Grants:IdeaLab/Inspire/Archive/Addressing harassment
Thank you for contributing great ideas, providing feedback, and maintaining productive discussions during the Inspire Campaign to address harassment! So far, twelve (12) projects were drafted or submitted for grants from campaign ideas! Many submitted ideas were aimed at changes in local project policies, guidelines, or other ideas that did not require funding. We are actively supporting creators of these ideas and their teams in thinking about the next steps needed to implement or assess consensus on these ideas.
There are still a lot of innovative ideas that could use additional support finding project leaders and mentors. We'd love to see those ideas move forward so please keep developing them! We are committed to funding work to address harassment year-round through our grantmaking programs.
To create new ideas, head to the main IdeaLab page!
(Sept 9, 2016)
Inspire Campaigns are month-long events to focus collaborative efforts on some of the most pressing challenges of the Wikimedia movement. Each campaign focuses on a unique theme and participation is open to everyone. Campaigns are hosted in IdeaLab, where participants can work together to solve problems, create partnerships and develop concrete solutions through project development. Grants are available to support events, research, community organizing, technical or other initiatives in need of funding. Let's turn ideas into collective action!
Many contributors to Wikimedia projects experience on-wiki harassment, and many also witness others being harassed. Harassment can include behaviors such as name calling, threats, discrimination, stalking, and impersonation, among others. Furthermore, available methods and systems of dealing with these behaviors are considered to be ineffective. Many individuals who experience or witness harassment feel discouraged, and participate less or stop contributing to Wikimedia projects entirely. What ideas do you have that can help prevent and generally address cases of harassment? If you have ideas, please share them during the current campaign!
Questions about this campaign or Inspire Campaigns generally? Please review the FAQ page.
The campaign will begin on 31 May 2016 and run for about one month. Campaign goal: (削除) 100 ideas & 300 participants (削除ここまで) by 30 June 2016. We reached our goal!
- IdeaLab/Non violent communication/ko
- IdeaLab/Non violent communication/da
- IdeaLab/Non violent communication/br
- IdeaLab/Non violent communication/fr
- IdeaLab/Non violent communication/en
- IdeaLab/Harrassment of Editors of an Article
- IdeaLab/fiscalizar
- IdeaLab/Thalei
- IdeaLab/Splash Screen for Cyber Law Awareness
- IdeaLab/Just Say No to Barbarians and Machismo!
- IdeaLab/The Hatpin and Pearls Club
- IdeaLab/Cross-account measure of uniqueness
- IdeaLab/moderating for sexism instead of vulgarity
- IdeaLab/settle it the easy way: ignore 😉
- IdeaLab/Pay admins and authors with proven track record a good salary
- IdeaLab/Log of administrative abuse and penalties be created
- IdeaLab/Monitor Words and Phrases Used
- IdeaLab/Video Chat makes harrassment harder.
- IdeaLab/Administrator training contracted to experts
- IdeaLab/Confidential harassment support 24-7
- IdeaLab/Meow Meow filter
- IdeaLab/Change the font color of certain words to white
- IdeaLab/Lutter contre le "bullying", l'intimidation.
- IdeaLab/Artículos concurridos en Wikipedia
- IdeaLab/Crowd sourcing harassment prevention
- IdeaLab/Metode didactice
- IdeaLab/Get Administrators Under Control
- IdeaLab/group or gang action against an editor needs more time-efficient final remedies
- IdeaLab/Dialogar
- IdeaLab/Lawyer up and pay money out to whistle blowers
- IdeaLab/Watch your mouth
- IdeaLab/Filter checker like stack overflow for contributes and moderators alike
- IdeaLab/Moderate "pages for problems" area like a mobile version
- IdeaLab/A place where the community can discuss administrator and arbitrator actions
- IdeaLab/Respect
- IdeaLab/Notability is the gender problem, fix by creating seniority
- IdeaLab/Bring a light to shine on the offender
- IdeaLab/Barras de voto
- IdeaLab/De-escalation Training for Bystanders
- IdeaLab/help
- IdeaLab/Bullying, So immature.
- IdeaLab/Аллё - малё! Аллё - малё! Аллё - малё! мне кажется вы наглухо глухие!
- IdeaLab/事実よりも、ウィキペディアのルールが優先してるようじゃ駄目だ
- IdeaLab/Checks and Balances on Administrators
- IdeaLab/Security team
- IdeaLab/Harassment from Sysop must be treated by experts, not by sysop
- IdeaLab/Remove anonymity for problem editors
- IdeaLab/Ombud for diversity
- IdeaLab/無視他人也在乎他人
- IdeaLab/Build a Properly Constituted Community
- IdeaLab/Belästigungen grundsätzlich ignorieren.
- IdeaLab/Friendlier "Proposed deletion" (WP PROD) page
- IdeaLab/Add optional Avatar which you don't have to license for modification and commercial use (as a new non free use rationale special case)
- IdeaLab/Rethink social media integration
- IdeaLab/Honor the First Amendment
- IdeaLab/Wikimedia Open Learning
- IdeaLab/Focus
- IdeaLab/An outside observer on the arbitration committee
- IdeaLab/Improve the selecting processes of the admins
- IdeaLab/mail the person who has committed harassment
- IdeaLab/وضع قوانين خاصةيلزم الاشخاص بالالتزام بها وتطوير الموقع بحيث يحظر اي شخص يعتدي على الحقوق
- IdeaLab/Similarity measure for AbuseFilter
- IdeaLab/Stop It Now! Button
- IdeaLab/Experience reward
- IdeaLab/معاقبة المتحرشين
- IdeaLab/In Japanese...Automatic User Level
- IdeaLab/Create a feminist committee which will resolve conflicts involving hate speech towards women
- IdeaLab/Community Health User Group
- IdeaLab/Accounting help and guide action
- IdeaLab/Create a place where to share harassment issues
- IdeaLab/Allow blocking or muting of users, and grow up
- IdeaLab/管理人が今以上に迷惑行為を取り締まることを提案します。
- IdeaLab/I am Aware, I am enough
- IdeaLab/Positive action
- IdeaLab/there must be user privacy option
- IdeaLab/People can create wiki-only nicks and can choose not to share their real-life identities and be sort of anonymous. Thus cannot be stalked and be threatened.
- IdeaLab/Discrimination Abolishment
- IdeaLab/A whole system of defensive measures
- IdeaLab/Restructure the account usergroup maturation flow
- IdeaLab/Simpler, more accessible, feedback options.
- IdeaLab/Inspiration from real life instances.
- IdeaLab/Stop Banning the User without talking to him/her.
- IdeaLab/todos contra el acoso
- IdeaLab/Créer un fichier & créer un boutton modération
- IdeaLab/Side Note (an unofficial contribution)
- IdeaLab/Reduce harassment by eliminating the power of elitist "editors" to harass and ban users. This power is frequently abused.
- IdeaLab/Verify identity of the user
- IdeaLab/determine method for arbitrator / ombudsman to examine harassment mediation
- IdeaLab/No al ingreso al Wikipedia
- IdeaLab/続けて迷惑行為をした(3回以上)者はアカウントを1年間以上停止、復帰後にまた迷惑行為を行った場合はアカウント永久停止
- IdeaLab/Contra el acoso
- IdeaLab/Some ideas for avoid bullying among wikicolaborators
- IdeaLab/The Protection of Collaborative Information
- IdeaLab/Evolve
- IdeaLab/Verstärkte Sperren gegen Belästigungen. Mehr Mut der Administratoren.
- IdeaLab/ДУАЛІЗМ ВІКІПЕДІЇ. (Dualism Wikipedia.
- IdeaLab/More culture, less harassment
- IdeaLab/Area for topic banned editors to talk freely about their ban, e.g. to ask questions of experienced wikipedians
- IdeaLab/Subir libros de autores ecuatoguineanos con certificado ISO
- IdeaLab/Iptek Membuat dunia semakin Kacau
- IdeaLab/An Free Mini Course
- IdeaLab/Take complaint serious
- IdeaLab/Nikhil Raj
- IdeaLab/Politeness and constructive argumentation
- IdeaLab/There must be admin to check and stop any harassment on wikimedia such as using of vulgar languages uploading of personal and private pictures is ruse for blackmailing purposee.
- IdeaLab/Supervise small wiki admins and decision makers
- IdeaLab/Speedy access to a user-to-user help team
- IdeaLab/Make it very easy to report harassment to an anti-harassment force
- IdeaLab/Active, informed and responsible digital citizenship
- IdeaLab/cấm tùy tiện xóa bài viết của chauthebao 710 . phải đăng nhập đúng tài khoản của bảo mới được xóa
- IdeaLab/better one klick roll back
- IdeaLab/Gender Inequality and Women at Workplace
- IdeaLab/Less power to the frustrated people
- IdeaLab/wikipedia für komunikation und weiterbildung nutzen im dienste der algemeinheit
- IdeaLab/Remove benefits of negative attention
- IdeaLab/Machine-Learning to analyze and block content with harassment
- IdeaLab/Secret anti harassment group on whole internet and immediate police report with truth detector
- IdeaLab/Defining harassment and studying the extend of its effect to eliminate the cause.
- IdeaLab/How is abusive Wike behavior geographically distributed?
- IdeaLab/propose wikimedia code of conduct (adapted from open source contributor covenant)en souu
- IdeaLab/ Expose the harasser & suing for discrimination,stalking,using Vulgar language
- IdeaLab/Herausfinden, warum Menschen (die sich jetzt nicht mehr oder jetzt weniger beteiligen), dies tun
- IdeaLab/better scrutiny for posts and security of user profile
- IdeaLab/A ProActive Approach to Harrassment, Hate Speech, and cyber crimes / bullying using the WikiMedia Platform.
- IdeaLab/ضاهرة التحرش
- IdeaLab/Stop Banners
- IdeaLab/Do not tolerate "Experts are scum."
- IdeaLab/automatic beliefs-in-conflict warning icon
- IdeaLab/Review the policies and guidelines to eliminate mutual exclusivity
- IdeaLab/Filter, Verify and Post
- IdeaLab/Wikichat
- IdeaLab/Making them jealous...
- IdeaLab/Barnstars reexamined
- IdeaLab/Produce thought provoking but interesting videos on harassment for the people to watch
- IdeaLab/Privileges should be given to ones in actual need,not in general.
- IdeaLab/Global guidelines and dispute process
- IdeaLab/Allow users to restrict who can send them email
- IdeaLab/Women have to make up at least 40% of admin in the arbcom and every other elected position
- IdeaLab/Non violent communication
- IdeaLab/Code of Conduct Governing Administrators
- IdeaLab/حظر المتحرش اتوماتيك
- IdeaLab/Anyone can edit, 2 step verification users can publish
- IdeaLab/Stop the Mad Erasers
- IdeaLab/No more harassment!!
- IdeaLab/A Better Panel of Admin for the Specific Purpose
- IdeaLab/what is your reason?
- IdeaLab/Polizeipräsens beschaffen bei Vorfällen von Belästigungen
- IdeaLab/There must be set of espeacial terms and condition against harassment in offices,school government and non government.
- IdeaLab/WikiCategories
- IdeaLab/BadWords detector for AbuseFilter
- IdeaLab/ground truth
- IdeaLab/Simple honesty
- IdeaLab/Helping any user in difficulty
- IdeaLab/cara mengatasi individu yang mengalami atau menyaksikan penyerangan takut dan berpartisipasi sedikit
- IdeaLab/User Identification
- IdeaLab/La capacidad de reportar este comportamiento a un admin
- IdeaLab/Severe punishments for harassers
- IdeaLab/Maybe a system that allow people to report harassment? (and also a way to make sure they aren't abusing the system)
- IdeaLab/Training for administrators
- IdeaLab/Blockchain to track changes and voting on content to prevent harassment and smap.
- IdeaLab/seguridad anti-acoso
- IdeaLab/Respect Respect Respect
- IdeaLab/Privacidad de Wikipedia y sus contribuyentes
- IdeaLab/Prompt and Quick Response to Reporting
- IdeaLab/the kindness patrol.
- IdeaLab/Smart Blocking
- IdeaLab/way of reporting harassment from an admin
- IdeaLab/دبِسني ولا تلبِسني
- IdeaLab/Option to Ban/Request Ban on Harrassers
- IdeaLab/Stop allowing anyone to legally re-use profile photos for any purpose
- IdeaLab/Disincentivizing Harassment of Wikimedia Contributors
- IdeaLab/Slithering Agendas
- IdeaLab/Referring harassment to the Police
- IdeaLab/Keine Banner benutzen.
- IdeaLab/Block The Bad
- IdeaLab/check up
- IdeaLab/Simplify ways to expose overly-subjective arguments violating WP:NPOV and WP:CIVIL, using "POV-.." and "UW-.." templates designed for discussion pages.
- IdeaLab/Freedom of Expression - Create a space for everyones' thoughts.
- IdeaLab/Technological harassment
- IdeaLab/Assedio sexual
- IdeaLab/Study how current mechanisms handle harassment
- IdeaLab/Evitaf el ataque a personas que quieren aportar, pero no saben las normas. Afortudamente, no ha pasado nada, pero los más expertos pueden pasarte a llevar
- IdeaLab/Luttez contre le harcelement :
- IdeaLab/Filtro de contenidos potencialmente sensibles al acoso
- IdeaLab/Dans la vie il faut etre poli et gentil sans cela la vie devient une jungle
- IdeaLab/Disable simple one-click rollback, force reason field filling
- IdeaLab/If harrasment is deteted (either threatening harrasment or Online Sexual Harrasment, or OSH) the person should be banned for 3 months
- IdeaLab/Gamification
- IdeaLab/Karma system
- IdeaLab/Term limits on adminship
- IdeaLab/Recognize the new users. Education tag on entries done in an educational initiative
- IdeaLab/Truth-Meter
- IdeaLab/Anti-vandalism Scanner
- IdeaLab/Child Friendly
- IdeaLab/Rude Edit Summaries and Caustic Behavior towards newbies and other users
- IdeaLab/Button to report bad admins to the WMF if needed
- IdeaLab/Zero Tolerance Policy
- IdeaLab/Delay Public Publication
- IdeaLab/Dealing with arguments in MFD