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Grants:PEG/WM ID/Free Your Knowledge 2012

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Bebaskan Pengetahuan 2012 (Free Your Knowledge 2012)
Legal name of chapter
Wikimedia Indonesia
Grant contact name
Kartika Sari Henry
Grant contact user-name or e-mail
Grant contact title (position)
Project Director
Project lead name
Kartika Sari Henry
Saputra Sutedjo
Nico Marko
Project lead user-name or e-mail
Project lead title (position), if any
Project Director
Full project name
Bebaskan Pengetahuan 2012 (Free Your Knowledge 2012)
Amount requested (in USD)
Provisional target start date
15 August 2011
Provisional completion date
15 July 2012

Budget Breakdown

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Please note that the budget breakdown will be in Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) for exact calculation, US dollar value only for comparison purpose.

  • Estimated overall budget for the project is IDR 484,270,000 equal to USD 56,972.94
  • Actual budget received and spent: IDR ______,- equal to USD ___________,-


Wikimedia Cipta
Funding unavailable

1. Administration, Preparation, dan University Approach

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  • Execution time: 15 August 2011 - 22 December 2011
Code Administration, Preparation, & University Approach Qty Unit x Qty Unit x Unit Price (IDR) Total Amount (IDR) Total Amount (USD)
A Communication Cost (cellular)
A.1 - Sponsor Approach Communication Cost 4 persons x 4 months x 250,000 4,000,000 470.58
A.2 - Committee Communication Cost 4 persons x 4 months x 100,000 1,600,000 188.24
B Coordination meeting
B.1 - Transport 3 meetings x 16 weeks x 125,000 6,000,000 705.88
B.2 - Meals 3 meetings x 16 weeks x 125,000 6,000,000 705.88
C Proposal
C.1 - Proposal Print 140 copies x 120,000 16,800,000 1,976
C.2 - Proposal Distirbution 140 times x 50,000 7,000,000 823.53
D University Approach
D.1 - Jakarta 25 places x 3 trip x 150,000 11,250,000 1,323.53
D.2 - Bandung 2 persons x 3 trip x 450,000 2,700,000 317.65
D.3 - Jogjakarta 2 persons x 3 trip x 1,850,000 11,100,000 1,305.88
E USB Flash Drive 9 items x 100,000 900,000 105.88
Subtotal1 67,350,000 7,923.53

2. Participant training & Evaluation

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  • Execution time: 17 January - May 2012
Code Participant training & Evaluation Qty Unit x Qty Unit x Unit Price (IDR) Total Amount (IDR) Total Amount (USD)
F Committee[1]
F.1 - Kartika Sari Henry (Project Director) 7 months x 1,500,000 10,500,000 1,235.29
F.2 - Saputra Sutedjo (Deputy Director) 7 months x 1,500,000 10,500,000 1,235.29
F.3 - Nico Marko (Deputy Director) 7 months x 1,500,000 10,500,000 1,235.29
F.4 - Ivonne Kristiani 5 months x 1,500,000 7,500,000 882.35
F.5 - Kartika Sari 5 months x 1,500,000 7,500,000 882.35
F.6 - Wahyudi Pradana 5 months x 1,500,000 7,500,000 882.35
F.7 - Isabella Apriyana 5 months x 1,500,000 7,500,000 882.35
F.8 - Irviene Maretha 5 months x 1,500,000 7,500,000 882.35
F.9 - Hendra Prastiawan 5 months x 1,500,000 7,500,000 882.35
G Training Venue Cost
G.1 - Jakarta
G.1.1 - First Training 10 places x 4 hours x 250,000 10,000,000 1,176.47
G.1.2 - Second Training 5 places x 4 hours x 250,000 5,000,000 588.24
G.2 - Bandung
G.2.1 - First Training 2 places x 4 hours x 250,000 2,000,000 235.29
G.2.2 - Second Training 1 place x 4 hours x 250,000 1,000,000 117.65
G.3 - Jogjakarta
G.3.1 - First Training 2 places x 4 hours x 250,000 2,000,000 235.29
G.3.2 - Second Training 1 place x 4 hours x 250,000 1,000,000 117.65
H Food & Beverage
H.1 - Jakarta
H.1.1 - First Training 250 persons x 50,000 12,500,000 1,470.59
H.1.2 - Second Training 125 persons x 50,000 6,250,000 735.29
H.2 - Bandung
H.2.1 - First Training 50 persons x 50,000 2,500,000 294.12
H.2.2 - Second Training 25 persons x 50,000 1,250,000 147.06
H.3 - Jogjakarta
H.3.1 - First Training 50 persons x 50,000 2,500,000 294.12
H.3.2 - Second Training 25 persons x 50,000 1,250,000 147.06
I Travel Cost for Committee
I.1 - Bandung
I.1.1 - First Training Bus 4 committees x 1 trip x 150,000 600,000 70.59
I.1.2 - Second Training Bus 4 committees x 1 trip x 150,000 600,000 70.59
I.1.3 - First Training Accommodation[2] 4 committees x 1 trip x 100,000 400,000 47.06
I.1.4 - Second Training Accommodation[2] 4 committees x 1 trip x 100,000 400,000 47.06
I.2 - Jogjakarta
I.2.1 - First Training Air Fare 3 committees x 1 trip x 1,200,000 3,600,000 423.53
I.2.2 - Second Training Air Fare 2 committees x 1 trip x 1,200,000 2,400,000 282.35
I.2.3 - First Training Accommodation[3] 3 committees x 1 trip x 650,000 1,950,000 229.41
I.1.4 - Second Training Accommodation[3] 2 committees x 1 trip x 650,000 1,300,000 152.94
J Committee's Uniforms 9 items x 125,000 1,125,000 132.35
K Training Materials
K.1 - Training module 1 & 2 300 sets x 125,000 37,500,000 4,411.76
K.2 - Training module 3 150 sets x 125,000 18,750,000 2,205.88
L Administrative Costs[4] 8 months x 750,000 6,000,000 705.88
M Judges[5] 1 event x 3 persons x 1,500,000 4,500,000 529.41
Subtotal2 202,875,000 23,867.65
  • Footnotes
  1. The time difference is because the project director and her deputy work from January through July to complete the report
  2. a b Accommodation costs include: meals and transport within the city.
  3. a b Accommodation costs include: meals, transport within the city, and lodging for committee
  4. Administrative costs for 8 months starting from January - August 2012.
  5. Judges evaluate participants' contribution 3 times throughout the competition.

3. Campaign Materials

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Code Campaign Facilities Qty Unit x Qty Unit x Unit Price (IDR) Total Amount (IDR) Total Amount (USD)
N Banner 75 items x 250,000 18,750,000 2,205.88
O Poster 300 copies x 50,000 15,000,000 1,764.71
P Pin and Sticker[1] 2 type x 500 items x 5,000 5,000,000 588.24
Subtotal3 38,750,000 4,558.82
  • Footnotes
  1. Pin and sticker will be made 500 pieces each.

4. Press Conferences

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  • The first press conference is to launch the event and will be held on January 15, 2012.
  • The second press conference is to award the winners and will be held on May 20, 2012
Code Another Events Qty Unit x Qty Unit x Unit Price (IDR) Total Amount (IDR) Total Amount (USD)
R First Press Conference
R.1 - Accommodation and Logistic 100 persons x 1 event x 250,000 25,000,000 2,941.18
R.2 - Press Release 100 set x 1 event x 25,000 2,500,000 294.12
S Second Press Conference
S.1 - Accommodation and Logistic 200 persons x 1 event x 250,000 50,000,000 5,882.35
S.2 - Press Release 200 set x 1 event x 25,000 5,000,000 588.24
Subtotal4 82,500,000 9,705.88

5. Awards

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  • Execution time: 20 May 2012
Code Awarding Qty Unit x Qty Unit x Unit Price (IDR) Total Amount (IDR) Total Amount (USD)
T Laptop/Netbook for top ten 10 items x 5,200,000 52,000,000 6,117.65
U Certificate for top one hundred 100 items x 120,000 12,000,000 1,411.76
V Courier 750,000 88.23
W Grand Prize Winner
W.1 - Air Fare Jakarta-Washington D.C.-Jakarta 1 ticket x 17,000,000 17,000,000 2,000
W.2 - Passport
W.2.1 - Passport Fee 3 items x 750,000 2,250,000 264.71
W.2.2 - Administrative Passport Fee 500,000 500,000 58,82
W.3 - America Travel Insurance 1 package x 300,000 300,000 35.29
W.4 - Visa to America
W.4.1 - America Visa Fee 1 item x 1,300,000 1,300,000 152.94
W.4.2 - Administrative America Visa Fee 1 item x 350,000 350,000 41.18
W.5 - Pocket Money 5 days x 425,000 2,125,000 250
W.6 - Airport Tax 1 time x 150,000 150,000 17.65
W.7 - Airport Transport
W.7.1 - Home-Airport Transport 1 trip x 250,000 250,000 29.41
W.7.2 - Airport-Home Transport 1 trip x 250,000 250,000 29.41
W.7.3 - Airport-Venue Transport 1 trip x 510,000 510,000 60
W.7.4 - Venue-Airport Transport 1 trip x 510,000 510,000 60
W.8 - Lodging 5 days x 425,000 2,125,000 250
W.9 - Wikimania conference cost 1 package x 425,000 425,000 50
Subtotal5 92,795,000 10,917.06

Grand Total

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Subtotal1 Rp 67,350,000 USD 7,923.53
Subtotal2 Rp 202,875,000 USD 23,867.65
Subtotal3 Rp 38,750,000 USD 4,558.82
Subtotal4 Rp 82,500,000 USD 9,705.88
Subtotal5 Rp 92,795,000 USD 10,917.06
Grand Total Rp 484,270,000 USD 56,972.94


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Project scope

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Bebaskan Pengetahuan 2012 (Free Your Knowledge 2012) is a continuation from previous competition in 2010. This project has larger scope, longer time, and some modification to achieve greater success than before. In 2010, the first Free Your Knowledge competition successfully increased Wikipedia Indonesia readership number from 36.8 million reader per month to 53.4 million per month in October 2010 after the competition occured.

Free Your Knowledge 2012 is a 120-days wiki based writing competition. It is design as an integrated event consist of encyclopedia style writing technique training, endurance test, and in the same time serve as an effort to enrich information content in bahasa Indonesia.

The project will introduce and allow selected participant from 30 universities within Java Island (Jakarta and greater area, Bandung, and Yogyakarta) to be trained on how to write in wikipedia and compete for 120 days. Each Universities only allowed to send in 10 participants. In addition, this competition will serve 50 places for public in all age-range to compete with those university students. The 350 participants are watched closely by committee while competing and graded using an article matrix calculation created specifically for the project and the 3 juries to grade the article quality.

Project goal

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This competition will serve as a way to introduce new ways of distributing knowledge in a free and effective way using correct terminology in the Indonesian language. One of the future impacts after the competition done is universities will create more initiative to include Wikipedia in their curriculum.

Previously from Free Your Knowledge 2010 experience, talented students already identified to become young sustainable leader. It is achieved by exposing new volunteers in the project and keeping their continuity to participate in the free-knowledge movement. Winners get to attend the Wikimania International Conference 2012 in Washington and are expected to return with a fresh perspective on how Indonesia can participate in contributing free knowledge on global platform.

Non-financial requirements

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Reference Letter Signed by Sue Gardner

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Other benefits

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  • Government attention.
  • Cooperation with Universities meant that they will understand Wikipedia more, recognize their potential in enriching it instead of campaigning in banning it from Universities.
  • Public will be introduction to "Free Knowledge" initiative by putting banner and posters in 30 universities for 120 days.
  • Introduces that Wikimania exist as an International conference.
  • Private companies sees future similar projects as a good chance to do co-branding with the effort.
  • Engaging talented students in Java to participate in the Free Knowledge movement.

Measures of success

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  • All 30 universities participate and we have 250 active wikipedians in the first 30-days of competition.
  • Indonesian Wikipedia very active contributors doubled up from around 50 users to 100 users (like German Wikipedia have) in the period of 120 days during competition held.
  • Addition of 5,000 new and improved articles from total participants.

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