From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
- Participant: Lennart Guldbrandsson, mostly on Swedish Wikipedia
- Outcomes:
- blog post about reducing the gender gap, based on this discussion at Wikimania and about redesigning Wikipedia
- first parts of long term plans for a Swedish Wiki Camp project (also mentioned in the blog post)
- a planning meeting of most of the Swedes present at Wikimania, trying to get among other things the WikiProject Medicin translation taskforce going, which had some initial problems on Swedish Wikipedia
- Further results will come, after I have finished up some other things.
- Connections: After being part of the Wikimedia movement nationally since 2005, and internationally since 2007, I met with several of my friends: Sue Gardner, Frank Schulenburg, Geoff Brigham, Liam Wyatt, Lodewijk Gelauff, LiAnna Davies, Susanna Mkrtchyan, Marios Magioladitis and others. I also made new connections with some more German Wikipedians as well as people from the communications list and representatives from Commons Machinery. Sharing a room with Shyamal Lakshminarayanan was also very illuminating and fun. I look forward to meeting more of the gender gap focused people, to share strategies.
- Anything else?
- Unfortunately, my talk didn't get approved, and I brought no camera, instead focusing on talking to people. But I was photographed with Sue Gardner.