Brazil Program/Meetings/pt/education program-20120320
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This semester
[edit ]- Mid-semester review: have mid-semester review with professors
- Bring Frank in for this; probably in May
- Tom to get back to Frank about dates for this in the next two weeks
- we should ask them if they would be interested in doing this - how are they feeling about a time in May?
- Mid-semester review: Have mid-semester review with campus ambassadors and other community members
- separate them from professors so that everyone can share candidly
- perhaps do a photowalk to connect with the broader community
- partner with the architecture department on this!
- End of semester review: bigger education program meeting
- purpose: sharing of information and community building
- All the ambassadors and professors
- Similar to the US Wikipedia in Higher Education Summit
- maybe about 30 people
- 2-3 days
- 2 days internal and new professors if interested
- 1 day with more media and new professors
- Make it global! perhaps fly in one of the OAs from Portugal?
- Note: coordinate with Annie about Cairo trip so that Frank can attend to both of them
Next semester
[edit ]- Add professors names to a list of potential candidates for next semester
- IF everything is a success - scale from 6 classes up to 12-18 classes
- Perhaps too big of growth; want to focus on expanding to different cities more than just classes
- Depends on different types of classes options - assignments
- Geographic expansion of program
- Con: Creates lack of community for ambassadors - they can't substitute for people, they don't know each other
- Pro: promotes cultural expansion outside of the SP and Rio hubs
- Requirements for Brazil: must have an OA from the region before having the program
- Can match this with geographical outreach
[edit ]- Education program goes under BRAZIL, to report through Oona, versus going through GLOBAL EDUCATION PROGRAM, going through Frank.
- Staffing: probably need two part time employees, splitting work across two regions of Brazil