your report. We always want to help, if we are able to, so don’t be deterred to report by the possibility that no actions may be possible at that time; having your report on record may help build a stronger case over time, which may eventually warrant actions on our side.
Wikin kívüli jelentés
If the harassment you are experiencing because or as a result of your involvement with the Wikimedia projects is taking place online but off-wiki, you may also want to explore the options for reporting the harassing conduct in the respective platform where it has taken place. Do make sure that you keep a record (screenshot and/or archive of the page to Internet Archive) of the harassing content/activity before reporting it, so that it may be considered if you reach the Foundation’s Trust & Safety team as well.
További segítség
Sometimes, harassment can have lasting effects and it is important that you take care of yourself. Taking a break and/or removing yourself from a toxic situation can offer a safe enough distance where healing can begin to take place. This process can be often aided with the assistance of professionals who are trained to offer the type of support and counseling that enables a steady and speedy recovery. For this you can consider some of the options listed under our Harassment resources page, as well as under our Mental Health resources page.
Milyen információkat kell elküldenem?
Az eset összefoglalója
Ki, hogyan, hol, mikor?
Elvárt reakció
It is very helpful for us to have an idea of what kind of action/support you are seeking when reaching out to Trust & Safety. For an idea of possible actions, you can take a look at the Foundation’s Office actions page.
Mire számítsak, ha zaklatást jelentek?
Upon submitting a report to the Foundation’s Trust & Safety team, you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt of your report, within two working days. The Trust & Safety team’s turnaround time for a single report is roughly about 4 weeks, so, this is when you should roughly expect to hear about the outcome of your report. Of course, this timeframe may vary as it depends on the case specifics. Reports of long term harassment or group-vs-group harassment can take a lot longer to review, as they may require review of several moving parts and additional parameters may need to be considered.