Africa Centre
The Africa Centre is a non-profit organization founded in 2005 and based in Cape Town South Africa.
The Africa Centre provides a platform for exploring contemporary Pan-African arts and cultural practice as a catalyst for social change. The Africa Centre’s objectives are to: formulate innovative models for presenting, debating and encouraging cultural production and the pursuit of knowledge; provide broad access to the creative work and ideas of historical and contemporary African thought leaders; and re-examine the role, identity, transience and creation of cultural expression.
The Africa Centre has presented such seminal projects as Spier Contemporary, Pan African Space Station and the Space for Pan African Research Creation and Knowledge. Among the multiple projects of the Africa Centre there are.
- WikiAfrica is one of multiple Africa Centre projects, which include:
- Artist in Residency Programme – in partnership, this project awards, across artistic discipline, 10 residencies each year;
- Badilisha Poetry X-Change – an online radio station that celebrates the languages, cultures and styles of Pan-African poetry;
- Everyday African Urbanism Lab – a research and intervention laboratory which seeks to both understand and disrupt some of South Africa’s most pressing social issues;
- Infecting The City – an annual public arts festival that stages and exhibits thought-provoking works in the communal spaces of Cape Town; and
- Talking Heads – taking place via events and online mediums, the project shares the ideas, visions and manifestations of extraordinary people living in Africa.