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Kọmitii Mmekọrịta

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This page is a translated version of the page Affiliations Committee and the translation is 92% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

The Affiliations Committee advises and makes recommendations regarding the recognition and existence of Wikimedia movement affiliates.

Twitter @WikimediaAffCom
Facebook @WikimediaAffCom

AffCom at its Strategic Retreat in Frankfurt

Affiliates Strategy Update: Notes from the 2024 AffCom strategic retreat

Affiliate Recognition and Derecognition: User group application pause lifted

Affiliate Activities and Compliance Report: Activities reports around the world

AffCom Conflict Intervention: Updates on conflict intervention cases

AffCom Movement Contribution: AffCom engagement at WikiIndaba

AffCom Administration: Mari Avetisyan appointed new AffCom secretary

Kọmiti Mgbakwunye Mmekọrịta (nke a na-akpọbu 'Kọmitii Isi , nke na-ekwu okwu AffCom) bụ Kọmitii na-achị obodo Wikimedia nyere ikike inye ndụmọdụ Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees na nkwado nke ọhụrụ Mgbakwunye mmegharị: isi obodo na nke mba, ụlọ ọrụ isiokwu, na otu ndị ọrụ.

Emepụtara kọmitii a na Jenụarị 15, 2006, site na mkpebi nke Board of Trustees, yana ọtụtụ ndị ọzọ Wikimedia kọmitii. Iwu izizi ya gụnyere nchikota mmepe nke Wikimedia isi—bụ nke nọ n'oge mmalite nke nhazi — yana ikwado nzikọrịta ozi n'etiti isiakwụkwọ na n'etiti isiakwụkwọ na Wikimedia Foundation.

N'afọ 2012, na-eso mkparịta ụka obodo na kọmitii ndị nlekọta 'mkpebi, agbasawanye akụkụ nke kọmitii ahụ ka ọ gụnyere òtù ndị na-eme ihe nkiri na òtù ndị ọrụ. Dị ka mkpebi ahụ siri dị, kọmitii ahụ depụtara akwụkwọ ikike ya nke ndị Board kwadoro na Ọgọst, na-emecha mgbanwe na Kọmitii Mmekọrịta. akwadoro charter emelitere na 2022

(追記) (追記ここまで)

Usoro kọmitii Mmekọrịta (Ngosipụta PDF na 2012).

Kọmiti Njikọta na-atụ aro na Board of Trustees maka nkwado, nkwado na ịdị adị nke ndị mmekọ Wikimedia, yana maka ikwado imepụta otu ndị ahụ. N'ikwu ya n'ụzọ ọzọ, kọmitii ahụ na-enyere ndị Wikimedians si gburugburu ụwa aka ịhazi onwe ha n'ime isi, thematic organisations na òtù ndị ọrụ, na inweta nkwado gọọmentị site na Wikimedia Foundation.

Anyị nwere ike iduzi gị site na usoro ntọala nke nzukọ gị site n'inyere gị aka ịkwado iwu iwu, ịza ajụjụ gbasara ihe Foundation ahụ na-atụ anya n'aka onye mmekọ, na-enye enyemaka na ndụmọdụ maka idozi nsogbu ọrụ aka, ụghalaahịa, nhazi na ụlọ obodo, na-ọ bụrụ kwesịrị ekwesị - site n'ịkwado nkwado ego dị ntakịrị maka ịmalite ọrụ gị (dịka ikpuchi ụgwọ nke ndebanye aha na ịrụ ọrụ mbụ).

Ọ bụrụ na ị nwere mmasị ịkpọtụrụ mgbalị ndị dị n'ógbè gị, nwee onwe gị ịkpọtụrụ anyị site na iji usoro ọ bụla, anyị ga-enwe obi ụtọ ịkpọtụrụ gị na ndị ziri ezi.

(追記) (追記ここまで)(追記) (追記ここまで)

For further information, see Affiliations Committee/Members.

The Affiliates Committee comprises volunteers selected for their enthusiasm and their skills in community organising, cross-cultural communication, reviewing bylaws, and providing governance advice for emerging organisations. There are currently 8 (eight) voting members with terms of three years each.

Voting members of the Committee are helped by non-voting advisors. Advisors provide the Committee with on-the-ground experience, language skills, and governance advice, and are able to take part in discussions at subcommittee meetings.

Certain Wikimedia Foundation staff members support the Committee in its operations and help the Committee to function effectively. They are actively present on the Affiliations Committee's non-public mailing list and internal wiki, and may provide advice to the Committee based on their knowledge and expertise. They are not voting Committee members.

The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees appoint liaisons to the Committee to facilitate communication and coordination between the Committee and the Board. The liaisons shall be the Committee's primary point of contact with the Board, and shall serve to update the Board on the Committee's activities and update the Committee on relevant Board activities. They may request information related to the Committee's operations as necessary to carry out their role. They are not voting Committee members.

Voting members

Photo Name Languages Location (time zone) Term ends Role
Jeffrey Keefer en-N, fr-2 United States, North America (UTC-4/UTC-5) 28 Febụwarị 2027 Chair
Suyash Dwivedi hi-N, en-3, sa-2 India, South Asia (UTC+05:30) 28 Febụwarị 2027 Vice-Chair
Mari Avetisyan hy-N, en-3, tr-3, ru-3, Armenia, Eastern Europe (UTC+4) 28 Febụwarị 2027 Secretary
Aleksey Chalabyan hy-N, ru-N, en-3 Armenia, Eastern Europe (UTC+4) 29 Febụwarị 2028
Mehman Ibragimov ka-N, ru-N, tr-N, az-N, en-3 Georgia, Eastern Europe (UTC+4) 28 Febụwarị 2027
Harriet Henry Bayel Ghana, West Africa (UTC) 28 Febụwarị 2027
Agus Damanik Indonesia, Southeast Asia (UTC+7) 28 Febụwarị 2027
Lucas Teles pt-N, en-3, es-2 Brazil, South America (UTC-3) 29 Febụwarị 2028

Non-voting advisors

Photo Name Languages Location (time zone) Date of appointment for current term Term end Notes
Juan Bautista Alegre Philippines, Southeast Asia (UTC+8) 18 Febụwarị 2024 28 Febụwarị 2026 Reappointed in February 2025
Delphine Ménard fr-N, en-5, de-3, es-3, it-2 France, Europe (UTC+1) 18 Febụwarị 2024 28 Febụwarị 2026 Reappointed in February 2025
Nyinawumuntu Jeannette Rebecca Rwanda, Central Africa (UTC+2) 18 Febụwarị 2024 28 Febụwarị 2026 Reappointed in February 2025
Maor Malul es, en-5, lad-4, pt-4, de-3, he-3, ca-3, af-2, guc-2, tr-2 Israel, Western Asia (UTC+2) 1 Maachị 2025 28 Febụwarị 2026 former voting member (2013-19, 2023-24)
Bobby Shabangu ss-N, en-4, zu-3, xh-2, nso-1 South Africa 1 Maachị 2025 28 Febụwarị 2026
Robert Jamal en-5, tw-N, fat-N Ghana 1 Maachị 2025 28 Febụwarị 2026
Tochi Precious Friday ig-N, en-GB-4, de-3, fr-2 1 Maachị 2025 28 Febụwarị 2026

Board liaisons

Liaison Languages Location (time zone) Term end Notes
Mike Peel en-N, es-2, pt-1, fr-1 Europe (UTC+1)
Nataliia Tymkiv
Lorenzo Losa

Support staff

The work of the Affiliations Committee is supported by the Committee Support team of the Wikimedia Foundation.

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  • Ụzọ kachasị mma iji kpọtụrụ Kọmitii ahụ bụ ide ozi ịntanetị na affcom(_AT_)lists.wikimedia.org; biko rịba ama na Kọmitii nwere ike ịdị nwayọ na-aza ozi ịntanetị mgbe ụfọdụ, yabụ ọ bụrụ na ị nataghị nzaghachi nye ozi gị n'oge ezi uche dị na ya, zigara anyị ihe ncheta.
  • Ị nwere ike iso ma ọ bụ tweet kọmitii na Twitter: @WikimediaAffCom
  • Ị nwere ike iso ma ọ bụ degara kọmitii na Facebook: @WikimediaAffCom
  • Ị nwekwara ike ịkpọtụrụ ndị otu Kọmitii ahụ n'otu n'otu site na ịpị aha ndị ọrụ ha na oge n'elu; nwee onwe gị iji ibe okwu anyị na ozi ịntanetị maka ajụjụ ọ bụla metụtara isi, òtù isiokwu ma ọ bụ ìgwè ndị ọrụ.
  • Ị nwekwara ike ịhazi oku ekwentị (site na[[ :en:Skype |skype ma ọ bụ Google Hangouts) na ndị otu Kọmitii ahụ.

Resources for New Affiliates
Thematic Organizations
User Groups

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