Grants:Project/Rapid/WikiJournal 2021 (Jan-June)/Report
WikiJournal User Group
Open access • Publication charge free • Public peer review • Wikipedia-integrated
WikiJournal User Group is a publishing group of open-access, free-to-publish, Wikipedia-integrated academic journals. <seo title=" WJM, WikiJMed, Wiki.J.Med., WikiJMed, Wikiversity Journal User Group, WikiJournal WikiMed, Free to publish, Open access, Open-access, Non-profit, online journal, Public peer review "/>
- Report accepted
- To read the approved grant submission describing the plan for this project, please visit Grants:Project/Rapid/WikiJournal 2021 (Jan-June).
- You may still comment on this report on its discussion page, or visit the discussion page to read the discussion about this report.
- You are welcome to Email rapidgrants at wikimedia dot org at any time if you have questions or concerns about this report.
[edit ]Did you meet your goals? Are you happy with how the project went?
The project did make substantial progress in all categories set out at the time of application.
[edit ]The outcomes are split into first and second halves of the year, to also be used for annual activity reports spanning June 1 to May 31 the following year.
- WikiJournal of Psychology, Psychiatry, and the Behavioral Sciences
- So far 14 interested editors to initiate the journal:
- A plan is in place to develop and onboard for this journal after technical editors are in place
- Work in progress to help in influx of new users without Wikimedia experience'
- Increased submission of new articles (21 in first two quarters of 2021)
- Higher proportion of original research
- Higher proportion of spontaneous (i.e. not solicited by editorial boards)
- Recruited 6 people interested in the position
- However, required significant HR set-up
- brought in new admin board member specifically for this
- Therefore began process of organising:
- insurance coverage, which has been procured
- contractor/employee structure
- True start should be possible in Q3
Extensive restructuring to use Wikidata for metadata
- Based on test cases from last year, now implemented for all articles
- Overhaul of Template:Article info
- Updates of Template:Review
- Updates of Template:Editor's comments
- Testing out its usage for greater stats gathering
The new journal proposal has been the year's most significant item. Full implementation and onboarding of new members is awaiting until the technical editors have been properly started in order to ensure a smooth start. Onboarding of technical editors itself has required quite a bit of paperwork and setup and so was not completed in Q1,2. However, the groundwork was laid to achieve this in Q3,4.
The impacts of COVID-19 have had a delayed impact on the group, with several activities (particular peer reviews) being delayed. There have consequently been fewer published articles during 2021's first two quarters. Similarly, people approached for possible contribution or joining as editors have indicated that they are currently over-committed.
See also:
- Grant funds spent below.
- Meeting minutes
[edit ]Projects do not always go according to plan. Sharing what you learned can help you and others plan similar projects in the future. Help the movement learn from your experience by answering the following questions:
- What worked well?
- General article processing has been proceeding despite the COVID pandemic, although it is expected to run even smoother once technical editors are in place.
- What did not work so well?
- We had initially thought that bringing on several part time employees would be the fairer way to handle onboarding technical editors to handle back-end tasks
- However, the HR requirements were more complex than envisaged
- We therefore had to hold up downstream projects, such as fully starting up the new journal in the group and some of the enhanced usage of wikidata.
- What would you do differently next time?
- Based on the learning from this experience, we'll have more infrastructure in place to be able to smoothly handle future contractor/employee requirements.
- The first half of this year has been particularly valuable in setting up what is needed for ensuring the annual planning grant is able to be effectively used.
[edit ]Grant funds at beginning of year
[edit ]- 1028ドル.27, in remaining funds from previous year. See Grant report for 2020
- 1999ドル.27, received for current rapid grant (Grants:Project/Rapid/WikiJournal 2021 (Jan-June))
Grant funds spent
[edit ]Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on.
- 293ドル: Crossref membership
- 246ドル.88 (171 GBP): Membership in Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
- 24ドル (so far): Domain fees for (WikiJournal of Medicine), (WikiJournal of Science), and (WikiJournal of Humanities), each now costing 12ドル per year.
- 211ドル.39 Swedish tax.
- 20ドル (10ドル + 10ドル) in bank fees
- 3ドル for checks
- Technical editor hiring
- Lawyer consultation: 270ドル
Total spent: 1068ドル.27
Remaining funds
[edit ]- 1959ドル.27
We ask to use the remaining funds for the WikiJournal budget plan for July 1 to Dec 31, 2021:
Specifically, we request to use 959ドル.27 for back-end-development and 1,000ドル for technical editor salary.