Election candidates 2006/Kelly Martin/Zh
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Kelly Martin
[edit ]- Confirmed --BradPatrick 04:28, 9 August 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
用户名 | Kelly Martin | |
真实姓名 | Kelly Martin | |
居住地 | 美国,伊利诺伊州,奈尔斯 | |
年龄 | 近40岁 | |
用户页面 | 英文维基百科, 德语维基百科 (或多或少)维基共享资源, Kelly Martin | |
开始参与日期 | 2004年12月 | |
参与计划名称 | 英文维基百科, 维基共享资源, 元维基(有时) | |
参与计划语言 | 英语。我能看懂德语,但是不到能够参与撰写的水平。 | |
贡献 | 英语, 维基共享资源, 元维基 | |
竞选陈述 | I am running for the Board because I've been encouraged to do so by people whose opinions I trust. I had not intended to do so, but when people I trust approach me to ask me to do something, I tend to take their requests seriously.
My platform:
Conflict statement: I am not, nor have I ever been, an employee, officer, or agent of the Wikimedia Foundation; Wikia, Inc.; or any entity organized as a Wikimedia chapter organization. To the best of my knowledge, neither myself nor any of my past or present employers has directly or indirectly done business with any of the above entities, except that I am an occasional donor to the Wikimedia Foundation, and my housing at Wikimania 2006 was obtained by payment made through Wikimania's organization. | |
对此候选人进行提问 | 元维基上的对话页面 |