Grants:PEG/Program Pages/da
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The Project & Event Grant (PEG) and Individual Engagement Grant (IEG) programs are no longer active. Please read about our current grant programs on Grants:Start.
Project and Event Grants Program Pages
This page provides links to all pages associated with the Project and Event Grant Program (PEG) grants process.
Grant planning
- Eligibility: Who and what kind of projects are available to receive funding.
- Criteria: A list of criteria the Grant Advisory Committee (GAC) and WMF staff will look for when reviewing grant proposals.
- Fiscal sponsorships: What a fiscal sponsorship is, when you should request one, and who can be a fiscal sponsor.
Creating a proposal
- Strategic priorities: The list of strategic priorities Project and Event Grants aim to impact. Focus your grant proposal on one of these priorities.
- IdeaLab: A place for people to share ideas to improve Wikimedia projects and collaboratively develop ideas into plans and grant proposals.
- Stages of a grant: Reviews the major stages of the grant process.
- Proposal guidelines: Tips and guidelines for writing a great grant proposal.
- PEG grant samples: All current and past grants in the PEG program - a good resource for creating your new grant.
Creating a budget
- Budget guidelines: Tips and guidelines for creating a budget.
- Budget template: How to create a budget table.
Program resources
- See all Program Resource pages
- Edit-a-thon series
- Writing competitions
- Photo competitions and events
- Education programs
Grant submission and review
- Submit request: How to submit a grant request, guidelines for submission, and to submit your grant request.
- Submission review: The PEG submission review process, including expectations, timelines, and an explanation of the different stages of review.
- Grant Advisory Committee (GAC): An overview of the GAC, their role in the grant review process, and current and past members.
- Grant requests: All open, draft, funded, and not funded grant requests.
Grant implementation
- Grant processing: The grants process, including all stages of processing your grant and reporting.
- Learning patterns: Templates to refer to or create that explain how to reproduce a successful strategy for performing or evaluating an activity.
- Evaluation tools: Tools for measuring and evaluating project success, including Wikimetrics (to track editor retention) and Qualtrics (survey software).
- Budget changes: How to request a change to your grant budget.
- Extension requests: How to request an extension to your grant.
- Documenting expenses: How to document grant expenses.
Grant reporting
- Reporting requirements: Reporting schedule, completing a report, and information on late or incomplete reports.
- Report submission: How to submit your interim, final, or reallocation report.
- Submit report: Submit your final report.
- Returning and reallocating funds: How to return or request a reallocation of unused grant funds.
- Grant reports: All under review, draft, past due, incomplete, and complete grant reports.
All grants: See Grants Table for the current status of all grants by fiscal year.
Key templates: See Template:WMF_Grants_Program_templates for template documentation.