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Grants:PEG/WM BE/Budget 2015 S2

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WM BE/Budget 2015 S2
This is a grant application to support the activities of the Wikimedia Belgium chapter until the end of 2015.
targetDutch, French, English, German Wikipedia
strategic priorityIncrease participation
start dateSeptember 1
start year2015
end dateDecember 31
end year2015
budget (local currency)(削除) 8375.00 EUR (削除ここまで) 12,250 EUR
budget (USD)(削除) 9525.00 USD (削除ここまで) US13,190ドル.40
grant typeGroup
non-profit statusYes
contact(s)• maarten@wikimedia.be• derek@wikimedia.be
organization• Wikimedia Belgium
created on18:38, 24 August 2015 (UTC)


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Wikimedia Belgium currently files two grants a year. The first grant this year ran from Jan 1 to July 31. The report has been finished. In the coming months the Belgian volunteers want to continue what we started. As such, we are filing for funds for September to December.

Wikimedia Belgium was officially registered end 2014. The goal of this grant is to build the local chapter and continue with the efforts to develop local projects.

  • Goal #1 - outreach efforts to our community (General Assembly, website);
  • Goal #2 - the first steps in organising projects (activities to develop projects, provisioning for the first small projects); and
  • Goal #3 - capacity building of the board (regular board meetings, attendance at WM related conferences, specific board training).


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Planned, no date yet
  • Wikiducation Wiki Cafe at Vives and Thomas more
  • Wikiducation presentations at Vivies and Thomas More, planning of lecturere and student workshops
  • Wikiducation Wiki Cafe at Vives and Thomas more
  • Wikiducation Wiki Cafe at Vives and Thomas more
  • December 2015, 5 14h - wikimeet in Antwerpen. Afspraak om 14h in Antwerpen. Precieze locatie wordt later bekend gemaakt.
  • December 2015, 4 - Presentatie OpenRefine (Open data) Library Lab UGent door Ruben Verborgh (iMinds)
  • September 2015, 11 - Our new website http://www.wikimedia.be went live.
  • ((date|3|9|2015}} - SOIMA2015 3&4 september 2 day International conference in Brussels, Wikimedia boot


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Target readership

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See Grants:PEG/WM_BE/Budget_2015_H1#Impact.

Fit with strategy

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What crucial thing will the project try to change or benefit in the Wikimedia movement? Please select the Wikimedia strategic priority(ies) that your project most directly aims to impact and explain how your project fits. Most projects fit all strategic priorites. However, we would like project managers to focus their efforts on impacting 1-2 strategic priorities. Examples of strategic priorities can be found at here.

WMBE Effort Fits with Goal(s) How respond Intended outcome
Part #1 - outreach efforts and community building Increasing participation increase the number of editors
both High impact:
- improve editor diversity,
- onboarding and educating new editors with a plan for follow-up and mentorship (e.g. workshop and edit-a-thon series)
Lower impact potential
- recruiting new contributors limited participation
- without explicit follow-up
Mind the gender gap edit-a-thons, Vormingplus intro-workshop, wikicafs
Part #2 - the projects Encourage Innovation onboarding and educatin educators (secondary teachers and college lecturers) to use the Education extension facilities,
associated Wikimetrics, with a plan to recruit wikicontributors through the formal education system institutions, follow-up and mentorship (e.g. workshop and edit-a-thon series)
Wikiducation pilot, presentations, workshops, wikicafes
Increasing participation increase the number of editors
High impact:
- improve editor diversity,
- onboarding and educating new editors with a plan for follow-up and mentorship (e.g. workshop and edit-a-thon series)
Moderator worshops and certification program for curent moderators to increase friendly environement for newcomers, generate an AGF polite attitude and mentoring newbee- skill otherwise ther is no need to start recruiting new contributors
Increasing quality increase the amount of high-quality content
Photo events ( high quality submissions) with associated edit-a-thons focused on integrating media on wiki projects
Mind the gender gap
Part #3 - WMBE organisational development & capacity building Expand public awareness and support for the Wikimedia movement. Spread information about Wikimedia’s mission, vision, values and practices. Help people better understand our work, and motivate them to help us do it.
Grow the number of Wikimedia donors, to ensure steady, robust support.
Increase capacity to safeguard the movement's reputation and support the advancement of legal conditions that enable unimpeded access to information online, worldwide.
GLAM information and eductaion sessions (planned as part of Wiki Loves Art )

Measures of success

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WM BE working on our communication with the media
ICAB Business and Technology Incubator in Brussels, the proposed location for our General Assembly
Outreach efforts to our community (Part #1)
  • (1.1) Organise three WikiSaturdays:
    • On average 8 people per event;
    • Combine 2 board meetings with the WikiSaturdays;
    • Organise the event in minimum two different locations;
    • Spread the word about the event on Twitter, our website, and our newsletter
  • (1.2) Website
    • Get up the website by October
    • Promote the website on our different media channel, and reach 500 visitors per month by December
    • Get 2 updates per month on the website
    • Get 20 updates per month on Twitter (eg. tweets or retweets)
  • (1.5)Advertising on social media
    • Set up a Twitter advertising system
    • Reach 250 Twitter referrals to our website by December
  • (1.6)Promotion of three onwiki writing competitions
    • Promote at least three events in at least in two languages;
    • Arrange for a nice (preferably not financial) reward for the competition;
    • Reach at least 3x15 competition participants
    • Promote the competition with our members, and get at least 3x5 participants
  • (1.7) Design and printing of multilingual brochures leaflets a, posters and gadgets
    • Send out request for quotation in order to get lower price for design activities and printing activities; currently we have following brochures in the queue to finalise and printing 9xA4 one pagers in NL, translation in FR&EN under preparation, 8 multipage brochures in NL translated but some redesign work needed, translation to FR under preparation, 1 A5 multipage brochure underpreparation. Due to the IEG grant at the UCL (LouvainLaNeuve) we will need to advance some french brochures forward. The printing has to done now to use the brochures during the 1st half of 2016.
    • Prices/quotes cannot be given in advance because each brochure is to be discussed individually.
    • Following example prices based in white paper A4 RV 4colour printing might give some indications (the printer that offers using recycled paper is more expensive)
    • Brochure : 250gr paper cover (4 RV pages 4 col) + 24 pages 150 gr(6 sheets x 4RV pages 4 col) : 100pcs=1180,- 250pcs=1460,-€
    • Brochure : 250gr paper cover (4 RV pages 4 col) + 16 pages 150 gr(4 sheets x 4RV pages 4 col) : 100pcs=840,- 250pcs=1150,-€
    • Brochure : 250gr paper cover (4 RV pages 4 col) + 8 pages 150 gr(2 sheets x 4RV pages 4 col) : 100pcs=490,- 250pcs=840,-€
    • Onepager A4 : 150gr paper 4 colour : 250pcs=122,-
Capacity building of the board (Part #3)
  • (3.1)Organisation regular Board Meetings
    • Organise at least 2 board meetings;
    • Have at least 3 board members available per meeting;
    • Invite members on the board meeting. Invite them via our website and our newsletter
  • (3.3) Attendance at meetings of Dutch, French and German WM
    • Attend at least three events;
    • Attend events in at least in two languages (eg. Fr and Nl)
    • Communicate with our members during and afterwards the event (eg. tweets, message on our website)
  • (3.4)(3.5) Attendance to Wikimedia related conferences
    • Communicate with our members during and afterwards the conference (eg. tweets, message on our website)
  • (3.6) General Administrative expences
    • Correctly document all expenses to the WMF

Resources and risks

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The grant request is supported by the Wikimedia Belgium board.

Project Volunteers

Project Volunteers Art+Feminism organisers :

And members

and +/- 40 other on our memberlist


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Risk Impact on Mitigating measures
A lack of experience in the first years of our organisation Organisation "Capacity building": trainings for the board and our volunteers
Different expectations between the board members and volunteers Organisation Conflict Resolution, including mediation efforts. ""face to face"" board meetings"
Peer review of budget and financial activities Budget, Projects Avoid single person projects, always a reviewer. Following good accounting principles"
Lack of procedures, and resistance against procedureal approach Organisation Apply procedures as imposed by BE-authorities, WMF. Organise trainings.
Troll attack on our activities (eg. On our budget requests) Organisation, WMF contacts
Lack of external funding Budget, WMF contacts Request contributions in kind from our partners. Request support from surrounding chapters. As we get more established in the collaboration with our GLAM partners we can discuss more openly their resource commitments, and funding through their grant/subsidy channels"
Difficulties finding volunteers Organisation, Projects Increase membership, good communication with our members. Organise events and trainings.
Staffing problems : experience, commitment, volunteer burn out; Organisation, Projects WMF Capacity Building programme. Volunteer trainings
Unwelcoming/hostile attitude for new users at wikipedia.nl Organisation, Projects Recruitment of new volunteers, cooperation with WMNL
Lack of good meeting venue. No clear view on offices in Belgium Budget, WMF contacts Discuss plans with WMF and other chapters with office in Belgium. Find good meeting venue.


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Project budget table

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Activity Total budget estimated Comments breakdown
outreach efforts to our community (Part #1)
1.1 "WikiSaturdays : Organisation of monthly public facing events Including Board Meeting, General Asembly and project day + wikicafe € 2,290.00 3x Rent of the venue (400€ per event) and stipend (150€) and refreshments 250 € (combined with project day and GA) (carry over 155 € from H1-3.1 boardemeetings and 165 form project days amd -95 from GA)
1.2 Setup website € 1.070,00 Includes website design, cloudhosted website
1.5 Advertising on social media € 150.00 Promotion of our Twitter account (budget of 50€ pm).
1.6 Promotion of three onwiki writing competitions € 450.00 Support three writing competitions on the NL, FR, EN, DE wiki projects by giving prices. We plan 3 visits "behind the scenes" in Belgian museums, estimated at 150€ each.
1.7 Design and printing of multilingual brochures leaflets a, posters and gadgets € 3,000.00 Design and lay-out of printing material. Printing of Folders, leaflets, Brochures, and gadgets (stickers, pins, pens, usb sticks)
Tshirts from WMF ? [T 1] (design)
Subtotal part#1 : € 6,960.00
Projects and Micro Grant program (Part #2)
2.4 Provisioning projects (6x under 150,ドル 1x under 1500€) € 2,400.00 Excludes projects above 1500,ドル as these will be discussed directly with the WMF in the PEG system
Subtotals part #2 : € 2,400.00
Capacity building of the board (Part #3)
3.2 GLAM : Participation in SOIMA € 2,500.00 total participation cost 2500.00,ドル booth see program of SOIMA; Contributions from France 500, Austria 500 and WMNL 500 ( € 1500.00 covered by participating chapters).
3.3 Attendance at meetings of Dutch, French and German WM € 900.00 Transport and accomodation costs
3.4 Wikimedia presence at Open data dag Vlaamse overheid € 400.00 250€ budgetted for promotion (eg. flyers, brochures, banners, installation of booth), 100€ attendance fee, 50€ stipend)
3.5 Creative Commons Belgium organises a conference € 500.00 250€ budgetted for promotion (eg. flyers, brochures, banners, installation of booth) + 150€ attendance fee, 100€ stipend).
3.6 General Administrative expences € 500.00 copies, office postage, official documents etc..
Subtotal aprt #3 : € 4,800.00
other underspending 2015 h1
Totals : € 14,160.00
  1. Belgium is multilingual (see target public) and we will need brochures and printed items atleast in 4 languages to serve all parts of our community, in Dutch, French, German and English. The flyers will be used for different projects, events and activities of WMBE.

Total cost of project

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14,170.00 Euro

Total amount requested

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Total amount requested from the Project and Event Grants Program.
(削除) 8.375,00 Euro = total cost - 3,875.00 carried over from 2015 H1 and - 1500 Euro externally funded for the SOIMA conference (削除ここまで) 12,250 Euro

Additional sources of revenue

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Additional sources of revenue, other than the Project and Event Grants Program, that may fund part of this project, and amounts funded.
1500 Euro for Soima 2015 Conference

Non-financial requirements

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See a description of non financial assistance available. Please inform the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) of any requirements for non-financial assistance now.

Addditional comments

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See Preparation page on website of Wikimedia Belgium.

These links provide an insight in the first semester budget and its report


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Community notification

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You are responsible for notifying relevant communities of your proposal, so that they can help you! Depending on your project, notification may be most appropriate on a village pump, talkpage, mailing list. Please paste a link below to where the relevant communities have been notified of this proposal, and to any other relevant community discussions. Need notification tips?

This grant was discussed and prepared at wmbe:Preparation_Budget/Grant_2015_S2


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Do you think this project should be selected for a Project and Event Grant? Please add your name and rationale for endorsing this project in the list below. Other feedback, questions or concerns from community members are also highly valued, but please post them on the talk page of this proposal.

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