Fundraising 2011/Local testing/HU
Test 1
[edit ]Landing Page test (1 banner going to 2 landing pages) LP text:
- with extra footer: (Hungarian) (English)
- without extra footer: (Hungarian) (English)
English translation of LP text (If not already in English): Jimmy's Appeal letter, with and without a short section on what we plan for this year (conference, toolserver, presentations)
Campaign Name (Please use a short word to describe the test. Example: "Kartika"): WMHUtest1
Banner (please specify image to be used if applicable--please put a link to where it is uploaded: Commons or FoundationWiki): The standard Jimmy banner
Country and language of testing: Hungary
Preferred date and time of testing (Please provide a 4 hour range of available testing times (UTC) when the chapter representative will be online and available. ): 2011年07月28日 16:00 UTC (18:00 local time; 9 AM PDT)
Additional comments:
- There are two donation methods: Paypal (online) and wire transfer ("offline")
- We have 3 bank accounts available for some A/B testing (in reality 2 + the regular); they are shown on the different landing pages as follows:
- --> 10700536-48419901-52000001
- --> 10700536-48419901-52100008
- --> 10700536-48419901-51100005
- --> 10700536-48419901-51100005
- We have 3 bank accounts available for some A/B testing (in reality 2 + the regular); they are shown on the different landing pages as follows:
Campaign: C_WMHUtest1_HU
Banner Impressions: B_JW_Footer_WM_HU: 33911 impressions B_JW_NoFooter_WM_HU: 33967 impressions Landing Page Views: without footer: (Hungarian) (English) with footer: (Hungarian) (English) Click rate: (to be provided by WMHU) Donation amount: (to be provided by WMHU) # of donations:(to be provided by WMHU) Conversion rate: (to be provided by WMHU)
Comments: The test was successful: The payment processing worked really well, the chapter was able to receive donations and banners/LPs were displayed without issues.