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Fundraising 2010/Banner testing/sq

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Fundraiser 2010
Mesazhet, Testimi & Strategjia
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Këtë boks: shikoni · Diskutoni · Redaktoni

Since August, the Fundraising Committee has been running a fundraising test each Thursday afternoon for one hour. These tests are helping us to get all of our systems in order before the hectic fundraiser starts. But most importantly, they are showing us which messages will best motivate donors this year.

If you have any ideas, please propose banners to include in the next test on the Messages page.

You can see the winning banners below from our tests. The percentages indicate the share of people who clicked on each banner. (In each test, equal number of people were exposed to each banner.)

Check out the Fundraising Updates page where we discuss what we've learned so far and upcoming tests and challenges.

Winning Banners so far:

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Test Fifteen: October 28th, 2010

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with all data from todays test

Landing page Description Donation rate Total donations (USD) Total donations Average donations (USD)
Ask string and separate buttons for Paypal and Creditcards, remove most extra links from donation side of screen 1.84% 12,462ドル.08 463 26ドル.92
Radio buttons to select type of CC or paypal and 1 donate button 1.71% 11,585ドル.85 428 37ドル.07
Ask string and separate buttons with spot for email and optout checkbox 1.75% 11,835ドル.54 429 27ドル.59
Ask string and only 1 donate button going to CC form 0.89 % 7,395ドル.17 224 33ドル.01
Ask string and only 1 donate button going to PP form 1.53 % 9,610ドル.43 383 25ドル.09
Only one Banner was used Testing 50 'Jimmy campaign' 10% each landing page (50% total)

Test fourteen: October 26th, 2010

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Spreadsheet with all English data from todays test

Banner Description Click through rate Total donations (USD) Total donations Average donations (USD)
Admit it- without Wikipedia, you never could have finished that report. 0.90% 2901ドル.08 140 20ドル.72
You depend on $sitename for information
Now it depends on you.
0.40% 2992ドル.91 99 30ドル.23
"Thanks for the brain massage" 0.33% 582ドル.21 19 30ドル.64
"Jimmy appeal" 2.87 % 47433ドル.28 1537 30ドル.86
Only one Landing page was used for the 3 trial banners: Appeal14
Portugese Wikipedia
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Spreadsheet with all Portuguese data from todays test

Banner Description Click through rate Total donations (USD) Total donations Average donations (USD)
350 servidores. 273 idiomas. 16.400.565 artigos.
A Wikipédia precisa da sua ajuda para continuar a crescer.
0.32% 0ドル.00 0 0ドル.00
A Wikipédia come discos e fibra ótica. Alimente a Wikipédia. 0.36% 0ドル.00 0 0ドル.00
Isto não é publicidade.
Contribua hoje para se certificar que não verá nenhuma na Wikipédia.
0.49% 0ドル.00 0 0ドル.00
A Wikipedia é inestimável, mas acarreta custos. O seu contributo ajuda a minimizá-los. 0.20% 0ドル.00 0 0ドル.00
Por favor leia: / Um apelo pessoal de / Jimmy Wales, fundador da Wikipédia. 2.13% 30ドル.00 2 15ドル.00
$sitename: Escrito por voluntários, / mantido por leitores como você. Doe agora. (Brazil Only) 0.13% 0ドル.00 0 0ドル.00
A soma de todo o conhecimento humano, / por uma pequena soma. Doe agora. (Brazil Only) 0.10% 0ドル.00 0 0ドル.00
Descobrimentos 2.0. Continue esta viagem. (Portugal Only) 0.58% 0ドル.00 0 0ドル.00
Only one Landing page was used for all trial banners: Appeal2 'Jimmy Appeal'

French Wikipedia
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Click here for the full spreadsheet with all data from the French test

Banner Description Click through rate Total donations (USD) Total donations Average donations (USD)
Wikipedia, votre compagnon pour la vie. 0.14% 27ドル.82 2 13ドル.91
Wikipédia est toujours là quand vous en avez besoin.
Et vous, êtes-vous là quand Wikipédia a besoin de vous?
Faites un don.
0.17% 344ドル.98 7 49ドル.28
La capitale de l'Ouzbékistan? / La date de naissance de Simone Signoret? / La 76ème décimale de Pi? Donnez à Wikipédia! 0.23% 6ドル.96 1 6ドル.96
Le savoir n’a pas de prix. Soutenez Wikipédia: faites un don. 0.11% 13ドル.91 1 13ドル.91
Lisez l'appel personnel / de Jimmy Wales, / fondateur de Wikipédia 1.96% 674ドル.98 17 39ドル.70
Only one Landing page was used for all trial banners: Appeal2` 'Jimmy Appeal'
Dutch Wikipedia
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Click here for the full spreadsheet with all data from the Dutch tests

Banner Description Click through rate Total donations (USD) Total donations Average donations (USD)
Wat is $sitename u waard? 0.33% 1ドル.33 0 1ドル.33
Wat is $sitename jou waard? 0.35% 0ドル.00 0 0ドル.00
Wat is $sitename u waard? Doneer nu. 0.11% 0ドル.00 0 0ドル.00
Wat is $sitename jou waard? Doneer nu. 0.12% 97ドル.38 2 48ドル.69
Lees alstublieft deze persoonlijke oproep van Jimmy Wales,de oprichter van Wikipedia 3.72% 264ドル.32 8 33ドル.04
Only one Landing page was used for all trial banners: Appeal2` 'Jimmy Appeal'
Swedish Wikipedia
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Click here for the full spreadsheet with all data from the Swedish test

Banner Description Click through rate Total donations (USD) Total donations Average donations (USD)
Wikipedia är där för dig varje dag.
Var där för Wikipedia idag.
0.26% 0ドル.00 0 0ドル.00
Världens femte största webbplats görs
0.17% 0ドル.00 0 0ドル.00
Vem driver $sitename?
Det gör du.
0.33% 0ドル.00 0 0ドル.00
Läs vad Wikipedias grundare Jimmy Wales har att säga 2.07% 0ドル.00 0 0ドル.00
Only one Landing page was used for all trial banners: Appeal2` 'Jimmy Appeal'
Italian Wikipedia
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Click here for the full spreadsheet with all data from the Italian tests

Banner Description Click through rate Total donations (USD) Total donations Average donations (USD)
L'unico sito non profit fra i cinque più visitati al mondo.
Sostieni Wikipedia ora.
0.19% 54ドル.25 2 27ドル.13
Non vendiamo enciclopedie. Ne scriviamo una insieme a te.
Sostieni i nostri costi.
0.18% 20ドル.87 1 0ドル.00
Il futuro di Wikipedia dipende anche da te.
Sostieni Wikipedia!
0.09% 0ドル.00 0 0ドル.00
Wikipedia è libera e indipendente:
sostienila ora perché resti così.
0.11% 0ドル.00 0 0ドル.00
Arte e letteratura, scienza e tecnologia, cultura e società.
Tutto in una sola enciclopedia. Sostieni Wikipedia ora.
0.12% 57ドル.04 3 19ドル.01
Per favore, leggi: un appello personale del fondatore di Wikipedia Jimbo Wales 3.26% 293ドル.54 16 18ドル.35
Only one Landing page was used for all trial banners: Appeal2` 'Jimmy Appeal'
Italian Wikiquote
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Click here for the full spreadsheet with all data from the French test

Banner Description Click through rate Total donations (USD) Total donations Average donations (USD)
«Non si possiede ciò che non si comprende» (Goethe).
Wikiquote ha bisogno del tuo sostegno.
Sostieni Wikiquote ora.
0.22% 0ドル.00 0 0ドル.00
«Tutti desiderano possedere la conoscenza, ma pochi sono disposti a pagarne il prezzo» (Giovenale).
Wikiquote ha bisogno del tuo sostegno.
0.42% 1ドル.33 1 0ドル.00
Per favore, leggi: un appello personale del fondatore di Wikipedia Jimbo Wales 3.02% 0ドル.00 0 0ドル.00
Only one Landing page was used for all trial banners: Appeal2` 'Jimmy Appeal'

Test thirteen: October 21st, 2010

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Spreadsheet with all data for todays test

Landing Page Description Donation rate (per click) Total donations (USD) Total donations Average donations (USD)
Suggested donations of 100,ドル50,ドル35,ドル20ドル and the classic letter from last year 0.81% 7,100ドル.05 198 35ドル.86
Suggested donations of 20,ドル35,ドル50,ドル100ドル (reversed)with the class letter from last year 0.70% 5,963ドル.59 170 35ドル.07
"Funny Looks" Jimmy letter with donation P.S. ask on the bottom (not on the top) 0.92% 9,870ドル.21 227 43ドル.48
Classic Jimmy letter from last year with no donation ask in the top line 0.58% 6ドル.010.00 142 42ドル.32
3rd version of Jimmy letter (starting with No ads. No profits. No agenda.) 0.73% 7,942ドル.80 177 44ドル.87
Classic Jimmy letter from last year with an a sentence asking for donations at the top AND a PS. asking at the bottom 0.68% 7,640ドル.80 165 46ドル.31
1 step form with the classic Jimmy letter from last year 0.84% 7,442.65 294 25.32
Only one banner was used: Banner 50, which ran at 70% and randomly sent the donor to 1 of the 7 landing pages.

Test twelve: October 19th, 2010

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Spreadsheet with all data for todays test

Landing Page Description Donation rate (per click) Total donations (USD) Total donations Average donations (USD)
Control: Suggested donations of 100,ドル50,ドル35,ドル20ドル with the same letter as last year 0.82% 7,410ドル.82 233 31ドル.81
Suggested donations of 20,ドル35,ドル50,ドル100ドル (reversed)with the same letter as last year 0.85% 9,330ドル.24 241 38ドル.71
Suggested donations of 100,ドル50,ドル35,ドル20ドル with Version 1 of alternate text (starting with For some...) 0.80% 10,469ドル.46 228 45ドル.92
Suggested donations of 20,ドル35,ドル50,ドル100ドル (reversed) with Version 1 of alternate text (starting with For some...) 0.89% 9,427ドル.07 251 37ドル.56
Suggested donations of 100,ドル50,ドル35,ドル20ドル with Version 2 of alternate text (starting with I started...) 0.69% 7,155ドル.54 193 37ドル.08
Suggested donations of 20,ドル35,ドル50,ドル100ドル (reversed) with Version 2 of alternate text (starting with I started... 0.66% 7,049ドル.43 190 37ドル.10
Only one banner was used: Banner 50, which ran at 60% and randomly sent the donor to 1 of the 6 landing pages.

Test eleven: October 14th, 2010

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Spreadsheet with all data for todays test (interesting!)

Landing Page Description Donation rate (per click) Total donations (USD) Total donations Average donations (USD)
Control: Jimmy header, Give a comment box and suggested donations of 250,ドル 100,ドル 75,ドル 35ドル 0.65% 9,262ドル.46 278 33ドル.32
Jimmy header, Give a comment box and suggested donations of 100,ドル 50,ドル 35,ドル 20ドル 0.86% 9,966ドル.81 369 27ドル.01
Just give a comment box and suggested donations of 100,ドル 50,ドル 35,ドル 20ドル no Jimmy header 0.89% 10,914ドル.19 383 28ドル.50
Jimmy header, NO give a comment box and suggested donations of 100,ドル 50,ドル 35,ドル 20ドル 0.98% 11,822ドル.82 423 27ドル.95
Only one banner was used: Banner 50, which ran at 60% and randomly sent the donor to 1 of the 4 landing pages.

Test ten: October 12th, 2010

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English Wikipedia

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Spread sheet with full test statistics

Banner text Landing page Click through rate # of donations USD received
Please read:
A personal appeal from
Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales.
Appeal2 3.68% 62 2,125ドル.91
No ads. No bias. No kidding.
Let's keep it that way.
Support Wikipedia 0.16% 0 0ドル.00
$sitename: Your home for knowledge.
Help keep it ad-free. (With donate now button)
Support Wikipedia 0.18% 2 18ドル.83
You depend on $sitename for information
Now it depends on you. (with donate now button)
Support Wikipedia 0.21% 2 110ドル.00
Be part of something too important to ignore. Support Wikipedia 0.16% 0 0ドル.00
Admit it: without Wikipedia, you never could have finished that report.
Click here to keep Wikipedia free for future students.
Support Wikipedia 0.17% 3 101ドル.58
Admit it: without Wikipedia, you never could have finished that paper.
Click here to keep Wikipedia free for future students. (With donate now buttion
Support Wikipedia 0.24% 3 76ドル.67
"Thanks for the brain massage" Support Wikipedia 0.25% 5 431ドル.42
Read the data for all 41 tested banners

French Wikipedia

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spreadsheet with full French statistics

the French tests were run on the 12th of october. The Google spreadsheet does not seem to contain any data at that date. Anthere
Banner text Landing page Click through rate # of donations USD received
Lisez l'appel personnel
de Jimmy Wales,
fondateur de Wikipédia
Appeal2(fr) 1.72% 14 411ドル.32
Imaginez un monde où la connaissance serait accessible à tous. Faites un don! Support Wikipedia (fr) 0.02% 0 0ドル.00
Wikipédia n’a pas de prix, mais elle a un coût.
Faites un don pour Wikipédia.
Support Wikipedia (fr) 0.04% 2 73ドル.31
Investissez dans une valeur sûre, Wikipédia ne connaît pas la récession. Support Wikipedia (fr) 0.06% 0 0ドル.00

German Wikipedia

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Spreadsheet with full German statistics

Banner text Landing page Click through rate # of donations USD received
Bitte lesen:
Ein persönlicher Aufruf von
Wikipedia-Gründer Jimmy Wales
Appeal2(de) 5.21% 60 1,469ドル.92
Wikipedia ist ein gemeinnütziges Projekt.
Spenden Sie jetzt!
Support Wikipedia (de) 0.03% 0 0ドル.00
Wikipedia ist ein durch Spenden finanziertes Projekt.
Helfen auch Sie!
Support Wikipedia (de) 0.04% 1 41ドル.50
Ihre Spende sichert die Zukunft der Wikipedia.
Helfen auch Sie!
Support Wikipedia (de) 0.05% 3 9ドル.75
Mit Ihrer Hilfe bleibt Wikipedia frei und unabhängig. Support Wikipedia (de) 0.12% 1 6ドル.92

Test nine: October 11th, 2010

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Text only banners
Banner text Landing page Click through rate # of donations USD received
Please read: A personal appeal from Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales Appeal 3 and Appeal 2 1.12% 33 1352ドル.47
A personal appeal from Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales Appeal 3 and Appeal 2 0.63% 22 613ドル.80
Please read:A personal appeal from Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales Appeal 3 and Appeal 2 1.48% 59 2466ドル.34
A personal appeal from Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales Appeal 3 and Appeal 2 0.95% 35 917ドル.63
Full background image banners
Banner text Landing page Click through rate # of donations USD received
Please read: A personal appeal from Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales Appeal 3 and Appeal 2 1.72% 100 3568ドル.46
A personal appeal from Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales Appeal 3 and Appeal 2 1.16% 68 2711ドル.97
Please read:A personal appeal from Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales Appeal 3 and Appeal 2 2.99% 118 5260ドル.96
A personal appeal from Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales Appeal 3 and Appeal 2 2.28% 80 2693ドル.46
Jimmy head background only
Banner text Landing page Click through rate # of donations USD received
Please read: A personal appeal from Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales Appeal 3 and Appeal 2 1.93% 98 3636ドル.29
A personal appeal from Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales Appeal 3 and Appeal 2 1.32% 70 3217ドル.95
Please read:A personal appeal from Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales Appeal 3 and Appeal 2 2.97% 112 3843ドル.9
A personal appeal from Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales Appeal 3 and Appeal 2 2.65% 86 4196ドル.83

Test seven: September 30th, 2010

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Detailed test discussion       stat report      

Test seven Statistics       Spreadsheet with full data (click '09-23 working' at bottom)
Banner text Landing form Click through rate # of donations USD received
Mit Ihrer Hilfe bleibt Wikipedia frei und unabhängig! CC form #9 .19% 0 0ドル
Wikipedia finanziert sich durch Spenden. Helfen auch Sie! CC form #9 .09% 0 0ドル
Mit Ihrer Hilfe bleibt Wikipedia frei und unabhängig.
Spenden Sie jetzt!
CC form #9 .05% 0 0ドル
Wikipedia finanziert sich durch Spenden. Helfen auch Sie.
Spenden Sie jetzt!
CC form #9 .03% 0 0ドル
Click through rate represents how many people who saw a given banner (an impression) clicked on it. It is calculated by dividing total banner clicks over total banner impressions.

Test six: September 23rd, 2010

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Detailed test discussion       stat report      

Banner text Landing form Click through rate # of donations USD received
Please read: A personal appeal from Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales Landing page 9 3.00% 54 1,686ドル.56
Be curious CC form #8 0.48% 0 0ドル.00
This is not an ad. Donate today to make sure you never see one on Wikipedia. CC form #5 N/A 2 20ドル.00
This is not an ad. Donate today to make sure you never see one on Wikipedia. CC form #6 N/A 3 58ドル.31
This is not an ad. Donate today to make sure you never see one on Wikipedia. CC form #7 N/A 2 15ドル.00
This is not an ad. Donate today to make sure you never see one on Wikipedia. TOTAL (All landing pages) 0.15% 7 93ドル.31
Stay curious. Donate today to keep Wikipedia free and strong. CC form #3 N/A 1 25ドル.00
Stay curious. Donate today to keep Wikipedia free and strong. CC form #4 N/A 2 40ドル.00
Stay curious. Donate today to keep Wikipedia free and strong. TOTAL (All landing pages) 0.06% 3 65ドル.00
Click through rate represents how many people who saw a given banner (an impression) clicked on it. It is calculated by dividing total banner clicks over total banner impressions.
N/A is used for per landing page data because impression data is only useful for the banner as a whole (the TOTAL lines)

Test five: September 16th, 2010

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Detailed test discussion       stat report      

Banner text Click through rate # of donations USD received
Be curious. 0.66% 1 35ドル.00
One day people will look back and wonder what it was like not to know. 0.43%
This is not an ad. Make sure you never see one on Wikipedia. 0.28%
For today, and tomorrow. 0.22% 1 10ドル.00
The fifth largest website in the world is made possible by you. 0.13% 3 29ドル.14
The sum of human knowledge, for a small sum. 0.13% 1 35ドル.00
This is not an ad. Donate today to make sure you never see one on Wikipedia. 0.11% 3 110ドル.00
For today, and tomorrow. Please donate. 0.10%
Wikipedia is there for you every day.Be there for Wikipedia today. 0.09% 1 2ドル.62
Free knowledge for all: make it happen. 0.09%
One day people will look back and wonder what it was like not to know. Donate today. 0.08%
The fifth largest website in the world is made possible by you. Donate today. 0.07% 1 16ドル.00
The sum of human knowledge, for a small sum. Donate today. 0.07%
{{Sitename}}:Share 0.06%
Free knowledge for all: make it happen. Donate today. 0.06%
Wikipedia is there for you every day. Be there for Wikipedia today. Donate today. 0.04%
Click through rate represents how many people who saw a given banner (an impression) clicked on it. It is calculated by dividing total banner clicks over total banner impressions.

Test four: September 9th 2010

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Detailed test history       Full stat report       Discuss this test

Banner text % of total clicks
Be curious 28%
Stay curious 24%
Be curious. Be bold. 23%
Who funds {{SITENAME}}? You do. 9%
Think of a world without {{SITENAME}} Keep free knowledge alive. 8%
Who funds {{SITENAME}}? You do. Donate today. 5%
Wikipedia is the world's greatest repository of knowledge. [Donation needed] 4%

Test three: September 2nd 2010

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Banner text % of total clicks
Stay curious 60%
Free, Innovative, Non-profit. This is Wikipedia. 14%
The 7th most visited website in the world might be the most important. Donate today. 11%
"If you make one gift this year, make it the gift of knowledge." -- Nelson Mandela 8%
Wikipedia: Supported by readers like you. 7%

Test two: August 26th 2010

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Banner text % of total clicks
Help us change the world / Support Free Knowledge 57%
Help us change the world / Donate today to support free knowledge 43%

Test one: August 19th 2010

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Detailed test history       Full stat report       Discuss this test

Banner text % of total clicks
One entry became 33 million. One language became 270.
Help protect what we’ve created.
Wikipedia: Edited by volunteers, supported by readers like you. 31%

Wikimedia fundraisers rely on short banner messages running at the top of project pages. We're looking for messages that catch the attention of readers, and motivate them to click through and donate. The better our banners, the more efficient our fundraising.

Contribute your own banner idea on the Messages page!

Detailed Test Results

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If you want to geek out on the detailed test results click here, check out the in-depth results tables, and join the conversation.

AltStyle によって変換されたページ (->オリジナル) /