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Cf.Election candidates 2006/UninvitedCompany/Ja
- To set up a decisionmaking structure rather than to make individual decisions itself
- それ自体で個々の決定をしていくというよりは、意思決定構造を設置すること。
- To review financial, legal, and personnel matters on an ongoing basis
- 進行中ベースでの財務的、法的、人事的問題の調査。
- To respect the independence of each project and language
- 各プロジェクト及び言語の独立の尊重。
- To refrain from major changes that could jeopardize the success we have already achieved
- すでに達成された成功を危険にさらし得る重大な変化を慎むこと。
- To advise officers, paid staff, and volunteers working for the Foundation
- 役員、雇用職員、ボランティアが財団のために働くことについて助言すること。
- To provide a financial and legal framework for the operation of Wikipedia and its sister projects
- ウィキペディアおよびその姉妹プロジェクトの事業のための、財務的、法的な枠組みの提供。
- To serve as a single voice to the public in matters such as press and donor relations where unity is important
- To support and empower appropriate leadership within each project while maintaining our community-driven traditions
- Identification of one or more "foundation contacts" for each project in each language
- 各言語の各プロジェクトでの1つ以上の「foundation contacts」の識別。
- More extensive and more organized use of volunteers to deal with the daily work of the Foundation
- 財団の日々の仕事を処理するボランティアの、より大規模かつより組織化された使用。
- Increased focus on accurate and timely internal communications
- 正確でタイムリーな内部コミュニケーションの増加した焦点。
- Most such projects should ultimately become independent of the U.S.-based foundation (in 5-10 years)
- 大多数のそのようなプロジェクトは最終的に、アメリカを基礎とした財団からの独立を(5-10年以内に)遂げるはずです。
- Trusted leadership in each language should be cultivatived, that shares the core values of freely redistributable content, NPOV, and openness
The background I bring to the board includes:
- 私が理事となる背景が含んでいるもの。
- Three years of participation in the English Wikipedia including an ongoing interest in policy and governance
- Prior participation in the board of directors of the Wesleyan Broadcast Association, Inc., a non-profit corporation that operated radio station WESU-FM
- Prior paid employment as a corporate officer in a U.S. business which gave me a degree of familiarity with the legal, financial, tax, and corporate structure issues that face the Foundation
- Some prior international travel, mainly in Spain and Mexico since I speak some Spanish
- Technical background in software development and IT
- ソフトウェア開発の技術的背景と情報技術。
Some things I wish I could bring to the board but can't:
- 理事になれたらやりたいが、できないこと。
- I respect the international nature of the Foundation and wish I could speak fluently in langauges other than English
- I dislike travel and live in an out-of-the-way place. Though I am prepared to engage in some travel if elected, I may not be able to attend all board-related events in person
- 私は旅行が嫌いで、辺鄙な場所に住んでいます。理事に選出されたら出かけていくようにする覚悟はしていますが、全ての理事会がらみのイベントに自ら出席することはできないかもしれません。
- As important as Wikipedia is to me, I cannot let it become my full time job.
- ウィキペディアは私にとって重要なものではありますが、それをフルタイムの仕事とすることはできません。