Community Insights/2016-17 Report/Question 110.03-CE08
From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
Question 110.03 (CE08)
[edit ]To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following related to the Wikimedia movement: -- People are committed to seeking fair solutions that are responsive to the interests of all parties.
Participants (n) = 410
Median = 4
9% selected "No opinion" [?]
- 1 – Strongly disagree (3%)
- 2 – Disagree (9%)
- 3 – Neither agree nor disagree (32%)
- 4 – Agree (50%)
- 5 – Strongly agree (7%)
Fifty-seven percent of all participants agree or strongly agree that people are committed to seeking fair solutions that are responsive to the interests of all parties.