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Fundraising 2009/Survey

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is kept for historical interest. Any policies mentioned may be obsolete.
The new survey attempt can be found at Fundraising 2010/Survey.


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Wikimedia is undertaking a survey of donors and potential donors in order to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of fundraising efforts of the Wikimedia Foundation. The results from this survey will help us to better understand donors and potential donors, and ultimately, will help to increase donations to the Wikimedia Foundation. There are several basic questions the survey is intended to answer:

  • Who donates to the Wikimedia Foundation? What characteristics do donors to the Wikimedia Foundation share? Are there different types of donors that can be segmented by common characteristics?
  • What motivates individuals to donate to the Wikimedia Foundation?
  • What expectations do donors have about how their donations are used?
  • What would (or how can Wikimedia) motivate current donors to increase their contributions?
  • Why don't more individuals donate to the Wikimedia Foundation?
  • What is likely to motivate non-donors to become donors?

Process and Timeline

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Timeline updated to reflect the vacation plans of our volunteer coordinator on this project. Rand Montoya 16:50, 7 July 2009 (UTC) [reply ]

I am further changing the timeline, because the process order is illogical. -- Thekohser 14:52, 9 July 2009 (UTC) [reply ]

The following steps and approximate timeline will be used develop, execute and publish the fundraising survey:

  1. Build the Wikimedia Fundraising Survey meta-site for community involvement. (Mid-June 2009)
  2. Advertise and promote the meta-site to gather comments and feedback from the community regarding the survey audience, design, and questions. (June 24, 2009)
  3. Gather general community comments and feedback on objectives. (June 30 - July 8, 2009)
  4. Finalize how, and to whom, the survey should be sent. (July 9-15, 2009)
  5. Obtain preview/summary of LimeSurvey application capabilities. (July 9-12, 2009)
  6. Draft the survey questions in English via community input. (July 13-16, 2009)
  7. Finalize the survey questions in English, with ultimate editorial decisions resting with Rand Montoya. (July 17-19, 2009)
  8. Note: the following dates were not met.
    Translate the survey into the languages identified. (削除) (July 20-29, 2009) (削除ここまで) UPDATE: Priority translations completed on August 5, 2009 (jpilisuk 17:23, 07 August 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  9. Test translation period. (TBD Rand Montoya 18:30, 10 July 2009 (UTC))[reply ]
  10. Input survey questions into online survey tool and test online questionnaire (削除) (July 29-31, 2009) (削除ここまで) UPDATE: August 6 - 21, 2009 (jpilisuk 17:26, 07 August 2009 (UTC))[reply ]
  11. Send survey invitations via e-mail to targeted study population sample, and by site wrapper notices to the probability sample. (削除) (August 1-11, 2009) (削除ここまで) UPDATE: August 24 - September 4, 2009 (jpilisuk 17:31, 07 August 2009 (UTC))[reply ]
  12. Compile and analyze the survey results. (削除) (August 12-18, 2009) (削除ここまで) UPDATE: September 8 - 14, 2009 (jpilisuk 17:33, 07 August 2009 (UTC))[reply ]
  13. Publish and share first draft (top-line) survey results. (削除) (August 19, 2009) (削除ここまで) UPDATE: September 15, 2009 (jpilisuk 17:34, 07 August 2009 (UTC))[reply ]
  14. Publish and share final report of survey results. (削除) (August 28, 2009) (削除ここまで) UPDATE: September 22, 2009 (jpilisuk 17:36, 07 August 2009 (UTC))[reply ]


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This survey is a collaborative project which will follow the principles of a community-based Wiki. While the purpose of the survey has been defined by the Wikimedia Foundation, the methodology, design, and survey questions are all open to comments and feedback from the community.

Target Audience & Segmentation:
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The audience for this survey will included both donors and non-donors (or "prospective donors"). The sample will drawn from visitors to the Wikimedia sites, as well as Wikimedia's donor database. The survey audience will include the following key segments:

Random sample
  • (GROUP A) Visitors to Wikimedia sites with no history of editing or donating
  • (GROUP B) Visitors to Wikimedia sites with a history of editing, but not donating
E-mail contact from list
  • (GROUP C) Past donors to Wikimedia, but suspended giving in past 18 months
- (C1) "small" donors (less than 100ドル)
- (C2) "heavy" donors (100ドル or more)
  • (GROUP D) Current donors to Wikimedia (past 18 months)
- (D1) "small" donors (less than 100ドル)
- (D2) "heavy" donors (100ドル or more)

The target will be to get 1,000 complete survey responses in each of the audience segments. However, the results for a particular segment will be considered valid if that segment includes at least 100 completed survey responses.

Survey Questionnaire Development:
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The proposed survey questions are outlined below. The goal is to have the survey be approximately 25 questions long. Questions should all be culturally sensitive, given the global audience for this survey. All of the survey questions should be directly related to the purpose of this project, as outlined in the "Purpose" section above. The survey questions will remain open for comments and feedback through June 30, 2009. While all comments and feedback will be considered, the final survey questions will be selected based on how closely they support the primary goals of the survey.

Languages, Translation, and Cultural Sensitivity:
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The survey is intended gather information from a broad global audience. Therefore, the final survey will be translated in up to eleven main languages. All questions must be appropriate for this culturally diverse audience. In 2008, the top countries from which Wikimedia received donations were Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Denmark, Spain, France, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, and the United States. The survey will be translated into these languages: TBD.

Survey Distribution:
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The sample will include the following key segments:

Random sample
  • (GROUP A) Visitors to Wikimedia sites with no history of editing or donating
  • (GROUP B) Visitors to Wikimedia sites with a history of editing, but not donating
E-mail contact from list
  • (GROUP C) Past donors to Wikimedia, but suspended giving in past 18 months
- (C1) "small" donors (less than 100ドル)
- (C2) "heavy" donors (100ドル or more)
  • (GROUP D) Current donors to Wikimedia (past 18 months)
- (D1) "small" donors (less than 100ドル)
- (D2) "heavy" donors (100ドル or more)

The first two segments rely on random sampling, while the latter two segments may utilize selective, targeted sampling, since the WMF retains these records and contact info. Additionally, the "heavy" donors group is a relatively small population, so the number of responses may be small to draw any significant conclusions.

Users will access the survey online. The survey will be created using LimeSurvey, an open-source survey tool developed by Wikimedia. The means for providing users with links to the survey has yet to be determined. Please see the discussion page in the section entitled Discussion of Survey Distribution for comments regarding survey distribution methodology.

Survey Questions

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NOTE: The final survey should be approximately 25 questions. Comments and suggestions about the survey questions should be noted on the discussion page.

Survey Introduction

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Thank you for taking your time to complete the 2009 Wikimedia Development Survey. This survey takes most people less than 15 minutes to complete. Your individual responses will remain private and confidential. Published results of the survey will not contain any personally-identifiable information. This survey was designed with input from the various Wikimedia communities of users.

Group Classification Questions
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  1. I currently reside in this country: (pull down list)
  2. Which of the following best describes your experience editing or contributing content to any Wikimedia projects (such as Wikipedia, Commons, Wiktionary, Wikiquote, etc.)?
    1. I have never edited/contributed content (POSSIBLE AS GROUP A)
    2. I have some experience, occasionally editing/contributing content
    3. I have much experience, frequently editing/contributing content
  3. Have you ever made a financial donation to the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation or one of its local chapters?
    1. No, never (CLASSIFY AS GROUP A (if never edited), ELSE GROUP B)
    2. Yes, but not in the past 18 months (CLASSIFY AS GROUP C)
    3. Yes, within the past 18 months (CLASSIFY AS GROUP D)
  4. (ASK IF GROUP C OR D) To the best of your recollection, what was the value ($USD) Click here for currency conversion tool of your largest financial donation to the Wikimedia Foundation? Under 10ドル / 10ドル-19ドル / 20ドル-29ドル / 30ドル-49ドル / 50ドル-74ドル / 75ドル-99ドル / 100ドル-249ドル / 250ドル-499ドル / 500ドル-999ドル / 1,000ドル or more (CLASSIFY FIRST 6 PUNCHES AS C1 OR D1, LAST 4 PUNCHES AS C2 OR D2)
Demographic Questions
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  1. My gender is: Male / Female / Prefer not to say
  2. My age is: Under 17 / 17-20 / 21-24 / 25-34 / 35-44 / 45-54 / 55-64 / 65+
  3. My marital status is: single, never married / living with significant partner / married / separated or divorced / widowed
  4. The current annual income for my household is ($USD) Click here for currency conversion tool: Under 10,000ドル / 10,000ドル-19,999ドル / 20,000ドル-29,999ドル / 30,000ドル-39,999ドル / 40,000ドル-49,999ドル / 50,000ドル-74,999ドル / 75,000ドル-99,999ドル / 100,000ドル-150,000ドル / Over 150,000ドル / Prefer not to say
  5. The highest level of education I have achieved is: grade school or less / some high school / high school graduate / some college / trade, technical, or vocational training / college graduate / some postgraduate work / post graduate degree
  6. My employment status is best described as: Full-time employed / Part-time employed / Not employed
    1. (IF NOT EMPLOYED) I am: Looking for work / Sick or disabled / Homemaker / Retired / Student / Other
    2. (IF EMPLOYED) The organization I work for is in: Public or government sector / Private or commercial sector / Not-for-profit / Don't know / Other
Behavioral Questions
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  1. In the past 18 months, to how many different charitable organizations have you made a financial donation: None (SKIP NEXT 4 QUESTIONS) / 1-2 / 3-4 / 5-7 / 8-10 / More than 10
  2. What is the typical amount that you donate when making a charitable financial contribution to any organization? ($USD) Click here for currency conversion tool: Under 10ドル / 10ドル-19ドル / 20ドル-29ドル / 30ドル-49ドル / 50ドル-74ドル / 75ドル-99ドル / 100ドル-249ドル / 250ドル-499ドル / 500ドル-999ドル / 1,000ドル or more
  3. What is the largest amount that you have donated to any one charitable organization in the past 18 months? ($USD) Click here for currency conversion tool: Under 50ドル / 50ドル-99ドル / 100ドル-249ドル / 250ドル-499ドル / 500ドル-999ドル / 1,000ドル-4,999ドル / 5,000ドル or more
  4. Which of the following describe your reasons for making charitable donations in the past 18 months? (Select up to FOUR most important to you): (SCRAMBLE SORT) Mission of the organization is universally important / Mission of the organization is personally relevant to me, a relative, or a friend / It is the ethical thing to do / Spontaneously felt like giving / I may benefit one day from the organization / I can afford to give / Responded to a public appeal or campaign / Responded to a direct contact by a charity representative / Responded to a personal appeal from someone I know / Giving makes me feel good / Information about the organization in the media inspired me to give / The government and private sector do not give enough support to fund charity work / Tax benefits of donating
  5. Which types of charitable organizations have you supported financially in the past 18 months? (Check all that apply): Educational (schools, colleges, scholarships) / Religious / Sports and exercise / Health, disability, and medical research / Children and youth / Local community or neighborhood groups / Hobbies, recreation, or social clubs / Humanitarian aid and disaster relief / Animal welfare / Elderly people / Arts and culture (music, theater, museums, historical) / Environment, ecology, and conservation / Social welfare / Economic development / Politics and government advocacy / Police, fire, and rescue / Justice, peace, and human rights / Trade unions / Other (please specify)
  6. How do you typically find the organizations that you support (check all that apply)? Recommended by family or friends/ Online search / Event, conference, or tradeshow / Recommended by professional colleague or employer / Directly approached by the organization / Other (please specify)
  7. Please rate how important to you are each of these factors when deciding whether or not to donate financially to a particular charity. (SCALE) Extremely important / Very important / Somewhat important / Not very important / Not at all important: Organization is highly rated by independent charity watchdog services (such as GuideStar or Charity Navigator) / Personal belief that the organization uses money effectively / Receiving information on what is being done with my donation / Personal appeal from a friend or family member / Donation is tax deductible or has tax benefits / Being able to give through an automatic payroll deduction / Being able to contribute non-liquid gifts such as real estate, rare valuables, or shares of stock / Direct appeal for giving by my employer, a peer group, or religious organization / Having information to compare different charities / Receiving a thank-you letter or e-mail / Direct appeal from the charity for additional or increased donations / Other (please specify) / Don't know
  8. In the past 18 months, I have supported charitable organizations in the following non-monetary ways (Select all that apply): Volunteer time and skills / Donated materials, food, blood, or supplies / Board member / Committee member appointed by board / Fundraising outreach / Other (please specify) / None
  9. What is your most preferred payment method for making donations? Cash / Check / Credit or debit card / Bank transfer / PayPal / Payroll deduction / Other (please specify)
  10. What kind of information would you like to receive in order to understand the impact of your donation? (Rank in order of preference): (SCRAMBLE SORT) A detailed annual report with financial information / A promotional summary report with photos or videos / Statistics or data on the results achieved / Testimonials from the beneficiaries / None, I don't want information regarding the impact of my donation
  11. How frequently would you like to be updated about the work and performance of the organizations you support? Weekly / Monthly / Quarterly / Annually / Only upon request
  12. What method of communication do you prefer for receiving updates from organizations you support? (Rank in order of preference): (SCRAMBLE SORT) E-mail / Electronic mailing list / Postal mail / Social media groups (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) / None, I prefer not to receive updates
Wikimedia Foundation Questions
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  1. How familiar are you with the Wikimedia Foundation: Very familiar / Somewhat familiar / Not very familiar / Not at all familiar
  2. How familiar are you with the mission of the Wikimedia Foundation and the projects it supports: Very familiar / Somewhat familiar / Not very familiar / Not at all familiar
  3. I see the work of the Wikimedia Foundation as important and vital: Strongly agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly disagree
  4. I believe the Wikimedia Foundation has been successful in carrying out its mission: Strongly agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly disagree
  5. I believe the Wikimedia Foundation and its leadership to be honest and trustworthy: Strongly agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly disagree
  6. I believe the Wikimedia Foundation is an efficient steward of donations and resources: Strongly agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly disagree
  7. I believe the Wikimedia Foundation is a professional and ethical caretaker of human knowledge: Strongly agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly disagree
  8. How often do you visit the websites hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation (Wikipedia, Commons, Wiktionary, Wikiquote, etc.): A few times per year / A few times per month / A few times per week / About once a day / Several times per day
  9. I intend to make a financial contribution to the Wikimedia Foundation within the next 12 months: Strongly agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly disagree
    1. (IF DISAGREE) What is the primary reason you do not intend to donate financially to the Wikimedia Foundation? Please give details, without identifying yourself personally. (Capture open-end response)
  10. Are there any other comments you have about the Wikimedia Foundation? Please give details, without identifying yourself personally. (Capture open-end response)
Lapsed Donors (GROUP C = Have donated to WMF, but not within the last 18 months)
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  1. You indicated that you have contributed financially to the Wikimedia Foundation, but not in the past 18 months. Select up to three reasons why you have not donated to the Wikimedia Foundation within the last 18 months: (SCRAMBLE SORT) Not enough money to spare / Was not asked to donate again / Contributing to Wikimedia projects in other non-monetary ways / I believe the Wikimedia Foundation is no longer effective in achieving its mission / I no longer support the mission of the Wikimedia Foundation / I no longer trust the Wikimedia Foundation or its leadership / My relationship with Wikimedia was disappointing / Giving options did not fit my needs / I feel Wikimedia already has enough money / I intend to defer my giving through my will or estate plan / Other (please specify)
  2. What is the one key thing that the Wikimedia Foundation could do to encourage your future financial contribution to it? Please give details, without identifying yourself personally. (Capture open-end response)
Recent Donors (GROUP D = Have donated to WMF within the last 18 months)
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  1. What are your main reasons for donating to the Wikimedia Foundation? (Select up to THREE): (SCRAMBLE SORT) Keep Wikimedia projects running / Increase society's use and adoption of wiki tools and communities / Improve the technology and features available for creating and managing wiki communities / Support the vision of free knowledge for all human beings / Personal benefits derived from the Wikimedia Foundation's work / Other (please specify) / Don't know
  2. Please indicate which you feel are the three most important projects that the Wikimedia Foundation supports. (Select up to THREE): (SCRAMBLE SORT) Wikipedia / Wiktionary / Wikiquote / Wikibooks / Wikisource / Wikispecies / Wikinews / Wikiversity / Wikimedia Commons / MediaWiki
  3. How important are the following in your decision to donate to the Wikimedia Foundation? (SCALE) Extremely important / Very important / Somewhat important / Not very important / Not at all important: (SCRAMBLE SORT) Detailed information about the organization and projects / Organization has a good reputation / Evidence of the organization's success / Testimonies from individuals who have benefited from the Wikimedia Foundation's services / Founder of the organization presents a clear, strategic view explaining why donations are important / Receive appropriate recognition for my donation
  4. I would be likely to increase the amount of my donation to the Wikimedia Foundation if... (Check all that apply): (SCRAMBLE SORT) I knew where the money would be spent / I could influence how the money was spent / My disposable income increased / I was asked to increase my contribution / I received more contribution requests / There were significant improvements in the leadership of Wikimedia Foundation / There were significant improvements in the output of Wikimedia projects / Other (please specify)
  5. I would like to learn more about the projects and activities being undertaken by the Wikimedia Foundation: Strongly agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly disagree
  6. In the future, I expect my financial support for the Wikimedia Foundation to: Increase greatly / Increase somewhat / Stay about the same / Decrease somewhat / Decrease greatly
    1. (IF DECREASE) Which of the following describe why your support may decrease? (Select all that apply to you): (SCRAMBLE SORT) Not enough money to spare / Was not asked to donate again / Contributing to Wikimedia projects in other non-monetary ways / I believe the Wikimedia Foundation is no longer effective in achieving its mission / I no longer support the mission of the Wikimedia Foundation / I no longer trust the Wikimedia Foundation or its leadership / My relationship with Wikimedia was disappointing / Giving options did not fit my needs / I feel Wikimedia already has enough money / I intend to defer my giving through my will or estate plan / Other (please specify)
  7. The process of making a financial contribution to the Wikimedia Foundation is convenient and easy: Strongly agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly disagree
  8. I would recommend Wikipedia Foundation to friends, family, or other individuals interested in making charitable donations: Strongly agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly disagree


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When available, the results of the survey will be posted here.

Discussion & Conclusions

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When the survey is completed, a discussion of the survey results will be added here.


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This is the main page for the Wikimedia 2009 Fundraising Survey. You may post comments on this page, however, all editors are strongly encouraged to comment and offer suggestions on the discussion page.

Main Page Wikimedia 2009 Fundraising Survey

WMF Staff: Rand Montoya

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