Fundraising 2012/Translation/Community review
The aim of this page is to encourage discussion and gather opinions from the community about the translations we use in our fundraising campaigns. It is often difficult to convert our english language texts effectively in a way that conveys the same nuances when written in the localised texts.
Below you can see the banners we are running in different languages. Please comment on improvements you think can be made to the translations we are running. Feel free to update the drop down specific translations with the links provided.
[edit ]Translations
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Community comments
[edit ]- Recent versions say "Wikipedia è una piccola associazione senza scopi di lucro". Wikipedia is not an organisation, and the WMF is not an associaton. What happened here? :[ --Nemo 09:14, 28 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- Also: "scelto di mai inserire" is ungrammatical, are the machine translations or what? --Nemo 09:17, 28 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- "Se chiunque legge questo messaggio donasse l’equivalente di un caffè [...]". A coffee is typically 1 € in Italy. --Nemo 09:17, 28 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- "Per proteggere la nostra indipendenza non permettiamo pubblicità né riceviamo fondi governativi." The acute stress is missing. --Tino 032 (talk) 18:54, 28 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- "[...] ma serviamo 450 milioni di utenti e sosteniamo spese come ogni altro grande sito web [...]. --Er Cicero (talk) 20:59, 28 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- [...] altro sito web di punta (o popolare, di successo?) --β16 - (talk) 08:36, 29 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- [...] avrei potuto creare una compagnia (o società?) a scopo di lucro. --β16 - (talk) 08:36, 29 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- "Dear Wikipedia readers: We are the small non-profit that runs the #5 website in the world." vedo che si continua a scrivere "piccola società no-profit" io continuo a mettere "semplice società no-profit" e ogni volta mi ritrovo piccola. "Small" vuol dire "piccolo" ma anche "semplice, umile", credo che qui il senso sia proprio quello di semplicità e umiltà non quello di piccolezza. WMF in termini di numeri non si può definire "piccola". --Ilario (talk) 12:06, 29 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- Seconda cosa, vi prego, non fate una traduzione pedante e speculare all'inglese. Bisogna dare il senso della frase ma usare la sintassi italiana. L'inglese usa frequentemenete punti, mentre l'italiano usa le virgole e le subordinate. "To protect our independence, we'll never run ads. We take no government funds." il punto si può benissimo sostituire con un "e" seguita da subordinata o al massimo una virgola e la subordinata. --Ilario (talk) 12:10, 29 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- If everyone reading this gave the price: questo è un annuncio, non una lettera: sarebbe meglio quindi rendere con un Se tutti quelli che leggono questo annuncio. Concordo inoltre con Ilario, meglio semplice, invece che piccola (suonerebbe quasi ironico, viste le dimensioni di Wikipedia) così come "To protect our independence, we'll never run ads. We take no government funds" in italiano suonerebbe meglio come "Per tutelare la nostra indipendenza, non vogliamo ospitare pubblicità e non accettiamo sussidi governativi". For english readers: This is a "drop down ad" not "a letter". So, If everyone reading this it's better rendered as Se tutti quelli che leggono questo annuncio. Furthermore, I agree with Ilario above. In italian, small can be rendered in two different way: piccola and semplice. But the perceived meaning is quite different. Piccola means small sized, which sounds contraddictory for #5 web-site in the world. It would be then better using "semplice". Again, as Ilario pointed out, the phrasing structure is different between english and italian. Where english relies on short phrases, ended with a period, the italian language prefers single or larger concatenated hierarchichal sentences, with more complex punctuation. So, To protect our independence, we'll never run ads. We take no government funds (two sentences) would be better rendered with a single complex sentence: Per tutelare la nostra indipendenza, non vogliamo ospitare pubblicità e non accettiamo sussidi governativi.--L736E (talk) 13:09, 29 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- "Piccola" fondazione...aveva senso perchè ironico e quindi accrescitivo, "semplice" resta solo un diminutivo poco felice.--Andrea Jagher (talk) 17:21, 29 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- Ciao Nemo, scusa se non sei tu a chi mi devo rivolgere, ma ti segnalo che il nonsense in oggetto ("Adesso è l’ora che vi chiediamo") è presente nel banner giallo per la richiesta fondi. Non sono riuscito a trovare il testo base. Sorry. Ciao di nuovo. --pequod76 sock 19:57, 4 nov 2013 (CET)
- Comment~~~~
[edit ]Take a look: [ Banner Link ]
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Reference texts
[edit ]For readabilities sake, major texts that we're talking about are pasted here the texts. (Please do not correct blatant mistakes here but through the translation tool, these are here only as a reference. Changes in the text should be made via the translate extension)
- Main Text
Estimados lectores de Wikipedia: Somos una pequeña organización sin ánimo de lucro que dirige el quinto sitio web del mundo. Solo tenemos 150 empleados, pero servimos a 450 millones de usuarios y tenemos gastos como cualquier otro sitio destacado: servidores, electricidad, alquileres, programas y empleados. Wikipedia es algo especial. Es como una biblioteca o un parque público. Es como un templo para la mente, un lugar al cual todos podemos ir para pensar y aprender. Para preservar nuestra independencia nunca pondremos anuncios. No obtenemos fondos de los gobiernos. Las donaciones que recibimos son por término medio de unos 25 €. Si cada persona que lee esto hiciera una donación equivalente al precio de una taza de café, nuestra recaudación de fondos se completaría en una hora. Si Wikipedia le resulta útil, dedique un minuto a mantenerla activa un año más. Por favor, ayúdenos a olvidarnos de la recaudación de fondos para volver a Wikipedia. Gracias.
- Jimmy Text
Cuando fundé Wikipedia, podría haberla establecido como una compañía lucrativa con mensajes de publicidad, pero decidí hacer algo diferente. El comercio está bien. La publicidad no es mala. Pero no es adecuada aquí. No en Wikipedia. — Fundador de Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales
- Legal Text
Al donar estás compartiendo tu información con la Fundación Wikimedia y sus proveedores de servicios en EE.UU. y en otros lugares, en conformidad con nuestra política de privacidad para donantes. La Fundación es una organización sin fines de lucro, libre de impuestos 501(c)(3), establecida en EE.UU. con el número de registro 20-0049703. Para mayor información por favor lea nuestra política de privacidad para donantes.
[edit ]- For suggested changes to other texts in the banner or any other general comments please leave comments below For the jimmy and main text please edit the translate extension
- Notes
- sitio destacado is a term subtly strange, I suggest simply putting sitio or sitio web.
- un lugar al cual , the correct translation would un lugar en donde.
- pondremos anuncios, could be ponemos anuncions or colocamos anuncios.
- A less formal translation would be closer to the person, I recommend the use of familiarity.
- Para mayor información por favor lea nuestra política de privacidad para donantes. , the correct translation is Para mayor información, por favor lea nuestra política de privacidad para donantes.
--Wilfredor (talk) 20:58, 1 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- Sera ponemos anuncios?? --Esteban (talk) 00:07, 4 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- Comments ~~~~
- I think calling wikipedia "a web" is not precise, it is a web-site; besides it's supposed to be a translation to spanish and we should avoid all english terms (as possible) in it. I suggest "sitio", sitio web may work too.
- I strongly suggest changing "recogida" to "recaudación".
--Darolu (talk) 02:53, 2 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- sin ánimo de lucro -> sin propósitos de lucro (ánimo is more like a mood)
- Solo tenemos 150 empelados -> Sólo tenemos 150 empleados (with accent, solo without accent means alone)
- como cualquier otro sitio destacado -> como cualquier otro sitio web altamente frecuentado
- un lugar al cual todos podemos ir -> un lugar al cual todos podemos acudir (not en donde as suggested before because you go to it)
- para preservar nuestra independencia -> con objeto de preservar nuestra independencia
- nunca pondremos anuncios -> nunca haremos uso de anuncios comerciales
- son por término medio de unos 25 € -> tienen un monto promedio de 25 €
Hermann Luyken (talk) 04:59, 2 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- Comments ~~~~
- I completely agree with all the above comments and notes wich I have included in my corrected version
- It doesn't matter to use "Si cada persona que leyera este mensaje hiciera.." or "Si cada persona que lee este mensaje hace...", but both sides of the condition must be in the same tense...
- The same person has to be used throughout the whole text (which wasn't..switching from 2nd person sing. to 2nd person pl... )
- To get closer to the user I prefer to use "os" (2nd person pl.) -in Argentina.., etc. they use "vos" instead of "tú"-
- You will find my corrected version at [1]
- And -although a bit buggy (MS fault..)- the diffs between the original & my corrected version at [2]
- I have a doubt about using the term "Wikipedia" or "la Wikipedia" ("la Wiki" -with the article- it's the general way to call it..)
- ..Everything is perfectible, so.. I stop here, for every time I read it.. I correct something..
For those who are not aware of the Real Academia Española RAE latest news -the use of an accent in the adverb "solo" and pronouns "este", "ese", etc. has been totally stopped. Disambiguation is clear from the context...
I have to say I preferred "un lugar al cual" sounded bucolic.
Agreed with Darolu, "recaudación" is much better than "recogida".
We all have our writing styles, people, the more we turn it the weirder it will sound. Better concentrate on real mistakes.
Glykanera (talk) 07:28, 2 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- Recaudación it's used mainly for taxes.. I copy the DRAE.
- Recaudación.
1. f. Acción de recaudar. 2. [f.]Cantidad recaudada. 3. [f.]Tesorería u oficina destinada para la entrega de caudales públicos.
- Recaudador, ra.
1. m. y f. Encargado de la cobranza de caudales, y especialmente de los públicos.
- Recaudar.
Del lat. *recapitare, recoger. 1. tr. Cobrar o percibir caudales o efectos. 2. [tr.]Asegurar, poner o tener en custodia, guardar. 3. [tr.]ant. Alcanzar, conseguir con instancias o súplicas lo que se desea.
Hola Mcapdevila,
No estoy segura de que sea apropiado en la Wikipedia, siendo tan importante para los países sudamericanos, que se les tutee. Solo hablamos así en España. Traduzco en Global Voices en Español y en TED y siempre me cortan las expresiones demasiado españolas.
Glykanera (talk) 08:15, 2 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- Sin ánimo de lucro <--- Me parece bien. Sin ánimo de lucro es la expresión legal.
- The text is a little choppy. It's alright to use short sentences in English, but it's common to connect those sentences or thoughts in Spanish. Ex: Para preservar nuestra independencia no ponemos anuncios comerciales ni tampoco recibimos dinero de ningún gobierno.
- Same for jimmy text.
- Apoyo a Glykanera en lo de utilizar recaudar. La DRAE tardará un rato en incluir recaudar en este sentido. Alhen (talk) 10:17, 2 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- Vosotros vs.ustedes
- De acuerdo en que 400 millones pesan más que 47 millones.. intentaré hacer una.. impersonal version
- Pero.. hay que usar la misma persona en todo el texto, cosa que no se ha respetado en el texto actual .. cambiando entre 2a persona sing. y 2a persona pl ...
- De acuerdo en que (a pesar de ser el término correcto..), "re-coger" tiene una mala connotación en sudamérica.. pero hay que decirlo sin tapujos: Don't use it because in South America it means "to fuck".. Ser "recaudador" como San Pablo es menos feo que "re-coger" como en las bacanales romanas..;-)
- De acuerdo en que las frases cortas no quedan bien en castellano he intentado corregir algunas en mi versión
- May be the must appropriate word could be.. Colecta or Recolección?
- Colecta.
Del lat. collecta. 1. f. Recaudación de donativos voluntarios, generalmente para fines benéficos. 2. [f.]Derrama, repartimiento de un gasto eventual. 3. [f.]Cualquiera de las oraciones de la misa, llamadas así porque se dicen cuando están juntos los fieles para celebrar los divinos oficios. 4. [f.]Junta o congregación de los fieles en los templos de la primitiva Iglesia, para celebrar los oficios divinos.
- Recolección.
Del lat. recollectum, supino de recolligere, reunir, recoger. 1. f. Acción y efecto de recolectar. 2. [f.]Recopilación, resumen o compendio. 3. [f.]Cosecha de los frutos. 4. [f.]Época en que tiene lugar dicha cosecha. 5. [f.]Cobranza, recaudación de frutos o dineros. 6. [f.]En algunas religiones, observancia más estrecha de la regla que la que comúnmente se guarda. 7. [f.]Convento o casa en que se guarda y observa más estrechez que la común de la regla. 8. [f.]fig. Casa particular en que se observa recogimiento. 9. [f.]Teol. Recogimiento y atención a Dios y a las cosas divinas, con abstracción de lo que pueda distraer.
Recolección suena más a vendimiar, etc. Colecta viene definida como recaudación... so, yo voto recaudación. Pero los nativos de Sudamérica deberían opinar. También sobre el tema del tuteo que a mí no me molesta en absoluto.
Otra cosa es qué se está poniendo en "tenemos unos importantes gastos... servidores, etc." porque veo dos versiones. Me gusta que "tenemos unos gastos elevados:" en vez de "importantes", si se va con esta versión.
Glykanera (talk) 08:05, 3 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- Frecuencia de uso en castellano según Google books search (corpus de libros editados y corregidos)
- recaudación impuestos :563.000
- procuración fondos :392.000
- recaudación fondos :341.000
- recogida fondos :218.000
- recolección fondos :95.600
- colecta fondos :33.900
- Quizás procuración? estadística de uso en Google books search lo deja muy bien..(recaudación impuestos-563.000..ergo.. recaudación => impuestos..)
- Procuración.
Del lat. procuratio, -onis. 1. f. Cuidado o diligencia con que se trata y maneja un negocio. 2. [f.]Comisión o poder que uno da a otro para que en su nombre haga o ejecute una cosa. 3. [f.]Oficio o cargo de procurador. 4. [f.]Oficina del procurador. 5. [f.]Contribución o derechos que los prelados exigen de las iglesias que visitan, para el hospedaje y mantenimiento suyo y de sus familiares durante el tiempo de la visita.
- Yo voto por recaudación, se entiende mas que procuración Esteban (talk) 00:05, 4 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- Quizás...Captación?..
- pienso que también se entiende perfectamente y no tiene la connotación referente a caudales públicos y fisco...
- CAPTACIÓN (E.Espasa), f. Acción de granjearse la voluntad de una persona, a fin de recibir de ella algún beneficio, como el nombramiento de heredero, un legado ó una donación. | Atracción. CAPTADOR, RA. m. y f. Persona que pone en práctica la captación...
No dudo que "recaudación", se entienda perfectamente.. pero lleva consigo una connotación de "obligatoriedad-fisco" que puede ser negativo para los donantes..
Para explicar mi punto de vista sobre el sentido más extendido de "recaudación", he escaneado la entrada "recaudación" de la Enciclopedia Espasa Hispanoamericana , en la 1a página se puede ver (+ 3 páginas adicionales enteramente sobre temas de cobro de impuestos) su uso exclusivamente Fiscal-, es decir explica esa connotación que implica caudales públicos y fisco
En mi versión he cambiado "tenemos unos gastos elevados", "sin afán de lucro", unos "por favor" que pienso estaban fuera de contexto, el orden:"Jimmy Wales , fundador de Wikipedia" (en castellano va al revés), etc...
Veo que estás totalmente en contra de recaudación y no queremos leer más entradas de diccionarios. My second best es recogida de fondos y NO es obsceno en Sudamerica. Actually, I just read the page as it is right now through the link Jseddon just sent and it looks pretty good to me. Glykanera (talk) 13:18, 5 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
Aunque sea una recaudación de fondos para evitar la publicidad, la técnicas del lenguaje publicitario son muy útiles para ayudar a generar donativos. Creo que ese aspecto se había olvidado un poco aquí. Se deberían tener en cuenta los mensajes directos, resaltar las virtudes de la Wikipedia (independencia, 5o lugar mundial, ... y la necesidad de mantenerlo así), más que el preciosismo en el lenguaje. Por ejemplo, repetir algún término con la finalidad de que quede claro y en la mente del futuro donante no es malo en estos casos. Si se analiza el texto original, contiene estas características y no son solo (con acento o sin él) fruto del idioma original. --Luna92 (talk) 20:24, 15 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
Actually the very first version at the top of this page seemed pretty good to me. But what I just read at the extension is ok, except for the following details:
- Please be careful with mixing usted, tú, vosotros, and ustedes. That would give a sloppy impression.
- The vosotros use will not be very successful for fundraising in Latin America (I'm Colombian). I think the "tú" -singular- is best, since it provides a sense of person-to-person conversation. If others oppose, then "usted" is the second best.
- Lastly, although the Larousse and many other English-Spanish dictionaries give "recaudación de fondos" as a good translation for fundraising, it seems like some readers here don't like the word because of its similarity to tax collection. "Recogida" sounds too coloquial. I'm suggesting "recolección de fondos" and, when grammatically possible, "recolectar fondos".
Sorry if I'm too late, I just saw this today. Best,
[edit ]Take a look: [ Banner Link ]
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Reference texts
[edit ]For readabilities sake, major texts that we're talking about are pasted here the texts. (Please do not correct blatant mistakes here but through the translation tool, these are here only as a reference. Changes in the text should be made via the translate extension)
- Main Text
Дорогие читатели Википедии. Мы — небольшая некоммерческая организация, поддерживающая сайт, находящийся на пятом месте в мире по посещаемости. У нас в штате только 200 сотрудников, но мы обслуживаем 500 миллионов пользователей и, как и любой другой популярный сайт, несём определённые издержки: сервера, электроэнергия, арендные платежи, программное обеспечение, зарплата сотрудников. Википедия — это нечто особенное. Она подобна библиотеке или общественному парку. Она подобна храму для разума. Это место, куда все мы можем приходить, чтобы размышлять и учиться. Чтобы сохранить свою независимость, мы не размещаем у себя рекламные объявления. Нас не финансирует никакое государство. Среднее пожертвование составляет около %AVERAGE%. Теперь пришло время, когда мы просим вашей помощи. Если каждый из читающих это объявление поделится суммой, равной цене одной чашки кофе, кампания по сбору пожертвований завершится в течение часа. Если вам полезна Википедия, потратьте одну минуту, чтобы сохранить её доступность в сети ещё на год. Пожалуйста, помогите нам забыть о сборе пожертвований и вернуться к работе над Википедией. Спасибо.
- Jimmy Text
Когда я только основал Википедию, я вполне мог бы сделать её коммерческим сервисом с рекламными баннерами, но я решил сделать нечто иное. Коммерция — это нормально. Реклама — не порок. Но место им не здесь. Не в Википедии.
— Основатель Википедии, Джимми Уэйлс
- Legal Text
Делая пожертвование, вы делитесь своей информацией с Фондом Викимедиа, а также с сервис-провайдерами в США и других местах, которые придерживаются нашей политики конфиденциальности в отношении дарителей. Фонд является некоммерческой, освобожденной от налогов 501(с) (3) организацией, зарегистрированной в США с регистрационным номером 20-0049703. <a target="_blank" href="//">Для получения дополнительной информации ознакомьтесь с нашей политикой в отношении дарителей.</a>
[edit ]- For suggested changes to other texts in the banner or any other general comments please leave comments below. For the jimmy and main text please edit the translate extension
- Comments ~~~~
- There is an issue I have seen many complaints about at The colour of the banner seems extremely bright and saturated. While it attracts attention, it may be considered very annoying and irritating for visitors. If I'm not the only who finds that the banner takes too much attention, it may be of use to make it less saturated. --Sergey WereWolf (talk) 11:15, 2 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- I argue that this not the color that may matter, but the length of the message. For many years in ru-wiki I've been accustomed to that "saturated orange" color... it's OK since it usually associated with some urgent info. However, more you write, less is the hope that folks shall read you up to the end. The best solution of the problem (ay, I've forgotten to confirm that some problem with the Russian text persists!) is to re-write the whole appeal. Placing this job upon a competitive basis could be a greater idea as well.
So, no translation, please! No "cup of coffee", since this is not a universal equivalent of value in Russia. Each culture has its own koku (石). Most people in ex-USSR do not buy coffee cup by cup. They do not know its price in the vending machines - and if they knew, they may think that Wiki wants too much from them :). Cherurbino (talk) 12:41, 2 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]- This "cup" is eeemmm... understandable for the most of the users from MSK, San-Pete and E-burg. This is about 15% of all the Russian population. This example is absolutely okay for most of the russians, no doubt. - Zac Allan (talk) 13:50, 2 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- 100 rubles - the cost of a full lunch. For many Russian-speaking, I suspect that more than 15%. --Wanderer777 (talk) 10:03, 3 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- I am a St.-Pet. Polytech student and I usually spend less than 100 rubles for my lunch. Ain92 (talk) 12:49, 4 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- 100 rubles - the cost of a full lunch. For many Russian-speaking, I suspect that more than 15%. --Wanderer777 (talk) 10:03, 3 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- This "cup" is eeemmm... understandable for the most of the users from MSK, San-Pete and E-burg. This is about 15% of all the Russian population. This example is absolutely okay for most of the russians, no doubt. - Zac Allan (talk) 13:50, 2 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- I argue that this not the color that may matter, but the length of the message. For many years in ru-wiki I've been accustomed to that "saturated orange" color... it's OK since it usually associated with some urgent info. However, more you write, less is the hope that folks shall read you up to the end. The best solution of the problem (ay, I've forgotten to confirm that some problem with the Russian text persists!) is to re-write the whole appeal. Placing this job upon a competitive basis could be a greater idea as well.
- offtopic Well, Russian users have already selected a whole bunch of creative lines for fundrasing; we are in fact disappointed that all that has not been used by Mediawiki. Kf8 (talk) 18:35, 2 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- The banner is too annoying. Mentioning a cup of coffee for 100 rouble would arise class hatred from most of the Russian population towards those who pay this price for a cup. IMHO. — Ace111 (talk) 21:54, 2 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- BTW, we can substitute coffee for beer. Definetly no class hatred in this case)--Abiyoyo (talk) 09:41, 20 May 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- The 100 roubles has been removed. Peter Coombe (WMF) (talk) 15:53, 20 August 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- BTW, we can substitute coffee for beer. Definetly no class hatred in this case)--Abiyoyo (talk) 09:41, 20 May 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- "Википедия — это нечто особенное" sounds like quotation from Rabinovich from Russian antisemitic jokes. On the other hand, "подобна храму для разума" is so overwhelmingly pathetic for Russian ear that I wonder if anybody would take it seriously. Andrei Romanenko (talk) 21:57, 2 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- I'm confused as to how that sounds antisemitic. Do you have any alternative suggestions for these phrases? Peter Coombe (WMF) (talk) 15:53, 20 August 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- "We run on donations averaging about 30ドル." — "В среднем размер собираемых нами добровольных пожертвований составляет около 1000 рублей." DonRumata (talk) 09:35, 3 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- A full-time paid staff of 150 and "small NGO" don't go together well. It could be OK when addressing English-language audience, which is familiar with huge international NGO bureaucracies. Compared to Russian NGOs, the number is still reasonable but certainly not small. Retired electrician (talk) 11:12, 3 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- Actually 95% of NCOs in Moscow have less than 100 full-paid volunteers (data of 2010, see pict. 26)! Ain92 (talk) 12:49, 4 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- At the sight of this banner I want to say "not in this life", not "yeah, I will help you". Saint Johann (ru) 21:46, 3 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- Why nobody cited here your message of 2 March? Ain92 (talk) 12:49, 4 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- I corrected this link, now it works. --Brateevsky (talk) 20:11, 4 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- Why nobody cited here your message of 2 March? Ain92 (talk) 12:49, 4 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- I do think that usage of such an aggressive color as a background is inadmissible, particularly on a site designed in cold colors. Also I absolutely agree that no visitor in his right mind would read so much text in small font, in a single paragraph especially. Presumably, if they read, even less people wanted to donate. Ain92 (talk) 12:49, 4 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- I agree. If the banner's color would not be so aggressive (for example, it would be light-gray or light-yellow at least #FFFFEE), more people would normally respond to this message and it would be more effective. In some cases it's really scares (on big computer monitors). And the prices are quite expensive for Russian-speaking people (not only Russian!) - it would be approximately 50-100 roubles, not more. --Brateevsky (talk) 20:11, 4 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- So. All bad. Current version will repel people. Color of the banner would be changed. The text requires a different, short. Numbers - not needed. --Wanderer777 (talk) 05:01, 5 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- We have tested many different colours, including subtler ones, and the gold one consistently outperforms them all. Please remember that users should only see this banner once, so it is important to get their attention. We also found that including all the facts in the banner is very helpful. Apparently people do read it, surprising as that may seem! Peter Coombe (WMF) (talk) 15:52, 20 August 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- What does 'do not edit' refer to? The translation itself or the section name? Is my edit eligible? Sorry for my stupidity)--Abiyoyo (talk) 09:35, 20 May 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- The section name. That edit's fine, thank you! Peter Coombe (WMF) (talk) 15:35, 20 August 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
[edit ]Take a look: [ Banner Link ]
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Simply either click "Accept" if your happy with the translated text or double click the translation to make a change to the text. You need to be logged in on
Reference texts
[edit ]For readabilities sake, major texts that we're talking about are pasted here the texts. (Please do not correct blatant mistakes here but through the translation tool, these are here only as a reference. Changes in the text should be made via the translate extension)
- Main Text
Beste Wikipedia-lezers: We zijn een kleine non-profitorganisatie die de op 5 na meest bezochte website in de wereld draait. We hebben maar 150 stafleden, maar we voorzien wel 450 miljoen gebruikers en hebben dezelfde kosten als alle andere grote websites: servers, elektriciteit, huur, software en personeel. Wikipedia is iets speciaals. Het is te vergelijken met een bibliotheek of een openbaar park. Het is een tempel voor de geest: een plek waar we allemaal naar toe kunnen gaan om na te denken, te leren en onze kennis te delen met anderen. Om onze onafhankelijkheid te beschermen, tonen we geen advertenties. We nemen geen geld aan van de overheid. De gemiddelde donatie is ongeveer %AVERAGE%. Als iedereen die dit leest de prijs voor een kopje koffie zou doneren, was de fondsenwerving binnen een uur klaar. Als Wikipedia voor u nuttig is, neem alsjeblieft even de tijd om het nog een jaar online te houden. Help ons om fondsenwerving te vergeten en bezig te gaan met Wikipedia. Bedankt.
- Jimmy Text
Toen ik Wikipedia oprichtte had ik er een bedrijf met winstoogmerk van kunnen maken, maar ik koos ervoor om het anders te doen. Geld verdienen is prima. Adverteren is niet 'slecht'. Maar hier hoort het niet. Niet op Wikipedia. — Oprichter van Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales
- Legal Text (Differs from text in extension)
De Nederlandse belastingsdienst heeft bevestigd dat de Wikimedia Foundation een "Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling" (ANBI) is. Als u een inwoner van Nederland bent, zijn donaties die zijn gedaan aan de Wikimedia Foundation mogelijk aftrekbaar van uw inkomstenbelasting, onderhevig aan de normale fiscale regels betreffende aftrekbaarheid van donaties onder de Nederlandse belastingwetgeving. Vraag altijd een belastingsaccountant voor advies of een donatie wel of niet aftrekbaar is. Door te doneren deelt u uw informatie met de Wikimedia Foundation en haar dienstverleners in de V.S. en elders op grond van ons Donorbeleid.
De Wikimedia Foundation is een non-profit, belasting vrijgestelde 501(c)(3) organisatie opgenomen in de V.S. met registratienummer 20-0049703. Lees voor meer informatie ons Donorbeleid.
[edit ]- For suggested changes to other texts in the banner or any other general comments please leave comments below For the jimmy and main text please edit the translate extension
- I've made a number of changes using the extension to reword, correct grammar and punctuation, etc. for the main+jimmy texts. Wolfbeast (talk) 20:03, 1 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- Legal text: You should change "...belasting vrijgestelde 501(c)(3) organisatie opgenomen in de V.S. met registratienummer 20-0049703" to "belasting vrijgestelde 501(c)(3) organisatie geregistreerd in de V.S. onder registratienummer 20-0049703" Wolfbeast (talk) 20:03, 1 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- Numbers below twenty should be written in full text: 5 -> five. Also the word "u" is too formal for Wikipedia, "jij" would be better. Carduelus (talk) 16:31, 2 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- I have no more adjustments to add to the above text. --Silverleaf (talk) 20:00, 2 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- Made 2 adjustments to the Dutch text. regards Saschaporsche (talk) 22:31, 10 April 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
- Comments ~~~~
[edit ]- Useful info
- Banner [ Link ]
- - The banner link will only work once. Use a browser in private browsing mode, clear cookies on every reload.
- Dropdown specific translations link (Facts, Jimmy quote and information sharing text) [ Link ]
- - Feel free to update the translations using this link, but please leave a comment below, detailing your changes.
Community comments
[edit ]- Comment~~~~
- It seems that the currency unit shown in it is pound. It would be better if it is JPY, such as "300円 500円 1,000円 2,000円 3,000円 5,000円 10,000円". --Takot (talk) 17:06, 18 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
[edit ]Translations
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Simply either click "Accept" if your happy with the translated text or double click the translation to make a change to the text. You need to be logged in on
Community comments
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pt-br/portuguese (Brazil)
[edit ]- Useful info
- Banner [ Link ]
- - The banner link will only work once. Use a browser in private browsing mode, clear cookies on every reload.
- Dropdown specific translations link (Facts, Jimmy quote and information sharing text) [ Link ]
- - Feel free to update the translations using this link, but please leave a comment below, detailing your changes.
Community comments
[edit ]- Comment~~~~
[edit ]Text
[edit ]Feel free to edit the below text with any corrections or improvements you feel add to the quality of the translations.
- Main banner text
- Jimmy Text
- Legal information
[edit ]- For suggested changes to other texts in the banner any other general comments please leave comments below
- Comments ~~~~
Community comments
[edit ]- Comment~~~~