Balinese Wikipedia/fr
From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Balinese Wikipedia and the translation is 11% complete.
This page is last updated on May 2023
This page is a descriptive article on the Balinese Wikipedia , feel free to add any comment.
The Balinese language Wikipedia started on October 19th, 2019. Its first article was about Kaca utama (Main Page).
- Areas of weakness
- Trop d'ébauches, en particulier avec les articles géographiques
- Some (many) articles are not referenced well.
À propos
- Article principal : Tell us about Balinese Wikipedia
What are some unique practices/characteristics?
- The only wikipedia in Indonesia using both scripts, Balinese and Latin scripts.
- Create WikiPustaka and WikiLontar, the first project in Wikipedia about manuscripts.
Who were the earliest participants, who started it?
- User:Angayubagia
- User:Chinamoonroll
- User:Wandering ant
- User:Kadek Ayu Sulastri (a Balinese speaker)
- User:Siti Noviali (a Balinese speaker)
- User:Luh Gede Krismayanti (a Balinese speaker)
- Carma Citrawati (a Balinese speaker), won Newcomer Wikipedians in 2021.
- Bayu Gita (deceased, Balinese lecturer and speaker)