AI 桑娜
AvoinGLAM邀请开放文化的倡导者和开放生态系统的创造者,与芬兰的1美元(画廊、图书馆、档案馆和博物馆)、研究项目和公司一起,展望人工智能时代开放文化的未来。活动将在5月6-7日于Helsinki 举行。 紧接着,5月3日至5日Tallinn 的Wikimedia hackathon之后。在为期两天的活动中,将听取参与者的启发演讲,探讨共同的主题,并在第二天的研讨会上就这些主题开展工作。
我们希望邀请来自开放生态系统、记忆机构、学术界和科技行业的技术开发人员、遗产专家、政策倡导者和决策者参加。会议最多可容纳 100 人,我们的目标是确保所有群体的平等代表性。每个人都很重要,我们感谢您的参与!
5月6日星期一: 获得灵感
10:00-13:00上午的启发式讲座在National Archives of Finland的旧阅览室拉开了活动的序幕。 发言者名单尚未最终确定。
- Osma Suominen, National Library of Finland
- Eero Hyvönen, HELDIG
- Fiona Romeo, Culture & Heritage, Wikimedia Foundation
- Johan Jönsson, Future Audiences, Wikimedia Foundation
- George Oates, Flickr Foundation
- Connor Benedict, Creative Commons
- Alicja Peszkowska, Open Future
- Kaj Arnö & Robert Silén, Maria DB Foundation & Projekt Fredrika
This part of the program is streamed.
14:00–18:00 In the afternoon we continue at the National Archives of Finland and generate ideas and scenarios for encountering future developments of AI and ideate activities for the next day.
- Getting to know each other
- Familiarizing with materials, tools, and proposed projects
- Generating ideas, topics and perspectives
- Forming working teams
Sauna and sea pool
Tuesday 7 May: Hack day
Hands-on working
The second day takes place at the URBAN3 space at Maria01. It is a playground for exploring the intersection of GLAM + Commons + AI. The participants may propose projects at the Project ideas page already and up until the hack day.
We are using the term hacking, which is usually used to talk about a coding event. However, the activity does not need to be technical. It can be small or big, well-planned or ad-hoc. It could be be testing, talking, learning, hacking, whichever is the best way for anyone to get a better understanding how AI works with cultural heritage collections.
Organized by
- AvoinGLAM
- Open Knowledge Finland
- Department of Computing / University of Turku
- National Library of Finland,Finna及Finto
- National Archives of Finland
- Tekoälykahvit
- Digitaalisen kulttuuriperinnön pyöreä pöytä
- Kirahub
- FIN-CLARIAH / Language Bank
- Helsinki City Museum
- Wikimedia Deutschland
- Creative Commons Open Culture Platform
- Wikimedia Foundation Culture and Heritage team
- MariaDB Foundation
- Projekt Fredrika
- Semantic Computing Research Group (SeCo)
- LaOficina Producciones Culturales
- Yle
- Open Future